
3-stone gals?


Jun 19, 2010
Tell me why you love your 3-stones. I want to reset mine because I've never really been in love with my setting as it is, but I love the finger coverage of a 3-stone as well. Although I'm worried I would regret my decision because it may make my center stone seem smaller. Why oh why must I be so indecisive?? (You don't really have to answer that last one)
I will come back and give an answer later this week. I am awaiting my new Sholdt 3 stone semi-bezel ring, which promises to deliver on the finger coverage for my size 8 finger! :bigsmile:
I didn't set out to have a three stone ring. I was at the jewelers one day and just started trying some of them on for fun. I loved the extra bling they provided and next thing I knew I was having my stone reset. I have since purchased another three stone mounting from PrecisionSet AND upgraded the other stone. I would have a hard time now giving up the three stone coverage.

I think they can make the center stone seem smaller but my sidestones are quite a bit smaller than my center - I just wanted accent stones rather than a traditional three stone look. Most jewelers can set a similar size stone to your center on a three stone mounting to give you some idea of the look. My best advice is to try on as many rings as you can before you make a choice!
My mom's three-stone (and I'm sorry, but no photos) is a family heirloom of sorts. The middle is a one-carat stone for the 45th anniversary, one half-carat was for the 17th anniversary and the other half-carat was in her dad's Masonic ring.
MissGotRocks said:
I didn't set out to have a three stone ring. I was at the jewelers one day and just started trying some of them on for fun. I loved the extra bling they provided and next thing I knew I was having my stone reset. I have since purchased another three stone mounting from PrecisionSet AND upgraded the other stone. I would have a hard time now giving up the three stone coverage.

I think they can make the center stone seem smaller but my sidestones are quite a bit smaller than my center - I just wanted accent stones rather than a traditional three stone look. Most jewelers can set a similar size stone to your center on a three stone mounting to give you some idea of the look. My best advice is to try on as many rings as you can before you make a choice!

I was planning on using my 2.5 and then have a .5 carat on each side so that the center stone can still be a focal point. I do love the finger coverage.
I LOVE my three stone ring, I really like the look and the finger coverage, although I think mine is more 'side stones' than a 'three stone'


slg47 said:
I LOVE my three stone ring, I really like the look and the finger coverage, although I think mine is more 'side stones' than a 'three stone'



You ring is very pretty - I like the combo of the stones!
athenaworth said:
MissGotRocks said:
I didn't set out to have a three stone ring. I was at the jewelers one day and just started trying some of them on for fun. I loved the extra bling they provided and next thing I knew I was having my stone reset. I have since purchased another three stone mounting from PrecisionSet AND upgraded the other stone. I would have a hard time now giving up the three stone coverage.

I think they can make the center stone seem smaller but my sidestones are quite a bit smaller than my center - I just wanted accent stones rather than a traditional three stone look. Most jewelers can set a similar size stone to your center on a three stone mounting to give you some idea of the look. My best advice is to try on as many rings as you can before you make a choice!

I was planning on using my 2.5 and then have a .5 carat on each side so that the center stone can still be a focal point. I do love the finger coverage.

That would be my kind of sizing! Who or where would you think about getting the ring from?
I'm madly in love with Yssi's setting from WF (who isn't, right?) so i was going to get it from them. Although I have to save up (the money and the courage to talk to DH about a reset)
Can't blame you there - it is a stunning ring!
-horizontal finger coverage
-suits my finger shape: I have long skinny fingers, but they aren't particularly shapely - the busier threestone looks proportional w/ my finger length but draws attention away from actual finger shape, whereas I think solitaires rather highlight that shape by leaving the skin to the sides of the stone visible (or easily envisioned) from top-down
-I think it lets you get a bigger centrestone without the piece looking overly ostentatious, because the sidestones really do detract from the size and "wow-factor" of the centre

-well, the sidestones take away from the size and wow-factor of the centre :halo:
-more expense that's not being funnelled into either centrestone or setting, which might be tough to swallow
-limits your band options somewhat: as threestones are busier than plain-shanked solitaires, wedding band/accessory bands must be that much simpler

I too love my threestone, but I've been a threestoner from day one so my opinions are biased ;)) I definitely ditto trying rings on and seeing what styles you like best on your finger. But I gotta say, a 2.5/.5/.5 sounds delicious :bigsmile:

ETA: I just read your last post - I'm flattered ::)
It seems there are two types of the three-stone rings. 1)where the second and third stones are of the same shape as the center and either the same size or proportionally smaller. 2) where the second and third stones are really more accent stones of varying sizes. one or the other might be better depending on budget and finger size. For example: if you need coverage but are watching the budget you might want long baguettes or tapered baguettes OR if money is no object and you have, say a round 2 carat you could have it flanked by one carats.
This is the WB I have. I thought it was subtle enough to work with a 3-stone, but now I'm not sure. And I've posted a pic of my current setting just for reference.


Anyone else wanna chime in?