
My Experience with CvB


Apr 20, 2017
In the past 3 years I have done over 8 projects with CvB. In all, it amounted to over $25K worth of work with her, both custom and "off the rack." Every project was delayed including shipping of premade pieces. I believed that her work was worth it. I no longer do. The past 3 projects were drawn out to the point that I now even question her integrity.

1. I requested that a band I already had be remade into an eternity band in mid May 2018. After 2 months I texted her about it. I was told that stones were cut wrong and that it would be delayed. I finally received the band in September. I was frustrated but in the end I was pleased with the final product. My dissatisfaction stemmed from her not notifying me about the misscut stones. A simple text was deserved since the delay was significant. The project took 5 months.

2. I purchased a premade setting from CvB in May 2018. I did not decide on a stone until July 2018. CvB agreed to source a lab grown, rose cut emerald for the setting. Excuses were given on various reasons why the ring wasn't ready until January 2019. Not once did CvB contact me on any delays in sourcing the stone. I always had to reach out only to hear excuses ranging from ugly stones, a busy season for the bench, illness, to the bench being on vacation. Finally, after she realized that I wasn't pleased with a 6 month wait to source and set a lab emerald in a premade setting, she told me that the ring had been stolen from the FedEx package that her bench had shipped to her. I seriously questioned this and requested a refund. 7 months and no ring in the end.

3. In December 2017 I purchased a 1.3 ct rose cut diamond from CvB to be set in one of her designs. I told her that I would like it to be sent to GIA before being set. When I received the completed ring along with the GIA dossier, I noticed that the clarity grading was I1 but the stone was completely eye clean. I was puzzled and asked her about it. She replied that whoever graded the stone must have had a bad day and that she even thought about sending it back to GIA. She never told me this before finishing and shipping the ring to me. I left it alone but it definitely bothered me that she didn't notify me of the results before setting the stone. It was always in the back of my mind. A few months later I had the ring sized by a local jeweler. They mentioned that resizing the ring was precarious due to the grade setting feather on the dossier. At that time I finally realized why a completely eyeclean stone was graded I1. It is my fault that I didn't pursue it further when I initially received the dossier. However, I had completed multiple projects with CvB and trusted her judgement. I believe that I was led astray on this purchase.

There are several other red flags that I chose to ignore because I loved her designs, the major one being that she isn't able to defend herself on Pricescope. Warning signs of note are the numerous posts throughout PS that have alluded to her unprofessionalism and poor communication. I have personally been witness to disparaging remarks made by CvB about another client. That alone was very uncomfortable to me. I have also been contacted by others outside of PS who have had negative experiences as well. It is too much to overlook. I will no longer ignore flags by any vendor. It isn't worth it. I have tried my best to stay with facts here but emotion tends to seep in when discussing jewelry. I am human and the CvB pieces I have are tainted in my mind by these experiences.

I have been urged numerous times to post my experiences with CvB but have fearfully hesitated because of the backlash that is often received when discussing her. It borders on bullying. The drama that follows her is most often self imposed due to her lack of professionalism, her poor customer service, and her ethics. I realize this is a very strong condemnation but this is an honest review about my first hand experience with CvB. I feel it's necessary to express my truth for the sake of both other PSers and those who read but don’t post. I wish an honest and forthright critical review was available prior to my proceeding.
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Jun 8, 2008
@ceg I am so sorry you had unpleasant experiences with CVB and I appreciate (as I am sure many others do) you having the courage to share these experiences. You are right that some people here defend their vendors with a passionate fervor at times that borders on the extreme.

However, this forum is about sharing and helping fellow PSers achieve their dream bling and your willingness to share your experiences is true to the spirit of this board. IMO.

Thank you for sharing your honest and direct review.


Apr 20, 2017
@ceg I am so sorry you had unpleasant experiences with CVB and I appreciate (as I am sure many others do) you having the courage to share these experiences. You are right that some people here defend their vendors with a passionate fervor at times that borders on the extreme.

However, this forum is about sharing and helping fellow PSers achieve their dream bling and your willingness to share your experiences is true to the spirit of this board. IMO.

Thank you for sharing your honest and direct review.

Thank you @missy. It means a lot to me.


Feb 24, 2017
If other people don’t like you posting your experiences, that’s their problem @ceg.

I too would find it unreasonable to wait that long, with little or no communication. Ultimately, if after reading negative reviews of a vendor, people chose to go ahead, they can’t say they weren’t warned.


Jan 26, 2019
@ceg Thanks for the review. CvB is currently setting a stone for me so crossing my fingers! Were you able to successfully get a full refund for lab emerald ring? Why is CvB unable to defend herself on Pricescope? - I'm not familiar with the history here. Thanks!


Oct 19, 2013
Thank you for sharing.
It does help others choose. And not always in the way one might immediately think.

I will use myself as an example. I didn't work well with YR on a project. If multiple others had expressed their recent past experiences with her beforehand on here ( other than saying she was 'blunt speaking, no fluff') I could have handled and accepted and adapted to the situation better, by knowing up front of those and other numerous issues. And persevered. And would have had a lovely jeweley item from her in the end. Without all the hard feelings attached.
I look at this as the same as id be ok handing off the phone to my husband for Mege to speak to. Because I knew in advance, and knew I could move on and ultimately be able to own a jewelry piece of his and love it.

As for the disparaging remarks about other clients- that is a different ballgame. I dunno. Not asking for details, don't want them, but it depends.

So - to that end - thank you for sharing.


Oct 19, 2013
As for the rose cut- I'm confused.
Did your local jeweler actually locate the I1 feather and deem it sketchy?
Or were they just going off off the dossier and trusting it?
Neverthe less it shouldn't have made it to production without your approval first, let alone shipped to you.


Apr 20, 2017
As for the rose cut- I'm confused.
Did your local jeweler actually locate the I1 feather and deem it sketchy?
Or were they just going off off the dossier and trusting it?
Neverthe less it shouldn't have made it to production without your approval first, let alone shipped to you.

I am not entirely sure. I was told it was precarious to size due to the feather. I assume the feather is under the bezel since it is a totally eyeclean I1.


Jan 3, 2013
@ceg I also want to thank you for having the courage to post this honest review. I sincerely hope you don’t receive the wrath of her fans. I am truly sorry that your pieces from her, and very expensive ones at that, hold such bad feelings for you. That’s very sad, jewelry is supposed to bring us joy and not at all be tainted by negativity. I do hope you have found peace with the beautiful jewelry, or passed them on, and I appreciate your post.


Jan 29, 2012
Thank you for posting this. I’m very sorry for your recent experience with CvB. I can’t imagine waiting that long for a project to be completed...especially when you were obviously a great & repeat client. I think you would have been far more understanding if she had reached out to you instead of you always having to reach out to her. Communication is key to any successful relationship. Though to be completely honest, 5+ months is way too long to wait for a completed project so communication alone would not have been enough for me.

It can be extremely nerve wracking to share an unpleasant experience here...regardless of who the vendor is. I think, in the current PS environment, it takes courage and I’m very impressed you’re standing up for yourself and for what’s right. PS is a consumer board. People come here for inspiration, recommendations, and reviews. That’s why it’s so important that we maintain an atmosphere that allows for honest feedback.
Kudos to you. :clap:


Apr 20, 2017
@ceg Thanks for the review. CvB is currently setting a stone for me so crossing my fingers! Were you able to successfully get a full refund for lab emerald ring? Why is CvB unable to defend herself on Pricescope? - I'm not familiar with the history here. Thanks!

Good luck to you! I am sure it will be beautiful. I did get a full refund. CvB was banned from ps for violations of the ps trade policy.


Jul 20, 2012
@ceg I'm so sorry you had that experience & applaud your candid review.

No doubt it is a very unfortunate situation for those affected negatively. Sorry you fell into that group @ceg....


Aug 12, 2005
Thank you so much for posting this review. As Kenny used to say, "sunlight is the best disinfectant." I don't use that quote lightly here--I am using it because I think that as a site that proclaims itself to advocate for consumers, I believe there should be more balance between fanpeople/designer du jour and real-life, actual experiences--positive AND negative. I'm sure this wasn't easy for you. Don't sweat any flack you get for it.


May 23, 2016
I have worked with Caysie and am a great fan of her vision and style. I really hope I’ve never made anyone feel bullied in threads discussing her and I wholeheartedly apologise if I have. I think it can only be a positive for everyone if this site reflects the full gamut of people’s experiences, to help all users make informed decisions that fit best with their specific priorities. So thank you and I hope the negative emotions currently attached to your CvB pieces fade so that you can enjoy them as part of your stunning, curated collection.
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Jul 12, 2015
I truly appreciate your courage and candor, @ceg! Although I admire Caysie's talent and artistic vision, after my recent experience in working with her I too have some legitimate concerns. My experience was nothing as egregious as what you went through, but aspects of your post sound eerily familiar, as there were significant delays for a very simple project accompanied by very sparse communication (even after pinging her every few weeks). I hesitated to post anything on PS because I only have a single experience from which to draw, but that is why your honesty in sharing your experiences is so valuable, as you have been a repeat customer and you have a wealth of information to share. The selection of a vendor is a very individual and personal one, so everyone should feel free to exercise their prerogative in that regard. However, it is important for all of us on PS to make informed choices. I wanted to keep an open mind and give Caysie a chance, and I did just that, but after my recent experience I can assure that I will be taking my future business to other vendors. I am so sorry that you have had to go through all of this, and again, thank you so much for sharing!!


Apr 20, 2017
I truly appreciate your courage and candor, @ceg! Although I admire Caysie's talent and artistic vision, after my recent experience in working with her I too have some legitimate concerns. My experience was nothing as egregious as what you went through, but aspects of your post sound eerily familiar, as there were significant delays for a very simple project accompanied by very sparse communication (even after pinging her every few weeks). I hesitated to post anything on PS because I only have a single experience from which to draw, but that is why your honesty in sharing your experiences is so valuable, as you have been a repeat customer and you have a wealth of information to share. The selection of a vendor is a very individual and personal one, so everyone should feel free to exercise their prerogative in that regard. However, it is important for all of us on PS to make informed choices. I wanted to keep an open mind and give Caysie a chance, and I did just that, but after my recent experience I can assure that I will be taking my future business to other vendors. I am so sorry that you have had to go through all of this, and again, thank you so much for sharing!!

Thank you for sharing as well. I am sorry that you had a similar experience. My priority in posting was for others to be able to make informed decisions.


Aug 18, 2013
There are several other red flags that I chose to ignore because I loved her designs, the major one being that she isn't able to defend herself on Pricescope. Warning signs of note are the numerous posts throughout PS that have alluded to her unprofessionalism and poor communication. I have personally been witness to disparaging remarks made by CvB about another client. That alone was very uncomfortable to me. I have also been contacted by others outside of PS who have had negative experiences as well. It is too much to overlook. I will no longer ignore flags by any vendor. It isn't worth it. I have tried my best to stay with facts here but emotion tends to seep in when discussing jewelry. I am human and the CvB pieces I have are tainted in my mind by these experiences.

I don't have a dog in this hunt, never having done a piece with CvB, but I do know of a snarky email she wrote about a good friend of mine - a well known ex-PSer - and then accidentally sent to said PSer by mistake. We've all done stupid things, and not every vendor and client is a good fit, but this snafu was difficult to ignore and it gave me pause. I have to be honest, tho, the main reason I've never done a project with CvB is just artistic difference; not being a fan of the very ornate, Edwardian look.

@ceg, I hope in the future you can find a craftsman whose aesthetic you like as much, but with whom you feel more comfortable. Big (((hugs))) to you!


Jul 31, 2014
@ceg thank you for being honest and brave. Stories like yours (which I've heard both on and off the board) are eerily similar and all too common for me to be willing to work with her. Yet when I say that, I have experienced anger/disparaging remarks. This kind of stuff is exactly why we all need to be open to hearing experiences (both good and bad) about vendors, and not jump to blame consumers if they critizise a vendor we like. Imho that fear is a big reason why I've heard these stories off the boards. Bc ppl don't want to say anything here. Which only causes others to be unaware of potential issues/risks.

You are awesome for sharing your truth, thank you!!! I hope others do the same.


Feb 12, 2018
I've never worked with CvB before so no dog in this hunt for me either, but I really do appreciate the honest review and I am sure it will help others make an informed decision about whether Caysie is the right vendor for them.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
PS testimonials are great feedback and I think your testimonial holds a lot of weight because you have done multiple projects with this vendor. I have never used this vendor but have long admired her work. With that said your testimonial will help others who have her source a diamond in that they can specify what GIA grade they accept before committing, and to agree on a time frame for a completed piece.


Sep 8, 2009
Caysie has made two pieces for me too. The process was not easy. It was long, drawn out with many excuses.

Thank you ceg for sharing your experiences.


Jul 20, 2012
I've spend last night & the better part of the afternoon writing, checking, and editing my soon-to-be post & thought what the heck. I could share my CvB experience also, but it'd just be another dashed dreams blow-by-blow thread of the same thing/different day/different client.

It's such a disappointing thing to go through, & @ceg, & others, I mean no disrespect for your post(s). Rather, my words are directed solely at the situation and CvB. I don't think she realizes just how much of an impact her actions have had on her ex-clients. If she truly understood, I would hope she'd make the necessary changes.

I haven't even posted a SMTB thread yet. To be honest, I'm still upset about how she handled everything in my case.

@ceg @alpha28 @Bonfire @carbonfan & others who may fall into this not-so-good experience with CvB category: my heart goes out to all of you...
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