
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2016
Kristie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :appl:

Missy, oh that is fantastic news! Made my day!!


Jan 23, 2016
Good late Sunday girls! :wavey:

I have been working a lot lately, so needed a break from my computer this weekend, lol. But before I forget, I want to continue what you so wisely started CJ, but Scandinavian style. So:

CJ, Thank you for always being so kind and sweet and giving. Thank you for your always sweet feedbacks and for being your very lovely you.

Missy, Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for including me here, and for making me welcome and feel like I want to stay. Thank you for being a real friend even if it is via the internet. Thank you for being a true sweetheart and an angel to animals.

Gipsy, Thank you for being your very direct you. Thank you for making me feel like you understand me. Thank you for being so helpful and caring towards all you meet. Thank you for Grumpy/Houdini/Harry.

Kristie, Thank you for being so honest and kind and caring. Thank you for making me laugh and understand better at the same time with your very direct and always on point comments and insight and understanding. Thank you for understanding my dog obsession.

Jimmianne, Thank you for always caring and caring enough even from so far away that you are reading even when you can not post. Thank you for being there for all your many animals and humans alike. Thank you for your fantastic short hand comments when you travel, they are wonderful. Thank you for doing the right thing for your animals. Thank you for always trying to help.

Marcy, Thank you for understanding about crazy work and people. Thank you for your wonderful humour that can always brighten any day. Thank you for Snoopy and killer rabbits and bears. Thank you for always making me hungry and appreciate food.

Callie, Thank you for being my shopping partner in crime. Thank you for always being so very generous in your comments. Thank you for always making me smile.

Rainwood, Thank you for being so strong and caring and sharing. Thank you for being a good example to us all. Thank you for your wisdom and life truths.

LLJsmom, Thank you for being so honest and open and supporting. Thank you for inspiring me to live a healthy life.

June, Thank you for always thinking of others even when you are going through more than enough on your own. Thank you for being so kind.

ALL, Thank you for being you and for always being honest and having great humour and being supportive and more than all - thank you for including me her the way that you did.


PS: blond bambi on ice story - coming up tomorrow...


Feb 27, 2007

Since I post late in the day - Happy Birthday Kristie!!!! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: I know it’s tomorrow but that way I’ll be early instead of late.

Missy, I love a happy ending. I am delighted to hear all the kitties are in Nevada and will be reunited soon. J&P are awesome and her SIL. I can’t believe how close Christmas is either. I was happy to get our decorations up this weekend though. They always make me smile. Then about January 1st I am pretty sick of them. Laundry took me longer yesterday than it should - I kept forgetting to start the washer or dryer. I have no idea what my problem was there. Great pictures from your outings. Your birthday poem for Kristie is awesome.

Scandi, thank you for all the wonderful things you said about the NIRDIs (and me). Looking forward to the Blonde Bambi story.

I have been pretty lazy today. I am reading the latest Micheal Connelly book and spent most of my day reading it. I am about 80% finished so I hope I can get through the rest of it tonight. Of course watching the Broncos will probably interfere with my reading plans.

Marty got the drawers done for the cupboard we keep our bowls and plastic storage containers. He said it’s not his best work but I think I’ll love it. He had the bottom drawer done this summer but the top one wouldn’t fit because he didn’t account for the hinges on the doors. They slide a little bit hard but they will probably ease up with use.

I was going to run a few errands today but it was raining and snowing when I got up so I stayed home. My car is clean and I wanted to keep it that way.

Marty is going to go down tomorrow and pay the sales tax on my car and pay for our license plates. My temporary plates expire tomorrow.

Have a great week.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi. I'm in hiding in my shell mode. Emotionally feeling overwhelmed so I am being a turtle for right now.

Coming out of my shell to wish you a Happy Birthday Kristie!!

Hope it was a good one! ((HUGS)) to all.

ETA: Just say Scandi's post above. Scandi, I adore you. Seriously. You have the biggest cleanest heart. (((HUGS))))


Dec 9, 2013
Happy Birthday, Mme K!
Wishing you All the Best!

Wow just wow
What a wonderful post.
Sending you love, and reflecting back to you the good vibes
you bestowed on us all.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls!

Missy, pies and nieces and you and Greg and your parents - all equally beautiful! Re that other picture of you and your mom - I hope you know how much she adores you! It is very clear in that picture :)

Marcy, do you like that book? What is it called? I love to curl up and read for a whole day. I think I will do that during Christmas.

Our house is ... not exactly finished, lol. So we will do Christmas eve at my dad's (with the whole family) and then probably head for the mountain and skiing a few days later if the weather permits. It should be fun, we will have to get a snow mobile taxi for DH/bags/kids whilst I ski in with furbaby (she is scared of the snow mobiles, and I like it that way, keeps her safe from being hit by one)

LLJsmom, you are so lucky that DD made cake, sugar overload or not. Think of all the wonderful cakes in years to come if she likes making them :bigsmile:

Jimmianne, :wavey: missy you! And you are way too kind!

Gypsy, hope the shell you are hiding in is warm and comfortable. Then again - how could it not be with all those kitties in there...? :halo: I do kind of assume you would take the kitties into hiding with you ;))

CJ, how are you?

June, are you back from the beach? Hope you had a fantastic time!

Callie, come here for your next holiday! We can go shopping! :bigsmile: Probably better shops where you live, but still :bigsmile:

Kristie, happy birthday - was it today? Wish there was a "smiley" here for party and champagne and festive hats that explodes with glitter! You deserve it :)

Rainwood, how are you doing? Did you have a nice weekend? City or island? And how is it at the island in winter? Cosy or cold?

Oh - almost forgot Blonde Bambi story.. and that just will not do! LOL

You all know the story about Bambi and Thumper on ice, right?

Well. I was out in the forest with furbaby and my dad on Saturday. Wonderful day, so sunny and crisp. Furbaby found a bird, and did everything right (WHY oh why can she not do that when we are competing???) and my dad shot the bird for her (Missy, please try to ignore that part, ok, the bird did not suffer and will taste very amazing with cream sauce..) whilst she just stood quite still beside him, didn't even look like she had ever in her life considered running after a bird that took flight... . So for the Bambi part. The bird fell down over a ice covered lake. But the lake is quite big, so the ice is not solid/safe yet. So I *screamed* at furbaby as she set out after the bird, but she did not listen. So I threw everything I was carrying towards my dad and started running after her. Then my dad started screaming at me instead of furbaby, lol. But the lake is not so deep until you get further out, so I should probably be safe even if I fell through the ice, but furbaby would have been in a lot of trouble if the ice gave way under her. But the day was such a nice day - remember? :lol: So the ice had melted somewhat and now there was about half an inch of water on top of the ice... Oh my.... I had to get down on all four to be able to move forward without falling... so I must have been quite a sight.. my dad was laughing so hard he stopped screaming at me even.. I was paddling my way forward on all four with furbaby running around because she was acting like she was trying to show me the way... :lol: Then she kind of remembered that I had been shouting for her to get off the ice, so she left me out there.. and went to sit with my dad whilst I kept wobbling around. My dad is still *so* upset - that he forgot to get it on film... :shock: :lol:



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Cyber Monday.

Kristie, I am so glad you enjoyed the birthday poem even though it was a couple of days early. I wanted you to enjoy it before your hectic day tomorrow. And heck yes that is our new theme song. It's perfect isn't it? LOL we gotta live while we can enjoy it! :appl:

Marcy, thank you! I love a happy ending too. Fingers crossed the kitties reunite easily and they remain healthy and happy. It was a long journey that is for sure. Quick pic of Zeke from yesterday.


I'm glad you had a lazy day yesterday and are enjoying that book. Haha about the laundry. I occasionally lapse about hitting the wash and/or dry cycle myself. It happens to the best of us. :lol: Glad Marty finished the drawers for you and I hope you love it. Getting your permanent plates for the car soon woohoo. Have a good Monday Marcy.

Scandi, I am glad I knew the ending of your story LOL or I would have been extremely worried! Glad you are OK! Thank you for all the lovely things you said about all of us. (((HUGS))). Your Christmas plans sound very lovely and soon your new house will be finished so next year you can spend the holidays there.

Hey Rainwood, hope you had a great getaway and lovely visit. Miss you.

Hi Gypsy, I get you wanting to be a turtle for now. Sending more good wishes and hugs your way. So happy Harry is doing well!

CJ, hope all is well and that you had a good holiday and that things went smoothly.

We went to the Twin Lights in the Highlands yesterday and it was scary (for me) climbing steep narrow stairs and then a steep ladder to get to the top. And let's just say that handrails were not abundant. :lol: Sharing some pics from our day yesterday. We are heading back to the city today. How does Monday get here so darn fast all the time...sigh....






Jun 8, 2008
A few more pics and then I am off to get ready for the day. 3rd photo is Bobby admiring the beautiful colors in the sky last night (excuse the perspective as I was too lazy to get off the couch to take a proper photo without the window pane in the way sorry!) just before the sun set and last pic is from the security camera yesterday capturing the clouds red handed. :lol: I am obsessed with clouds lately. ;))

Have a great day girls! :wavey:






Jan 23, 2016
MISSY, OMG I cannot believe I forgot to tell you! I was so very happy to read about Zeke, Yoshi and Theo. SIL is the best, and it looks like they are all going to end up rather comfortably ;)) Such good news !!! And whilst J&P and SIL are wonderful and this would not have happened without them - *please* remember - this would not have happened without *you*. You have done so amazing Missy. And just looking at that little one in front of the fire place - reminds me of their alternative and I'm overwhelmed by all you have done for some that were not even yours to keep.


Jan 23, 2016
Oh, and I just have to ask because I just don't speak cat.. Why do they need to be reintroduced? Don't they remember eachother? Well off course they do. But...? (sorry, just really really don't know cats..)


Jul 1, 2014
Hello My Fellow NIRDI Babes, and thank you guys so so much for all the good birthday ju ju you are sending my way! :lol: :D :sun:

I get my rose gold plated Coach watch tomorrow. Had Costco chocolate layer cake yesterday with my birthday lunch and THEN I THREW IT IN THE GARBAGE so that I did not eat more than 1 piece! Boy was that piece good, :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tomorrow is the actual day---and we are having Finn's oral surgery tomorrow. It was the only day I could get the best people (vet and techs) and get Finn first on the schedule too, so the 29th was just the best day for him. (And for the rest of my sweet NIRDI girls, always remember that for elective surgery meaning you can plan it ahead of time, always have it early in the week so if you need any assistance whatsoever, or if you have a complication, the right docs/nurses/PAs are working---having surgery Thursday or Friday means if you need something you get the emergency room OR the "D" team who is working the weekend.)

So please give Finn your best good thoughts tomorrow for his oral surgery!!!

And we broke the Thanksgiving Finn Curse this year! (The past 2 years he was really sick.) Of course, I would not let Bob give them baths this weekend :snooty: because year 2 injury came when they were playing after bath time. Taking no chances this year!


Jul 1, 2014
Scandi, I would have crawled right out on that ice after Finn or Maggie so I'm not surprised to hear that you did after your sweet girl. They just GO when instinct takes over, its amazing but scary when it leads them into a dangerous situation. I cannot believe your dad failed to get it on video!! This is something that really separates those of us who are NOT millennials from those of us who are: GET THE VID!!!

Did you take her home and warm her up? Heck, you too?


Mar 29, 2005
Hello, NIRDI's!!! I won't even try to catch up to everything that's gone on as it's been a couple of weeks. I spent the first week sorting out how I want to live my post-election life (yes, I really did) and I spent Thanksgiving week in San Francisco and just outside of Santa Cruz with family.

Missy, I'm so glad to see Yoshi and Zeke are now in LV with Theo!! So wonderful they all made it out alive. You and the people in LV are like a feline SWAT team! Those cats owe their lives to you and the other wonderful people involved. And I was glad to see the photo of your parents at your house and smiling on Thanksgiving. It must have been so scary for everyone when they were in the car accident. And I love to see virtual pies - especially Greg's - as I can enjoy them without being tempted. I had a small slice of apple pie on the T'day and a very small slice of homemade almond tart the day before, but otherwise stayed away from sweets. I am trying to kick added sugar and I'm now in week 4 and it does get easier. I'm now at the point where I want and can have the occasional dessert or sweet, but I don't crave it like I used to. And your poems are heartfelt and so sweet.

Jimmianne, I'm looking forward to all your house and cooking class stories as well as regaling us with tales of France.

Scandi, your gratitude post was lovely and touching. Thank you. And I totally understand you going out on the ice. I tend to act first and think later when someone I love may be in trouble so I'd have done exactly the same!

CJ, I'm sorry I didn't see your other thread in time because, frankly, there was some terrible advice in there. People experience loss in different ways, and we also experience the various kinds of losses in different ways. Losing a spouse is not like losing parents or grandparents or friends or pets so I knew any advice that was based on those kinds of losses would mostly be bad and it was. One of the worst things you can say to a widow or a widower is 'How are you doing?' It puts them in almost an impossible position on how to respond. If you say 'I'm fine' or 'I'm okay,' you're not telling the truth and if you answer how devastated or broken or alone you feel, people don't know how to respond. If it's the first time you've seen them since the death, it's much better to say something simple like 'I'm so sorry' and if you think you can muster it, follow that with 'It must be so hard.' That's it. The next time, something like 'I'm so glad to see you. I've been thinking of you.' Do not ask someone what they need because it puts the burden on them to figure it out. And never, ever, ever compare that person's loss to a death you've experienced or someone close to you has experienced. Their loss is their own and it's not like anyone else's. Take the lead from the widow or widower after that. If they're up for it, a brief story about the person they lost is sometimes appreciated, especially on how they made your life better or what you appreciated about them. And never promise to do something if there's a chance you won't follow through. Most people don't follow through and that's hurtful in its own way. So those are my thoughts on what to say.

Kristie, I hope one of your birthday presents is that Finn comes through fine and with the same number of teeth!! General anesthesia can be so worrisome when our pets get older.

Junie, hope all is going well and you had (or are still having) a relaxing time at the beach.

LLJ, are you running even faster and springier in your new running shoes? And what colors? I always find it hilarious as I'm walking around in black and tan and denim, but you look at my walking shoes and it looks like a rainbow threw up all over them.

Callie, hope all is well.

Gypsy, glad to hear Harry is getting introduced to the kitty clan even if it is just as a foster.

So a little about my trip before I sign off. We had some lovely weather in SF and walked through the Botanical Gardens:

The next day we went to the Asian Art Museum which was appropriate because we had tickets for 'The King and I' musical that night. I'll put photos from that in the next post.






Mar 29, 2005
And everyone else thought it was weird, but this was one of my favorite pieces of sculpture:

For you cat lovers:

And I don't want to leave all us dog lovers out:

And because this is PS, I should post a piece of jewelry. This brooch happens to be jadeite and diamonds:

I'll post more tomorrow.

I've been taking it easy the last few days as my trip ended with a bang - almost literally. I got on the plane and this elderly couple was sitting in the wrong seats - one of which happened to be mine. The airlines can be sticklers for people being in their ticketed seats plus the passenger sitting next to me hadn't arrived yet and would probably be as confused as I was so they got up to move and I didn't stop them. I was trying to help them move his opened water bottle to their correct seats across the aisle as he got one of their bags out of the overhead bin. It was a hard-sided suitcase and he ended up crashing it into the side of my head. I'm still nursing a bit of a headache and I'm still feeling a bit out of sorts so probably have a mild concussion. I did go out for a walk today and I don't have any other symptoms except the headache, the sort of off-kilter feeling, and a sore neck so don't need medical treatment, but I'm also trying to limit what I do other than I do plan to do yoga tonight to help my neck. It has helped in the past and my neck being out is probably part of the reason I feel off. But none of this stopped me from enjoying Cyber Monday so I think I'll live!

I'll post more photos tomorrow.






Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, some times staying safe and sound in our shell is the best place to be; it’s a good place to lick our wounds and find the strength to face the world again. Good luck!

Jimmianne, have a safe trip coming home.

Scandi, the book is called “The Wrong Side of Goodbye” and it was quite good. Micheal Connelly books really hold my attention. Your Christmas plans sound fabulous. I have many cherished Christmas memories of going to our mountain cabin on snow machines. Thank you for a trip down memory lane. Great story about your adventures on thin ice. Glad you and your furbaby are fine.

Missy, those stairs sound scary but what a view! Your photos are awesome. I love watching weather and clouds.

Kristie, I can’t wait to see your watch. I am glad you enjoyed your chocolate cake. It sounds delicious. Sending my best thoughts for Finn tomorrow.

Rainwood, great pictures. Oh no for getting hit in the head. Definitely take it easy and feel better.

It was tough going back to work today. I liked the 4 day weekend way better.

My new lady employee brought me her resignation letter this afternoon and said “bye”. She headed down to HR and then left. She told me couldn’t work under my boss; someone she doesn’t respect. Life is like a box of chocolates . . .

Marty must have started his own gym. 2 of his buddies are over here working out tonight. I should make up some sign in sheet and set fees. Ha!

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
Rain wood
Glad you had a good time in SF
Can't wait to see your photos
they don't come through on my phone.
It's such a beautiful place.

Marcy I'm so far behind I don't even know what your license plate says.

Heading for the airport hotel tonight. It's hard to know what to do with 3/4th of a day in a place you don't want to leave. I've said all my goodbyes, eaten all the pastries I can (and more!), shopped so much that I'm over it (household stuff), and accomplished everything I came to do.

Have a good day
I hope and see you on PS soon.


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, it sounds like you came, you saw and you conquered. I am glad you got so much accomplished while you are there. I haven't picked my personalized plates yet. I need to work on that soon.



Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia :wavey:

You girls post so many wonderful pictures I don't even know where to start!

Missy, that view always makes me totally lost for words!! That is one lucky cat :) Your walk looks wonderful! I do notice that you did not take a picture whilst you were on those stairs, lol.

Rainwood, nice to see you :) Your trip sounds amazing, so happy that I get to travel the world with you :)

Jimmyanne, safe flight, I'm looking forward to your stories and pictures :)

Kristie - tonns of good luck to Finn :halo: He is getting all my good wishes for today so there is none left for you ;)) I do hope you will have the best day possible. I also throw away things that are bad for me.. lol. Like honey. When I have used if for whatever, I have to throw away the rest or I'll end up eating it with a spoon...

Marcy, OH NO. I had such hopes for this one. Darn it. That must be really annoying. Wonder what happened to bring this on. Grrrrr on your behalf.

Gotta go. Gotta work. Christmas show at school today (why in November??), so working from home to be there on time. I'm so lucky to have had my name drawn for the committee.


Dec 9, 2013
Well I'll be darned
Suddenly I can post photos
Just something random I saw while surfing


Aug 8, 2005
Poking my head out of my shell to wave hello and to help Scandi translate dog to cat. Dogs, in my experience, are like beer. Some are simple, some are complex, and yes if you handle them wrong the bottle can explode... but over all, you open the bottle and it is ready to drink... and if you like some beer in general you like most beer, if not all. And of course you have your favorite types and think those are the best, but over all... beer is beer and it's all good.

Cats are more like wine. Some are simplier and some are more complex, and they don't explode when handled wrong so much as sour when they go bad. Some are ready to drink when you open the bottle, that's true... but MANY of them need a 'decanting' period. Even when meeting their siblings again. And while you have your favorites, as a wine drinker, you are well aware that what works for you may not work for others. And though many wines will work for the majority, there are some that definitely need a wine enthusiast to appreciate their charm.


Mar 29, 2005
Jimmianne|1480404261|4103350 said:

I think that's Mai Tai -pe of candidate!!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LOL Jimmianne, and Rainwood! That is "Mai Tai"-pe of candidate too. :lol: Love my dark and stormy and it would be nothing without the RUM. :whistle:

Good luck and safe travels Jimmianne, we are all sending safe travel dust your way!

Scandi, hahaha darn right I didn't take pics on those steep stairs. I kept thinking as I was climbing up (and then down) WTH am I doing here. I am so not an adventurous type person in any way. Not only was I born an old soul I think I was born an old lady. :oops: :lol:
Enjoy the Christmas show at school today. Christmas in November. Well I guess they are doing it before the Christmas rush? :cheeky:

And I almost forgot to answer your cats vs dogs questions. Each cat is different but here are some general characteristics. Cats are moodier and more like people that way. Zeke and Yoshi have been away from Theo for almost a full 2 months and they have all these different smells on them now and Theo is content in his new life and Z and Y intruding into his new home is stressful for him. Cats are sensitive with sensitive temperaments and need to be slowly acclimated to new environments and that includes any changes at all. Sounds a little bit, heck who am I kidding, a lot like, me :oops: :cheeky: and I guess that is why I identify so much with kitties. Though I am a huge dog lover as well. :!:

Chart and other info explaining pictured below. Hope that is helpful.
Gypsy I enjoyed your explanation too.

Marcy, I just love the clouds and the sky and they never take a bad pic unlike selfies and pics with people in them. I could literally spend hours just watching the sky. Well not hours but you kwim. I have a short attention span in my defense otherwise I could have spent hours watching the sky. :lol: I'm with you. I love long weekends and short work weeks and yes it is hard going back to work especially after a longer weekend. Oh no about your new employee. That is unfortunate. Sorry Marcy. Life is like a box of chocolates and I am allergic. :rolleyes: :cheeky:
Love home gyms. You never have to wait on line or deal with other people who are annoying. So sign me up too.

Rainwood, so glad you had a good visit! Ugh to your mild head concussion. I am so sorry. I hope your head is feeling all better today. Glad you aren't having too much difficulty kicking the sugar habit. I went cold turkey (to all added sugar and sweets) over 15 years ago or so and that was only difficult during the first few days/week if I remember correctly. And like you I have some sweets occasionally now and am OK with the cravings. So good luck with your progress and I think you are over the difficult part of kicking the habit. Sugar is a drug that is oh so sweet but oh so bad for us so good for you for beating it down. I'm glad you enjoyed the poems. Did you see my post election poem a number of pages back? I know it was corny but writing these poems helps me process feelings and such.

Thank you for the photos. I love seeing them and so happy you had a good time.

Kristie, happy birthday again and good luck to Finn today. I am thinking of you both all day and please let us know how it goes. (((HUGS))).

LLJsmom, I did some more closet cleaning out yesterday and I got so fed up I took almost everything in one of my closets and just put it in a bag to be donated without even trying anything on or looking through it carefully. I am just SICK of all the clothes I have that I don't even wear or even remember I have and that was that. I also tried on some black tie dresses I have in another one of my closets and OMG they all look awful on me. I know I am not fat but I look fat in these dresses and they are not flattering anymore on me. Greg said that is because I was too skinny before but it doesn't really make me feel better. So not only is my face flaring but now my body is rebelling. :knockout: And we watched the Gilmore Girls reunion/sequel and OMG Lauren Graham changed so much so what hope is there for us mere mortals? :blackeye: IDK why I am telling you this though you are in fantastic shape for a woman of any age and you are the exception to the rule. You go girl! :appl: Oh and I only have a few more big closets to go through now but I don't think I will have time today since my derm appointment will take up most of the day because both Greg and I have an appointment with David and you always wait for hours with him no matter the time of your appointment. Hope your holiday shopping is going well.

OK girls I have a dermatology appointment as does Greg this early AM and coincidentally yesterday we got some wonderful :cry: news. My Oracea is NO longer going to be covered under our medical insurance as of January. Period. Greg went to the benefits coordinator who said they are cutting costs and he unfortunately can't do anything about it like he was able to in the past. :cry: :blackeye: New insurance and no longer self pay for the firm. I am upset about this as Oracea is going to cost a lot of money and there is no generic. 50 mg Doxy is NOT the same thing and is microbial in action while Oracea is SUBmicrobial. HUGE difference to my health.

So we are going to have to suck it up and pay and it might be super expensive. I am afraid to check out how expensive right now but last I checked it was exorbitant. I cannot believe how Greg's firm is so cheap and I wonder if they are having financial difficulties and what this might mean for us and the future but ofc my dh tells me to stop worrying. BUT he was quite upset last night when he told me about this. He had hoped to resolve it before he had to let me know of the new health insurance and the Oracea policy. :blackeye:

OK have a great day girls and thinking good thoughts for everyone. Rainwood, please if your head/neck starts hurting more get it checked out and Kristie good luck today and hugs to all you lovely ladies. :wavey:





Jun 8, 2008
LOL just wanted to share this with you girls.



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, Gypsy: I have discovered something quite disturbing: I'm a dog. My dog is a cat.


Jun 17, 2009
Hiya everyone!

Missy, I am so very happy to hear the good and positive news about Theo, Zeke, and Yoshi. P, J, and her sil are angels on earth without a doubt but so are you, this wouldn't have come about if it wasn't for your efforts. I'm so glad everything seems to be falling into place, the kitties are in the home stretch :dance: Love their pics, they look like they're doing well.

Your pics are beautiful, I love clouds too and your pics of them are amazing. The houses on the water are really pretty. And the views you posted are gorgeous. I'm the same way with heights and I'm very impressed you made it! Love the pics of the water, how relaxing to look out your window and see that view.

Love the dog/cat cartoons, so funny and so true!

Marcy, omg, I'm so sorry about your employee! What the heck?!? Yikes, is your boss that bad? :cheeky: I guess she felt pretty strongly about it to just walk out like that. Ah well, life goes on and I hope you can find a decent replacement for her soon.

Love your Peanuts village! You have inspired me, I'm getting a Snoopy ornament for our tree.

I think it's great Marty had some company while he was working out, probably made it go faster for him - very funny about charging them! :D You might be on to something there.

Scandi, I love your beautiful comments about all the wonderful nirdis, and thank you for your nice words. You are a ray of sunshine in this thread, your positive attitude is inspiring and your great sense of humor had brightened my day on many occasions! So, so happy to have gotten to know you in this thread. It's so awesome that I have gotten the chance to know such a great person who lives so far away, I love the internet for that!

And I'm so glad you and your furbaby are ok!

Your Christmas plans sound wonderful, I am so glad you're going to get some down-time and will have a chance to relax with your family, you've been working so hard lately.

Kristie, I've been thinking about Finn all morning and hope he is making out ok today with his surgery. Thinking of you too, I know this is stressful and I hope he does well and you can relax and enjoy your birthday a little. Did you get your watch? I love rose gold, the marquise ring I had in the rose gold setting made me realize how beautiful it is.

Jimmianne, wishing you safe travels, I'm so glad your enjoyed your time in France so much! You've been missed, I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip.

Rainwood, so glad you had a good trip and the weather was nice - I love your pics, the Botanical gardens is a beautiful place and I do appreciate the bling pic! I am so sorry to hear about the incident on the plane, please take care of yourself and rest up, I hope you're feeling better soon.

Gypsy, big hugs to you, I get how you're feeling and I hope you're feeling better very soon. Hang in there.

Doing ok here but not great, I'm a little worried about my son, he's struggling a bit right now, having some social discomfort at work and some anxiety issues. Also have some estate stuff I've been putting off, I'm forcing myself to deal with it today. Would be nice to be worry-free for a while but unfortunately life doesn't seem to work like that!

Sending good thoughts to all, have a good day everyone!


Nov 26, 2013
Missy -

Oracea has a "savings" program like many other drug manufacturers. So if your drug plan does not cover a certain drug often times the drug manufacturer makes it available to patients at a "lower" cost. Google Oracea savings or the link above and see if you can print the card and chart out. Take them to pharmacy or call pharmacy and see what it would cost. Also doctors have the savings cards. Sometimes. If you knew this already, great.

Okay going back to lurkdom.

Good luck.



Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:

Gypsy and Missy
, thank you for your cat vs dog information! As I already warned you - I think I'm a dog. So thank you for all that helpful information... :lol: Basically, I love food, love driving, love treats, love walks, love attention and love cuddles. My furbaby of a dog however... Must be a cat... :shock: She thinks the whole world revolves around her. That food is an awful necessity. That treats should be approached with the utmost care - they are likely poisoned or at least horrible. That we live to walk her. That guests are intruders that steal her chair. That a leash is a torment and proof of her captivity. That the sun's warm rays are necessary for a god afternoon nap. That the windowsill is made for standing in. And that DH should not be allowed to talk to mommy unless she says so. :lol:

Missy, how awful about your insurance! That must be so annoying!! How did the dermatology appointment go for you and Greg? And I so had to laugh when you said you were born an old lady! I say the same thing about my DD. She was born with an old (and wise) soul. So she has always insisted on a hot water bottle at her feet in bed during winter :lol: But with all your cycling adventures, I would hardly say that you are not adventures or old ;)) but a lady - ? Oh yes you are! :halo:

The Christmas thing at school was dreadful. No, not really, just felt like it because I was tired. Carrying tables and chairs and children performing a play and and and.. Not always my thing. But the children did good, and DD was cute and happy, and that is what matters. Didn't eat any cake, not even the ones I made, because my stomach is not up for that kind of thing. Even "gluten free" is not always gluten free, especially not by the time everybody is finished using different knifes and kake shovels for this and that cake. And even though I only drank coffee (should be safe, right???) my stomach still acted up and I had to curl up in bed when we came home. Might be why I don't feel like it was a good day :lol: The teachers had forgotten to book for December, so to get the room with the stage for the show, we had to do it in November. I tried to say that we could skip the show, but they all thought I was joking :lol:

Back to you Missy. You are sooooo good for cleaning out your closets. I will have to do the same around Easter I guess. I'm dreading it already. Sometimes, I find that fashion has just changed, and with it our conception of what looks good on us. I know that happens for me sometimes. For example, I have this one pair of pants (rather slim ones, my dad used to say they looked like they had been sprayed on... :shock: ) that I LOVED when I was 18. I'm not throwing them out even if I never wear them, they give me a size point of reference :lol: I *know* I looked good when I was 18, and these pants - oh so many compliments back then. Now, I look like a fat walrus in them, even if they still fit me. Go figure. I blame it on their colour, they are white. 8-) :lol: 8-)

Rainwood, oh now to concussions and ill returned favours.. ! How are you doing? I hope you are feeling better or seeing a doctor if you are not.

June, you are *way* too kind as always!! Sorry to hear about your son! Is there anything we can do to help? I think it can often be a bit challenging to work with people who for example are different from yourself? Work is where you spend a lot of time, and your colleges are kind of your "forced on you" stepfamily sometimes. How did the estate stuff go? I don't know a "worry free" world either, but I just try to pretend.. :lol:

On that note - the house is getting more delayed every day. I'm so annoyed at the construction firm. I *do* get that building in winter is taking more time than building in the summer. But that is not our fault so stop sending us bills that are way above budget!! GRRRRR :angryfire:

Gypsy - shell hugs!

Jimmanne, travel hugs!

Marcy, still surviving work without any Gibbs slaps?

Kristie - how is Finn doing? I hate when the angels are sick/needs help. Makes my heart shrivel up inside and its difficult to breath even if I know they should do just fine.

Ciao bellas!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I'm sorry your son is having some difficulties and I hope it is nothing too challenging and that things start going more smoothly for him at work. Anxiety is a tough issue and sending him lots of good thoughts. I do cardiovascular activity to help me deal with my anxiety and perhaps there is something he can do like running etc. to work out his stress? Or perhaps he is more of a yoga type guy? Meditation could be helpful too. I am not sure if he has already explored these options but just throwing them out there in case any of these might help. Sending good thoughts and (((HUGS))) to him.

As for your estate stuff remember how much you have already done and how far you have come and you don't have that much more to do. So enjoy your accomplishments up to this point and you will get through what is left. It has been a hard long road and you are doing great. If there is any way we can make it easier and anything we can do please don't hesitate to ask OK? We're here for you honey. (((HUGS))).

Scandi, LOL you are more like a dog and your dog is more like a cat. :lol: Hahahaha love that. I am 70% cat 30% dog I think. And all my cats are mainly cats. My Billy and Butch they were 90% dog 10% cat and I miss them so. The smartest sweetest most loving cats you could ever meet. They ran up to anyone who visited and wanted immediate attention and were always content and purring. I miss them so.

Sorry the Christmas school thing was a chore and a bore and that the coffee gave you a tummy ache. I am sorry you couldn't partake in any of the other refreshments but good call on that for sure.

Darn those builders and they better start building and stop with the increasing costs and I hope your new dream home turns out perfectly and is finished sooner than you anticipate or at least not too far from their actual projected finish date! Luckily you have a few other nice homes to hang out in during this time. :cheeky:

Ah yes hanging onto those skinny clothes just to remember those days. Sigh. NO thanks. Getting rid of it all. I think I should buy some really big clothes so when I go through my closets next and I try them on I will think wow I have gotten so skinny compared to when I used to (not) wear these... :lol: Sort of like telling people you are older than you really are (dad's idea he is such a jokester) so people are like wow you look great. 8) :devil: :halo: :cheeky:

Your DD and I are kindred spirits. You know if you send her to visit us she will be safe the whole time. Nothing risky or dangerous but only safe activities I promise. :halo:

Caf, thanks for coming out of lurkdom to help me. I appreciate that! How is everyone by you and how are you doing? Any new bling projects in the works?

I have used the Oracea Savings card program for over a decade or so now (for as long as I have been taking Oracea and they instituted the Savings Card since it is such an expensive med). Unfortunately in January it seems there is a lot of change happening. It turns out there *is* a generic (I did know that but forgot) that the company who makes Oracea-Galderma- came out with *BUT* it is also NOT covered by my insurance. :angryfire:

David was brainstorming for me but there are not that many options so I just might have to pay out of pocket. We will know how much in January and there might be another savings program and it might reduce my cost to under $150 a month but again no details and David wasn't sure.

So time will tell and I am pretty frustrated with health insurance in general. I keep remembering when I broke my leg and had surgery and the surgeon had to write a letter to my health insurance company pleading with them to allow me more PT and my physical therapist even called them and spoke with them. And their response? The health insurance MD who was handling the claim who wasn't an orthopedist or surgeon or anything but a general MD? HE said TOO BAD. NOT covered anymore and now she gets better on her own or doesn't get better but they aren't paying for more PT. Keep in mind I broke my Tibia and Fibula and they paid for a minimum of PT and all while I could not be weight bearing. So by the time I was weight bearing they weren't covering PT anymore. I had to pay full cost out of pocket for another 2 months or more.

CIGNA SUCKS IMO and they keep rejecting claims no matter the evidence or info. Cigna is a scam of a health insurance company and they just keep rejecting till you give up. There is no way they will cover my med no matter how much evidence my dermatologist shares with them about my over 10 year history and what happens when I go off Oracea. Unfortunately I have too much prior knowledge of how they handle claims and it is a travesty and I have no options. :cry:

So there's the story. LOL sorry it turned into a huge vent and I hope I didn't scare you from ever coming out of lurkdom again. I so appreciate you doing so in order to help me and ease my stress over this. Big (((HUGS))) Caf and I hope all is well with you and your family and all the best for a happy healthy holiday season!!!!!

OK girls, I hope everyone is well and has a good day today. :wavey:


Oct 24, 2012
Scandi, your story about being on the ice is hilarious!! Glad both you and fur baby are safe. :)

Rainwood, glad your enjoyed your time in the Bay Area. What starts are you in? Next time let me know you're coming through and we can meet up! I missed your injury. I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon. When I see those huge suitcases get pushed up to the overhead compartments, I always worry about people getting hurt with one slip of the fingers. Hugs. Please take it easy.

Gypsy, your analogy about dogs, cats, beer and wine make so much sense. I hope you are feeling better. I totally get hibernation mode.

Missy, love all the beautiful pictures. I love seeing people enjoy the beauty that is around them. Reminds me to slow down and observe the world and appreciate what is all around us. Good job on the closets and letting go. I donated two suits (work suits) that I felt J had to keep in case I get laid off. I've had the suits for 10'years and haven't worn them. I do so feel you about insurance companies. Ugh! They exist to torture people. And yet we can't survive without them. Our system is so broken. My derm doesn't accept any except Medicare, I think. I don't blame her.

Jimmianne, you are poet too!! Thank you for sharing.

Kristie I am so happy and relieved that the procedure for Finn went well. So happy. When I showed DH the pictures of Finn, she squeezing the phone and squealing. She sends him lots of hugs. We just LOVE him in his life vest.

Marcy, I'm so sorry about your employee just taking off like that. Ummmm....yeah. I don't think I could ever quit without 2 weeks. Goes to show you what people will do when they reach the end of their rope...

June, CJ, hi!! Did I miss anyone? So sorry my short term memory is bad.

I've been busy d along with DD's dental issues. Short term extractions and long term surgery. I guess I should be very glad that technology and treatment of teeth is the norm for us in the U.S. Otherwise she could hav some very very jacked up looking teeth. Suffice it to say that she has a teeny dainty looking mouth and teeth that can devour a city. I think she got an extra that my DS appears to be missing. :shock: I didn't realize how upset I was with the diagnosis. I took me a couple of days to process it. But I'm better now. Actually I had to take a midday run. Haven't done that in months. My new shoes are great though.

Hope everyone is having a good week.
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