
How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite?


Mar 3, 2013
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

I think saying he might not have known and therefore it's okay, is just an excuse (and kind of a lame one). I agree that men & women think differently about things, but sometimes, making assumptions can be a dangerous game. If the guy in this scenario was truly innocent (and just didn't know she didn't want a fake diamond), then when she asked him about the specs, he would have just told her it was not real, because it would have not occurred to him to say anything else since it wouldn't have mattered. Why avoid the questions? If he truly didn't know, then when asked, wouldn't he just say something like, "actually, honey, it's a mossanite and I'm so glad you like it."


Jan 11, 2006
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

He definitely deceived her! Maybe not the day he gave her the ring, but once she asked for specs, he didn't tell her it wasn't a diamond and he said he didn't remember! That's blatant lying people!!! I would consider that a major red flag. I would not marry him without some intensive pre-marital counseling. But my feeling is, if this is his personality, she'll see this again.


Aug 8, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

vintagelover229|1470752713|4063854 said:
I'm disappointed she would want to break up with him over something silly like that. He's a guy. He wanted to give her what she asked for which was a Tiffany solitaire and he likely went into the store, found the size he thought was prefect for her and was floored when the 7-15k price tag hit him. Then he probably had a man friend he was talking about the sticker shock to give him a solution he thought was prefect. He's a guy, guys do things all the time that women roll their eyes at. If she wants a diamond and loves the setting the good news is they can now save up and buy a diamond (depending on how big the mossy was, they may be saving for a while or maybe when she realizes a huge diamond is going to cost them a down payment on a house she'll be happy with the mossy or a smaller one). Who knows! What I do know though is if she is thinking of breaking up with him over a diamond-then they need to sit down and communicate because that is NOT the person I would want to marry if I was a guy. I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone. Why did you go this route over a diamond? And then express her disappointment in a loving and kind way, and figure out a solution they both are happy with.

Mossy is beautiful. My gf got a 2.5 carat OEC mossy and it outshines my AVR-which btw AV line is now being cut in Amora so unless you have to have something right from the ground I personally think it's a wonderful and practical and beautiful option for many out there. To each their own though!
So: boys will be voys and she should just be greatful she caught a man with her silly, demanding ways.



Apr 30, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

vintagelover229|1470752713|4063854 said:
I'm disappointed she would want to break up with him over something silly like that. He's a guy. He wanted to give her what she asked for which was a Tiffany solitaire and he likely went into the store, found the size he thought was prefect for her and was floored when the 7-15k price tag hit him. Then he probably had a man friend he was talking about the sticker shock to give him a solution he thought was prefect. He's a guy, guys do things all the time that women roll their eyes at. If she wants a diamond and loves the setting the good news is they can now save up and buy a diamond (depending on how big the mossy was, they may be saving for a while or maybe when she realizes a huge diamond is going to cost them a down payment on a house she'll be happy with the mossy or a smaller one). Who knows! What I do know though is if she is thinking of breaking up with him over a diamond-then they need to sit down and communicate because that is NOT the person I would want to marry if I was a guy. I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone. Why did you go this route over a diamond? And then express her disappointment in a loving and kind way, and figure out a solution they both are happy with.

Mossy is beautiful. My gf got a 2.5 carat OEC mossy and it outshines my AVR-which btw AV line is now being cut in Amora so unless you have to have something right from the ground I personally think it's a wonderful and practical and beautiful option for many out there. To each their own though!

It's not about the stone.
It's about lying, especially about such an important, expensive and symbolic thing.

IMO it's 100% reasonable for the woman to assume a diamond used to propose marriage is a real diamond.
For her to get an evasive lie in response to asking about her 'diamond's' 4C is unforgivable.

How beautiful mossy is and how much you love yours is completely irrelevant!


Dec 17, 2008
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone.

I would want my "man" to be honest with me and say I couldnt afford the size stone you wanted. This is a mossy. I hope that's ok.

It's the fact that he wasnt straight with her about what it was. The lack of honesty and the deception would definitely raise a BIG
RED FLAG. I'm not buying the excuse that she didnt say she wanted a "diamond".

Edit...and I agree that mossy may be perfect for a couple it's just that it needs to be disclosed, or discussed up front.


Oct 24, 2012
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

baby monster|1470766211|4063940 said:
If she asked him about 4Cs and he didn't say it wasn't a diamond, I'd call it a material omission equal to lying. What else is he conveniently omitting in their conversations?

There you go. It's not complicated.


Oct 24, 2012
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

tyty333|1470780723|4064028 said:
I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone.

I would want my "man" to be honest with me and say I couldnt afford the size stone you wanted. This is a mossy. I hope that's ok.

It's the fact that he wasnt straight with her about what it was. The lack of honesty and the deception would definitely raise a BIG
RED FLAG. I'm not buying the excuse that she didnt say she wanted a "diamond".

Edit...and I agree that mossy may be perfect for a couple it's just that it needs to be disclosed, or discussed up front.



Apr 30, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

baby monster|1470766211|4063940 said:
What else is he conveniently omitting in their conversations?

... his other wives, maybe? :errrr:

... a PS Poster responds: ... "But that's her fault because she never asked whether he had other wives." :mrgreen:


Jul 31, 2014
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

diamondseeker2006|1470768306|4063958 said:
He definitely deceived her! Maybe not the day he gave her the ring, but once she asked for specs, he didn't tell her it wasn't a diamond and he said he didn't remember! That's blatant lying people!!! I would consider that a major red flag. I would not marry him without some intensive pre-marital counseling. But my feeling is, if this is his personality, she'll see this again.

Although I agree there is likely 2 (or even 3) sides to this story and we don't have all the info, the bolded above is the part I have a problem with. I agree with other posters that there's nothing inherently wrong with moissanite--it's a great option for many people (myself included), but the fact that it's moissy is 100% irrelevant here. It could have been moon rock, meteorite, or unicorn blood, but he was STILL LYING (if, in fact, this is how it happened--I am going on what was relayed to us by OP).

I can understand that some men might not know that many women expect a diamond e-ring, but not talking about it first is a problem, and then when asked DIRECTLY about it, the guy claimed not to remember. That is a giant red flag in terms of communication skills (or lack there-of) between them. I really hope she spoke to him about this and they can get things worked out. I would be upset that my DH didn't feel comfortable talking to me about what I wanted and/or considering other potential options as a couple. Marriage is about working as a team, not about lying by omission in order to make the other person happy. That is a recipe for disaster.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

momhappy|1470768282|4063957 said:
I think saying he might not have known and therefore it's okay, is just an excuse (and kind of a lame one). I agree that men & women think differently about things, but sometimes, making assumptions can be a dangerous game. If the guy in this scenario was truly innocent (and just didn't know she didn't want a fake diamond), then when she asked him about the specs, he would have just told her it was not real, because it would have not occurred to him to say anything else since it wouldn't have mattered. Why avoid the questions? If he truly didn't know, then when asked, wouldn't he just say something like, "actually, honey, it's a mossanite and I'm so glad you like it."
Then she'll slap him on the face and throw the ring back at him!... :naughty:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

kenny|1470726164|4063782 said:
What a lying scumbag.
She should dump the bastard.
Or he can find a less expensive GF... :wink2:


Mar 3, 2013
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

kenny|1470781913|4064034 said:
baby monster|1470766211|4063940 said:
What else is he conveniently omitting in their conversations?

... his other wives, maybe? :errrr:

... a PS Poster responds: ... "But that's her fault because she never asked whether he had other wives." :mrgreen:

Exactly and I was thinking something like this too...Like maybe having girlfriends on the side...And then when she asks he can reply with a similar response.. "I couldn't remember the details and the girlfriends don't matter as long as you're happy in our marriage." :shock:
It's extreme, I know, but the point is that she shouldn't have to worry about trust issues before they are even married.


Jul 23, 2012
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

Maybe he was embarrassed he couldn't afford what he wanted to get her. It was this or a clarity enhanced snowball.He proposed and planned to tell her but she really loved it, showing all her friends. Posting all over Facebook how big her DIAMOND is. Shes so excited and she thinks it's beautiful. Now shell be embarrassed if she has to go back and tell everyone on Facebook it isn't a diamond (he thinks) so he says ignorance is bliss, she's happy I'm happy.

I get I'd be mad if my husband/ Sig other lied to me, but i can see how some fool in love just gets what he thinks is best and it snowballs.

However, I could also see a guy. He shops for a diamond. They're expensive and he thinks his money is better spent elsewhere. Girlfriend doesn't know that much anyway, she's easily duped. Buy a moissy, pocket the rest for something he wants.


Jun 13, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

I think her speaking to him to learn more is a reasonable first step. The time/energy investment required is low, and she will likely come away with more information (bad or good) that she can use to decide next steps.

If it turns out he does not meet her honesty requirements threshold, I feel she's actually very fortunate to find out now.



Sep 7, 2004
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

Gypsy|1470780068|4064022 said:
vintagelover229|1470752713|4063854 said:
I'm disappointed she would want to break up with him over something silly like that. He's a guy. He wanted to give her what she asked for which was a Tiffany solitaire and he likely went into the store, found the size he thought was prefect for her and was floored when the 7-15k price tag hit him. Then he probably had a man friend he was talking about the sticker shock to give him a solution he thought was prefect. He's a guy, guys do things all the time that women roll their eyes at. If she wants a diamond and loves the setting the good news is they can now save up and buy a diamond (depending on how big the mossy was, they may be saving for a while or maybe when she realizes a huge diamond is going to cost them a down payment on a house she'll be happy with the mossy or a smaller one). Who knows! What I do know though is if she is thinking of breaking up with him over a diamond-then they need to sit down and communicate because that is NOT the person I would want to marry if I was a guy. I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone. Why did you go this route over a diamond? And then express her disappointment in a loving and kind way, and figure out a solution they both are happy with.

Mossy is beautiful. My gf got a 2.5 carat OEC mossy and it outshines my AVR-which btw AV line is now being cut in Amora so unless you have to have something right from the ground I personally think it's a wonderful and practical and beautiful option for many out there. To each their own though!
So: boys will be voys and she should just be greatful she caught a man with her silly, demanding ways.


Hold on, there. Vintagelover made some valid points that I can't disagree with. The OEC Moissanites are indeed gorgeous. You might not want one, but there are plenty of women who do wear a diamond simulant and are quite happy with it. Some are young brides who figure they will never afford a real diamond so wth. Some are older brides who can see a lot of other things that money would buy and don't want $18,000 tied up in a bauble to wear on a finger. To some women, the setting is just as important if not more important than the center stone, and they might go for a very expensive setting and put a sim stone in there. I've been on the sim boards as long as I've been on Pricescope. Believe me, the entire world does not believe or do as Pricescope does!

Maybe this women of his is one of those who expects to sit on her arse and have him provide and the 2ct engagement ring is just the warmup. :lol: Maybe the guy had no way of affording the ring she wanted, and this is how he hoped to appease her.

But I agree that it's an embarrassment to her, if she's been thinking it's an actual 2ct diamond and now she finds out it's not. Talk about egg on her face. Seriously, in the real world, about .75 - .8ct is probably more the norm. Relatively few women get a real diamond 2ct e-ring. One of the rules to passing off a sim as diamond is don't buy one that is not a believable diamond size for your income.

But anyhow, vintagelover did bring up some good points. Just because PS is banned from discussing sims doesn't mean that there isn't a vast market for them outside of PS. I wear sims as well as real diamonds, without shame. I might even wear one as an e-ring, in the right mounting. I've been there and done that with both marriage and diamonds. Older and wiser me is more open to diversity and alternatives now. ;-) :lol:


Apr 25, 2014
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

Just to ask the question, as I don't think it's been asked already, how exactly did the woman in question 'found out ... by accident the receipt of the ring'?

I think we have all heard stories or know someone who found out something they didn't want to know through things they shouldn't have been doing in a trusting relationship! :lol:


Oct 20, 2007
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

To answer the question in the title, it depends entirely on how it came about.

As for the woman in your story, we need more information about how this unfolded. If that we were me I think I'd be upset because he lied by omission when questioned about the details of the stone. How did it happen that she believed she had a 2 carat diamond on her finger though? If my now husband had proposed with a 2 carat clear stone I'd a) assume it was glass, or b) ask what bank he robbed. A 2 carat costs in the region of $20,000.


Apr 30, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

momhappy|1470791432|4064085 said:
kenny|1470781913|4064034 said:
baby monster|1470766211|4063940 said:
What else is he conveniently omitting in their conversations?

... his other wives, maybe? :errrr:

... a PS Poster responds: ... "But that's her fault because she never asked whether he had other wives." :mrgreen:

Exactly and I was thinking something like this too...Like maybe having girlfriends on the side...And then when she asks he can reply with a similar response.. "I couldn't remember the details and the girlfriends don't matter as long as you're happy in our marriage." :shock:
It's extreme, I know, but the point is that she shouldn't have to worry about trust issues before they are even married.


Courting is the time to evaluate a potential partner, and trustworthiness is one of the most important things we should judge a potential spouse on.


Feb 28, 2016
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

AdaBeta27 said:
Gypsy|1470780068|4064022 said:
vintagelover229|1470752713|4063854 said:
I'm disappointed she would want to break up with him over something silly like that. He's a guy. He wanted to give her what she asked for which was a Tiffany solitaire and he likely went into the store, found the size he thought was prefect for her and was floored when the 7-15k price tag hit him. Then he probably had a man friend he was talking about the sticker shock to give him a solution he thought was prefect. He's a guy, guys do things all the time that women roll their eyes at. If she wants a diamond and loves the setting the good news is they can now save up and buy a diamond (depending on how big the mossy was, they may be saving for a while or maybe when she realizes a huge diamond is going to cost them a down payment on a house she'll be happy with the mossy or a smaller one). Who knows! What I do know though is if she is thinking of breaking up with him over a diamond-then they need to sit down and communicate because that is NOT the person I would want to marry if I was a guy. I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone. Why did you go this route over a diamond? And then express her disappointment in a loving and kind way, and figure out a solution they both are happy with.

Mossy is beautiful. My gf got a 2.5 carat OEC mossy and it outshines my AVR-which btw AV line is now being cut in Amora so unless you have to have something right from the ground I personally think it's a wonderful and practical and beautiful option for many out there. To each their own though!
So: boys will be voys and she should just be greatful she caught a man with her silly, demanding ways.


Hold on, there. Vintagelover made some valid points that I can't disagree with. The OEC Moissanites are indeed gorgeous. You might not want one, but there are plenty of women who do wear a diamond simulant and are quite happy with it. Some are young brides who figure they will never afford a real diamond so wth. Some are older brides who can see a lot of other things that money would buy and don't want $18,000 tied up in a bauble to wear on a finger. To some women, the setting is just as important if not more important than the center stone, and they might go for a very expensive setting and put a sim stone in there. I've been on the sim boards as long as I've been on Pricescope. Believe me, the entire world does not believe or do as Pricescope does!

Maybe this women of his is one of those who expects to sit on her arse and have him provide and the 2ct engagement ring is just the warmup. :lol: Maybe the guy had no way of affording the ring she wanted, and this is how he hoped to appease her.

But I agree that it's an embarrassment to her, if she's been thinking it's an actual 2ct diamond and now she finds out it's not. Talk about egg on her face. Seriously, in the real world, about .75 - .8ct is probably more the norm. Relatively few women get a real diamond 2ct e-ring. One of the rules to passing off a sim as diamond is don't buy one that is not a believable diamond size for your income.

But anyhow, vintagelover did bring up some good points. Just because PS is banned from discussing sims doesn't mean that there isn't a vast market for them outside of PS. I wear sims as well as real diamonds, without shame. I might even wear one as an e-ring, in the right mounting. I've been there and done that with both marriage and diamonds. Older and wiser me is more open to diversity and alternatives now. ;-) :lol:

I agree with all this! Again, it's because I'm pretty young (22) but a lot of my friends aren't into diamonds. They're expensive.

My ring is around .7 carats and that is pretty big among my peers and even older friends.

I love the look of OEC moissanite and was considering it. Alas, maybe a right hand ring down the road.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mar 3, 2013
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

kenny|1470855302|4064409 said:
momhappy|1470791432|4064085 said:
kenny|1470781913|4064034 said:
baby monster|1470766211|4063940 said:
What else is he conveniently omitting in their conversations?

... his other wives, maybe? :errrr:

... a PS Poster responds: ... "But that's her fault because she never asked whether he had other wives." :mrgreen:

Exactly and I was thinking something like this too...Like maybe having girlfriends on the side...And then when she asks he can reply with a similar response.. "I couldn't remember the details and the girlfriends don't matter as long as you're happy in our marriage." :shock:
It's extreme, I know, but the point is that she shouldn't have to worry about trust issues before they are even married.


Courting is the time to evaluate a potential partner, and trustworthiness is one of the most important things we should judge a potential spouse on.

I think you misunderstood - I was agreeing with you, so I'm not sure where your confusion comes from?
Yes, trust is a huge issue in a relationship, and yes, dating is a good time to evaluate someone's trust. One shouldn't have to worry about trust issues before they are even married - meaning, if you are dealing with trust issues so early on in a relationship, then that's pretty sad and you may want to reconsider.


Apr 30, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

Oh. That's what you meant.
Thanks. :wavey:


Mar 3, 2013
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

Marquise_Madness|1470856879|4064426 said:
AdaBeta27 said:
Gypsy|1470780068|4064022 said:
vintagelover229|1470752713|4063854 said:
I'm disappointed she would want to break up with him over something silly like that. He's a guy. He wanted to give her what she asked for which was a Tiffany solitaire and he likely went into the store, found the size he thought was prefect for her and was floored when the 7-15k price tag hit him. Then he probably had a man friend he was talking about the sticker shock to give him a solution he thought was prefect. He's a guy, guys do things all the time that women roll their eyes at. If she wants a diamond and loves the setting the good news is they can now save up and buy a diamond (depending on how big the mossy was, they may be saving for a while or maybe when she realizes a huge diamond is going to cost them a down payment on a house she'll be happy with the mossy or a smaller one). Who knows! What I do know though is if she is thinking of breaking up with him over a diamond-then they need to sit down and communicate because that is NOT the person I would want to marry if I was a guy. I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone. Why did you go this route over a diamond? And then express her disappointment in a loving and kind way, and figure out a solution they both are happy with.

Mossy is beautiful. My gf got a 2.5 carat OEC mossy and it outshines my AVR-which btw AV line is now being cut in Amora so unless you have to have something right from the ground I personally think it's a wonderful and practical and beautiful option for many out there. To each their own though!
So: boys will be voys and she should just be greatful she caught a man with her silly, demanding ways.


Hold on, there. Vintagelover made some valid points that I can't disagree with. The OEC Moissanites are indeed gorgeous. You might not want one, but there are plenty of women who do wear a diamond simulant and are quite happy with it. Some are young brides who figure they will never afford a real diamond so wth. Some are older brides who can see a lot of other things that money would buy and don't want $18,000 tied up in a bauble to wear on a finger. To some women, the setting is just as important if not more important than the center stone, and they might go for a very expensive setting and put a sim stone in there. I've been on the sim boards as long as I've been on Pricescope. Believe me, the entire world does not believe or do as Pricescope does!

Maybe this women of his is one of those who expects to sit on her arse and have him provide and the 2ct engagement ring is just the warmup. :lol: Maybe the guy had no way of affording the ring she wanted, and this is how he hoped to appease her.

But I agree that it's an embarrassment to her, if she's been thinking it's an actual 2ct diamond and now she finds out it's not. Talk about egg on her face. Seriously, in the real world, about .75 - .8ct is probably more the norm. Relatively few women get a real diamond 2ct e-ring. One of the rules to passing off a sim as diamond is don't buy one that is not a believable diamond size for your income.

But anyhow, vintagelover did bring up some good points. Just because PS is banned from discussing sims doesn't mean that there isn't a vast market for them outside of PS. I wear sims as well as real diamonds, without shame. I might even wear one as an e-ring, in the right mounting. I've been there and done that with both marriage and diamonds. Older and wiser me is more open to diversity and alternatives now. ;-) :lol:

I agree with all this! Again, it's because I'm pretty young (22) but a lot of my friends aren't into diamonds. They're expensive.

My ring is around .7 carats and that is pretty big among my peers and even older friends.

I love the look of OEC moissanite and was considering it. Alas, maybe a right hand ring down the road.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sure, some valid points have been made about moissanite, but this thread really isn't about moissanite (and we are not even allowed to discuss moissanite on this forum). No one here has said that moissanite is bad, or that there is no market for it, or that everyone has to be into diamonds, or that everyone can afford diamonds, etc. I think we could all agree that people have personal preferences and different budgets and each person should do what works for them. This thread is about relationships and trust.


Feb 8, 2013
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

He was dishonest. He could have told her when he gave her the ring that it was a simulated diamond, or when she asked about the 4 C's, or at any point in between. This doesn't have anything to do with hypotheticals about what he could afford, or what her expectations were. It's about honest and open communication. No one likes to find out that their loved one kept a secret from them or lied to them. This could be a great learning opportunity for them as a couple if they agree to make important decisions together going forward, or it could end the relationship. It depends on what his reasoning is and whether she can trust him going forward. The ring itself is not what's really at issue, although it is important and special, but it's really more symbolic of a commitment between the two of them to honour and trust each other.


Aug 29, 2014
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

momhappy|1470861922|4064467 said:
Sure, some valid points have been made about moissanite, but this thread really isn't about moissanite (and we are not even allowed to discuss moissanite on this forum). No one here has said that moissanite is bad, or that there is no market for it, or that everyone has to be into diamonds, or that everyone can afford diamonds, etc. I think we could all agree that people have personal preferences and different budgets and each person should do what works for them. This thread is about relationships and trust.
Technically the title is 'how would you feel if your fi proposed with mos'. This girl cried when she found out her ring wasn't a diamond. I think that what PPs are saying IS valid.


May 1, 2007
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

Pretty darn upset, is how I'd feel.

It's common practice and knowledge, here in the US at least, that engagement ring = diamond. That doesn't mean every woman wants a diamond, or that every engagement ring should have a diamond, but if something other than a diamond engagement ring is wanted the woman should let her fella know. And if something other than a diamond is what the fella wants to give, or can give based on budget, then he would be wise to strike up a conversation to find out if she would prefer a smaller diamond that's within his budget, or an alternative that melds his budget and her tastes.

Managing expectations, communication... two key ingredients in marriage. With them, you rise. Without them, prepare to fall flat.


Jul 17, 2008
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

High expectation on the guy for a tiffany solitaire. Probably not a big budget but she still gets her shiny object in his mind. I'm interested in how he even heard about moissy. No one I know has any idea what it is. She was happy in the beginning. At my age I wouldn't care anymore. I would be happy he saved so much money. The "lie" is the bigger problem.


Aug 8, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

AdaBeta27|1470843654|4064284 said:
Gypsy|1470780068|4064022 said:
vintagelover229|1470752713|4063854 said:
I'm disappointed she would want to break up with him over something silly like that. He's a guy. He wanted to give her what she asked for which was a Tiffany solitaire and he likely went into the store, found the size he thought was prefect for her and was floored when the 7-15k price tag hit him. Then he probably had a man friend he was talking about the sticker shock to give him a solution he thought was prefect. He's a guy, guys do things all the time that women roll their eyes at. If she wants a diamond and loves the setting the good news is they can now save up and buy a diamond (depending on how big the mossy was, they may be saving for a while or maybe when she realizes a huge diamond is going to cost them a down payment on a house she'll be happy with the mossy or a smaller one). Who knows! What I do know though is if she is thinking of breaking up with him over a diamond-then they need to sit down and communicate because that is NOT the person I would want to marry if I was a guy. I would want my women to be honest with me and say honey this ring is beautiful and what I wanted but I never expected to get a mossy stone. Why did you go this route over a diamond? And then express her disappointment in a loving and kind way, and figure out a solution they both are happy with.

Mossy is beautiful. My gf got a 2.5 carat OEC mossy and it outshines my AVR-which btw AV line is now being cut in Amora so unless you have to have something right from the ground I personally think it's a wonderful and practical and beautiful option for many out there. To each their own though!
So: boys will be voys and she should just be greatful she caught a man with her silly, demanding ways.


Hold on, there. Vintagelover made some valid points that I can't disagree with. The OEC Moissanites are indeed gorgeous. You might not want one, but there are plenty of women who do wear a diamond simulant and are quite happy with it. Some are young brides who figure they will never afford a real diamond so wth. Some are older brides who can see a lot of other things that money would buy and don't want $18,000 tied up in a bauble to wear on a finger. To some women, the setting is just as important if not more important than the center stone, and they might go for a very expensive setting and put a sim stone in there. I've been on the sim boards as long as I've been on Pricescope. Believe me, the entire world does not believe or do as Pricescope does!

Maybe this women of his is one of those who expects to sit on her arse and have him provide and the 2ct engagement ring is just the warmup. :lol: Maybe the guy had no way of affording the ring she wanted, and this is how he hoped to appease her.

But I agree that it's an embarrassment to her, if she's been thinking it's an actual 2ct diamond and now she finds out it's not. Talk about egg on her face. Seriously, in the real world, about .75 - .8ct is probably more the norm. Relatively few women get a real diamond 2ct e-ring. One of the rules to passing off a sim as diamond is don't buy one that is not a believable diamond size for your income.

But anyhow, vintagelover did bring up some good points. Just because PS is banned from discussing sims doesn't mean that there isn't a vast market for them outside of PS. I wear sims as well as real diamonds, without shame. I might even wear one as an e-ring, in the right mounting. I've been there and done that with both marriage and diamonds. Older and wiser me is more open to diversity and alternatives now. ;-) :lol:

I have nothing against Moissanites. I am hoping for OEC ones myself for studs.

That has nothing to do with that fact that (as I stated earlier in the thread) there are huge communication problems in this situation as well as many red flags. Especially given his deception about what the stone was. Deceit is never okay in a relationship.


May 11, 2012
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

We have all frightened the OP away, I hope that she comes back to tell us if it ended well or in tears..... :saint:


Aug 8, 2005
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

arkieb1|1470899453|4064660 said:
We have all frightened the OP away, I hope that she comes back to tell us if it ended well or in tears..... :saint:

I am just hoping, for her sake, that there is a "friend".


Mar 3, 2013
Re: How would you feel if your FI proposed with a moissanite

AprilBaby|1470885350|4064616 said:
High expectation on the guy for a tiffany solitaire. Probably not a big budget but she still gets her shiny object in his mind. I'm interested in how he even heard about moissy. No one I know has any idea what it is. She was happy in the beginning. At my age I wouldn't care anymore. I would be happy he saved so much money. The "lie" is the bigger problem.

I was under the impression that she mentioned she liked a Tiffany style solitaire, not necessarily a Tiffany ring. Maybe I read it incorrectly?
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