
I predict she's gonna be somebody. Must see!


Jan 13, 2006


Dec 27, 2013
She is just amazing! Such a little doll! :appl: Thanks for sharing this. :wavey:


Jan 11, 2006
Hi, Ellen! :wavey:

I had seen that video before! That little girl is something! It hurts my heart that she had been traumatized so much by the fighting of the parents, though. I hope they listened to her.


Jun 8, 2008
She is a cutie and I agree with DS. How awful that her parents fight enough to make this little girl plead with them not to anymore. ;(

Also, why was the mom filming this? Seems a little odd and intrusive too. I guess she thought how adorable to film her dd pleading with her to just get along with her dad etc. IDK seems a bit off to do that. Film your own DD crying for everyone to please just be friends. ::)

I hope her wish comes true!


Jun 23, 2005
She is precious but I find it so sad that she has to counsel her parents like that - I don't think people realize how upsetting that kind of thing is for their children. I hope that lady got a wake up call from her sweet little daughter!


Jan 13, 2006
rr, glad you enjoyed it.

She's obviously a sensitive little soul. Parents fight/disagree, that is life. What she needs to also see is apologies and contrition. It could be things aren't quite as they seem, as in, the fighting is not that bad, she is just super sensitive. Anyway, I do hope her parents realize she is quite affected and act accordingly.

And yeah, I also wondered why she filmed it, but people seem to film all kinds of things. Maybe mom wanted to show it to dad? I dunno.

Hey ds! :wavey:


Mar 3, 2013
missy|1456139526|3993917 said:
She is a cutie and I agree with DS. How awful that her parents fight enough to make this little girl plead with them not to anymore. ;(

Also, why was the mom filming this? Seems a little odd and intrusive too. I guess she thought how adorable to film her dd pleading with her to just get along with her dad etc. IDK seems a bit off to do that. Film your own DD crying for everyone to please just be friends. ::)

I hope her wish comes true!

I have to agree that this seems intrusive/odd. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but not only do I wonder why you'd film it, but I also wonder why you'd share it with the world? Certain family issues shouldn't be shared IMO and while the little girl in the video is cute, I can't seem to get past the fact that I feel weird watching what should be a private family moment.


Jan 13, 2006
momhappy|1456150800|3993949 said:
missy|1456139526|3993917 said:
She is a cutie and I agree with DS. How awful that her parents fight enough to make this little girl plead with them not to anymore. ;(

Also, why was the mom filming this? Seems a little odd and intrusive too. I guess she thought how adorable to film her dd pleading with her to just get along with her dad etc. IDK seems a bit off to do that. Film your own DD crying for everyone to please just be friends. ::)

I hope her wish comes true!

I have to agree that this seems intrusive/odd. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but not only do I wonder why you'd film it, but I also wonder why you'd share it with the world? Certain family issues shouldn't be shared IMO and while the little girl in the video is cute, I can't seem to get past the fact that I feel weird watching what should be a private family moment.
Maybe because the message is so universal?

Be nice. Love.

It's hardly like she's describing being molested or something.



Jan 13, 2006
Had another thought.

For those that are concerned with the privacy issue, the little girl is "scolding" the parents. They are the ones on the "hot seat". If they don't have a problem with it, why would we? They are the only ones to be "embarrassed" about anything, and clearly they are not.

Just a thought! ::)


Mar 3, 2013
It's no big deal, ellen - I agree the little girl is cute and her voice is so darn adorable :D , it's just that I view this as a personal, private family matter and by recording it & sharing it, it feels odd to me (kind of like airing your dirty laundry...). I understand that it's not like it's a major issue and if they are fine with sharing it, then that's cool. Parents disagree/fight/argue sometimes and that's part of life - even though I know it's hard for kids because they don't understand why everyone shouldn't be happy/smiling all the time.


Jan 13, 2006
If nothing else, this thread has been an interesting example of how several people can see the same thing, and yet see something different. :))

And yes, her voice and expressions were too cute!



Mar 3, 2013
^I'm a sucker for little, tiny voices - my youngest still has one and I'm going to be sooooooo sad when it's gone :blackeye:


Apr 14, 2015
I have a less rosy view of why the Mom was filming it, I mean, sharing it with the world (people could be filming something to watch it again on their own, but sharing it with everyone? Hmm...)
Some parents' sense of self worth and success in parenting are tied to how smart their kids are, so they try their very best in showing off moments that display this.

The sad thing is that the kid's message may be lost on the Mom.
While she was pouring her heart, wanting their parents (and everyone) to be friends and happy, all that's going through the Mom's mind could be "omg, look at how smart she is! Wait 'til Mrs. X, Y, Z (neighbours, other moms at daycare, school, yoga class etc.) see this!"
And when other parents look at it and think "that's... so sad..., why do you need to air your dirty laundry to us?", she's just saying "you see how smart she is? That's MY daughter there," and probably followed by, subtly or not so subtly "can your kid do that?"


Jul 27, 2011
D_|1456253960|3994504 said:
I have a less rosy view of why the Mom was filming it, I mean, sharing it with the world (people could be filming something to watch it again on their own, but sharing it with everyone? Hmm...)
Some parents' sense of self worth and success in parenting are tied to how smart their kids are, so they try their very best in showing off moments that display this.

The sad thing is that the kid's message may be lost on the Mom.
While she was pouring her heart, wanting their parents (and everyone) to be friends and happy, all that's going through the Mom's mind could be "omg, look at how smart she is! Wait 'til Mrs. X, Y, Z (neighbours, other moms at daycare, school, yoga class etc.) see this!"
And when other parents look at it and think "that's... so sad..., why do you need to air your dirty laundry to us?", she's just saying "you see how smart she is? That's MY daughter there," and probably followed by, subtly or not so subtly "can your kid do that?"

I love how you stated that, D, especially the bolded!

Also, we live in a society where a video that goes viral = $$$ e.g., a video is posted, it goes viral and gets millions of views. The video is noticed by Ellen (our darling Ellen, AND Ellen Degeneres :lol: ). Ellen invites them onto her show. She surprises them with a car and a scholarship or $$$ in general. Ain't that grand? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jan 13, 2006
Well color me red, guess I need to work on my cynical. :bigsmile: ;))


Mar 3, 2013
D_|1456253960|3994504 said:
I have a less rosy view of why the Mom was filming it, I mean, sharing it with the world (people could be filming something to watch it again on their own, but sharing it with everyone? Hmm...)
Some parents' sense of self worth and success in parenting are tied to how smart their kids are, so they try their very best in showing off moments that display this.

The sad thing is that the kid's message may be lost on the Mom.
While she was pouring her heart, wanting their parents (and everyone) to be friends and happy, all that's going through the Mom's mind could be "omg, look at how smart she is! Wait 'til Mrs. X, Y, Z (neighbours, other moms at daycare, school, yoga class etc.) see this!"
And when other parents look at it and think "that's... so sad..., why do you need to air your dirty laundry to us?", she's just saying "you see how smart she is? That's MY daughter there," and probably followed by, subtly or not so subtly "can your kid do that?"

Yes, this was sort of a potential issue for me as well, but I didn't know how to say it. Watching the video not only felt like an invasion of privacy to me, but I also felt that maybe the mother was trying to capitalize in some way.... I like to try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but you just never know these days.


Aug 12, 2005
Ellen|1456259492|3994541 said:
Well color me red, guess I need to work on my cynical. :bigsmile: ;))

Nah. I thought it was great. Confession: several FB friends have shared this video and I've never watched it (was always afraid it would make me cry--little kids usually have that effect on me) until you shared it here and I noticed the thread was starting to get a lot of comments.

I don't feel that this is a case of exploitation or that this child has seen her parents fighting too much or whatever. What I get from it is that she herself has had some good, healthy discussions with her parents or caregivers about how to treat others and her mom found so much value in hearing the words come back at her that she decided to record and share it. I don't see what's so wrong with that. This is a new day and age with the advent of social media, mommy blogs and communication in general. Should parents exercise caution in what they share of their children online? Sure, of course. But to me that's not what this is about. It's about spreading a message from a child's point of view that what's important is meeting each other on an equal level and trying to find common ground, and loving each other.

In second grade I had a pretty bad argument with my best friend on the playground. One of our classmates told our teacher about it (who was a nun, oh boy you knew you were in deep doo-doo if she found out you did something wrong), and she gave my friend and me a very, VERY similar lecture. It involved her telling us not to hold our heads too high, nor too low, and to meet each other with our heads straight forward. We had to hug it out. My friend and I have had a lot of different life experiences and traveled different paths, but we now both live in the same town again and are good friends. I can't help but think that the words of our teacher stuck in both our minds and that's why we stayed in touch and reconnected once we were back in the same geographic location.

Anyway, I enjoyed the video and thanks for sharing it here, Ellen.


Jan 13, 2006
Monarch, what a wonderfully eloquent post. Very well said. This is the mindset I was coming from. Glad to know I'm not the lone ranger. lol ;))

Thank you, and I am glad you finally watched it!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
What a wonderfully thoughtful child. Thank you for sharing, Ellen. I think it is impossible to know the motives of the parent in posting the video and wouldn't venture to guess at it myself; however, I do find the interpretations here interesting!


Jan 13, 2006
Loves Vintage|1456332180|3994932 said:
What a wonderfully thoughtful child. Thank you for sharing, Ellen. I think it is impossible to know the motives of the parent in posting the video and wouldn't venture to guess at it myself; however, I do find the interpretations here interesting!
Interesting indeed.

Glad you liked it LV, and that you let me know. :))
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