
Charlie Sheen


Oct 2, 2014
Multiple news outlets have been reporting in the last few days that a male Hollywood star is HIV positive and that he slept with partners without disclosing that status. Today, news sites are saying this person is Charlie Sheen, and Sheen is to be featured on tomorrow's Today show where he is apparently expected to announce news of his infection with the virus.

I don't like Sheen at all, but if this is true then I feel sorry for him. Nobody deserves such a thing to happen. If it's true that he had unprotected sex and did not disclose, then that is a vile thing to do, but we don't yet know if there's any truth to that claim.

I really admire the way that Magic Johnson handled his diagnosis, using it to help highlight awareness of certain aspects of HIV - for example, that it's not just gay people who get it - and using his platform to help dispel other misconceptions. If Sheen does have HIV, it's a pity he couldn't have responded in the same positive manner once the inevitable shock had passed.

I don't know what she future holds for Sheen if he is infected, because he has so many other health and lifestyle challenges such as drink and drug use, but I'm so glad to see Magic Johnson doing well all these years later. Yay for medical advances!


Jul 7, 2004
What I don't like about these Blind Items like this is that not all of it is factual, and if it IS him, that's a HUGE HPPA violation for anyone to be discussing. The fact though that anyone knows about it is likely because if he did know, he probably told partners, and that's why it's spread around, vs the not disclosing the information to partners.

Magic Johnson has done well with his diagnosis and being good for the HIV community, awareness, etc. I think Charlie Sheen can be the same. If he handles it all right.

This whole thing is ridiculously gross to me--the way this came out. I suspect if it is him, the "mental break" we watched with him going on about being a warlock might have been when he found out.


Jan 26, 2003
ame|1447710733|3950468 said:
I suspect if it is him, the "mental break" we watched with him going on about being a warlock might have been when he found out.

I missed that. My daughter and I used to watch "Two and a Half Men" when he was on it. When he went off the show we didn't watch it again. It wasn't that we didn't like Ashton Kutcher. We never tried Ashton Kutcher. Regardless of how Charlie Sheen behaved in his personal life-and how would we know?-we enjoyed him in that show. I hope he is not ill. What was the mental break/warlock episode?



Jul 17, 2008
The star is supposed to be a mega genius superstar. That doesn't describe Sheen at all. I do believe it is him.


Oct 2, 2014
AGBF - I loved Two and a Half Men, too. I did watch it when Ashton Kutcher became the lead, and I also liked it. It was a different show, but still good. Same great writing and funny characters in Alan, Berta, etc.

AprilBaby - apparently Sheen is a brilliant actor, but he spoiled it all with the drink, drugs, and general debauchery. I haven't seen it, but I'm told that his performance in Platoon was incredible, plus other movies made when he was younger like Wall Street. From all I've read, he is considered to be amazingly talented but that it was wasted. Still, he's going to be on Today tomorrow morning, so I guess he will confirm or deny. He is considered to be a major star - he was an A-list brat-pack movie star before his lifestyle became so intense and in more recent years he was the highest paid actor on TV, earning $1.8m per episode for Two and a Half Men.


Dec 27, 2013
This has been in speculation for awhile. It's sad. Tmz is reporting it is Charlie Sheen. Apparently it couldn't be kept under wraps any longer because he's facing lawsuits from previous sexual partners?


Jun 18, 2010
I heard the way it came out is a girlfriend saw his medicine stash and put the dots together.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
In CA you have to prove intent to infect. I guess that is difficult.

Many of my patients have Hep C and HIV. That is what happens with drug abuse. It is always sad. Addiction and mental illness are sad. Luckily medication has come a long way. I am willing to bet he is not the only celeb with HIV.


Mar 6, 2006
amc80|1447726136|3950569 said:
I heard the way it came out is a girlfriend saw his medicine stash and put the dots together.

If this is true, I don't feel sorry for him because not only did his own lifestyle choices make him sick but if he knew he was sick and knowingly continued to expose others to hiv while hiding it....nope don't feel sorry for him. At all.

edited to add, I respect that Magic Johnson brought much needed attention to HIV and what he has done for awareness and education.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
asscherisme|1447729166|3950599 said:
amc80|1447726136|3950569 said:
I heard the way it came out is a girlfriend saw his medicine stash and put the dots together.

If this is true, I don't feel sorry for him because not only did his own lifestyle choices make him sick but if he knew he was sick and knowingly continued to expose others to hiv while hiding it....nope don't feel sorry for him. At all.

edited to add, I respect that Magic Johnson brought much needed attention to HIV and what he has done for awareness and education.

He is a sick guy who very likely is suffering from untreated mental illness. Everyone deserves some compassion.


Mar 3, 2013
This is the first I've heard of any of it.


Mar 6, 2006
Tacori E-ring|1447729396|3950600 said:
asscherisme|1447729166|3950599 said:
amc80|1447726136|3950569 said:
I heard the way it came out is a girlfriend saw his medicine stash and put the dots together.

If this is true, I don't feel sorry for him because not only did his own lifestyle choices make him sick but if he knew he was sick and knowingly continued to expose others to hiv while hiding it....nope don't feel sorry for him. At all.

edited to add, I respect that Magic Johnson brought much needed attention to HIV and what he has done for awareness and education.

He is a sick guy who very likely is suffering from untreated mental illness. Everyone deserves some compassion.

I disagree. I don't think everyone deserves compassion. I think mass murders are mentally ill. I think school shooters are mentally ill. So was the aurora movie theater shooter. Or Columbine. I think child molesters are mentally ill. I feel sympathy for the victims. I feel sorry for the families.


Jun 7, 2014
This rumor has been talked about a lot for the past week. It has been reported that Charlie has known he has the virus for the past four years. Like Ame, I also wondered if this was the reason behind his breakdown a few years ago. I hope the rumors about him knowing he had the virus and not telling his sexual partners about it is not true.


Mar 2, 2005
Calliecake|1447732789|3950620 said:
This rumor has been talked about a lot for the past week. It has been reported that Charlie has known he has the virus for the past four years. Like Ame, I also wondered if this was the reason behind his breakdown a few years ago. I hope the rumors about him knowing he had the virus and not telling his sexual partners about it is not true.

I really hope so too. Even more so, I hope his fellow IV drug users knew.


Mar 3, 2013
Yup. He was diagnosed 4 years ago... He said that he's paid millions to keep people quiet (people trying to blackmail him). He claims that it's impossible that he's transmitted the virus to anyone else (knowingly/intentionally) - that he's told everyone that he's been intimate with (no exceptions).


Jul 7, 2004
AGBF|1447715997|3950505 said:
ame|1447710733|3950468 said:
I suspect if it is him, the "mental break" we watched with him going on about being a warlock might have been when he found out.

I missed that. My daughter and I used to watch "Two and a Half Men" when he was on it. When he went off the show we didn't watch it again. It wasn't that we didn't like Ashton Kutcher. We never tried Ashton Kutcher. Regardless of how Charlie Sheen behaved in his personal life-and how would we know?-we enjoyed him in that show. I hope he is not ill. What was the mental break/warlock episode?

Yea, the whole warlock thing is likely when he found out and lost it a little bit. Dealing with that is probably not easy.

He also is vehement that he was clear with every partner that he has HIV, which is why I said what I did in my original post--that I was not buying it about him hiding it from his partners--and when he disclosed it, he started having to pay hush money, and was being blackmailed by people to maintain the silence. Based on the timeline of when symptoms started, his exwives I read are HIV Negative as are all his kids. If I was going to speculate on how he contracted it, I'd go on a limb with the drug use, vs sexual indiscretions. But that's none of my business.

He is actually a pretty damn good actor. Back in his youth he was at his absolute prime, but he, his brother and his father, are quite gifted. I hope he can make himself a good activist, stay clean and not fall back into patterns.

Re: the **** stars during the warlock and goddess thing---HIV is/was rampant in the adult film industry. He probably befriended those girls because as he said, they don't judge. They know how to be safe and they know how to be supportive of people dealing with that illness.


Dec 25, 2012
I can't believe this is news. Not that HIV isn't an issue worthy of discussion, it just seems so private to have had this come out like it did.


Oct 2, 2014
Oh, poor Charlie Sheen. What a terrible thing to happen. I know his lifestyle was completely wild, but he doesn't deserve this.

This accounts for his breakdown in 2011. When I happened to see him on TV during that time, I felt slightly voyeuristic. It was obviously a very ill person having a meltdown and I felt uncomfortable that his problems were so exposed and that everyone was jeering at him. Now that we know the reason behind all that, I feel even worse for him.

I know he's rich and famous, but riches and fame really do come at a price - like having the entire world know that you are HIV positive.


Jun 18, 2010
This is the part I don't understand-

He also insisted it was "impossible" that he knowingly transmitted the virus to others. While he admitted to having unprotected sex with two people since the diagnosis, both were informed ahead of time and have been under the care of his doctor.


Oct 2, 2014
Amc, I'm thinking that the fact these two people were under the care on an HIV doctor is a roundabout way of saying that they were also HIV-positive themselves. This would also make sense of the first part of the statement, that he had unprotected sex with two people but that it was impossible he gave it to them (because they were already independently infected). That's my guess, anyway.


Mar 3, 2013
One of his ex-girlfriends (Bree) did an interview on Howard Stern today in response to Charlie Sheen's interview on the Today Show. She was livid. She was not told of his HIV status (I believe that she found out somewhere along the way during their relationship) - she said that they always used protection, but had she known, she would not have slept with him (in fact, she regrets their whole relationship). She said that there was a constant stream of prostitutes in and out of Charlie's house (during the time that Bree lived there) and she said that there was no way that they knew about his HIV status. There was another woman that lived there (Natalie I believe) and I'm not sure if she was told either. As far as Charlie being under a doctor's care, I'm not sure what to make of all that. It seemed a bit hokey to me - like he was saying that since he's on meds to suppress the virus (under a "doctor's care"), then his doctor gave him the green light to have sex... Maybe I misunderstood it. I don't think that he meant that he was sleeping with others with HIV, nor was he disclosing his status.... I don't know, it was all fairly confusing because Charlie was not very coherent on the Today Show. Knowing what a mess he is (with his emotional instability, steroids, drug use, etc.), I tend to believe his ex Bree. I think Charlie was sleeping with women and not telling them.
Bree is HIV negative by the way... or at least that's what she claims.


Oct 2, 2014
I don't know what to make of it all either, Momhappy. In his interview Charlie was absolutely adamant that he told all his partners. And really, you'd have to be uncommonly wicked to go round sleeping with people and not disclosing your HIV status. On the other hand, Bree is just as insistent that he didn't tell her, and I read that there are many more he didn't tell. These events apparently took place in 2011.

Perhaps it's possible that he got diagnosed toward the end of 2011 and those relationships took place in the preceding months of the year. Who knows.

There is an account in one outlet of Charlie being wasted after a 12-hour sex and drugs marathon, and asking one of the girls to fetch his HIV pills from the bathroom, which is how she found out. She says he laughed it off saying that his viral load was too low to transmit and she'd be fine, and that he'd arrange for her to see his doctor. This account has a ring of truth about it for me - I can just imagine him taking that kind of attitude. But obviously, I don't know what went on, and since it's a he-said/she-said situation, this could just be someone out to extort money from him. If it were true, I'd have expected Bree to have settled out of court with him a long time ago. If she has just found out along with the rest of the world, you'd have expected Charlie to have talked to her ahead of time, before his interview, to stave off some of her anger and some of the damage she could do if her claim is real.

Apparently you can still transmit the virus when your HIV is suppressed, although it's much less likely. But whatever your viral load is doing, to have HIV and not disclose to prospective partners is utterly despicable.

Of course, in Charlie Sheen's case we have no idea who is telling the truth. His other girlfriend that he had at the same time as Bree says that he is not a monster and would never have knowingly put others at risk. Who to believe?


Mar 3, 2013
Yes, I suppose that it's a he-said/she-said. Unfortunately, with Sheen being the absolute train wreck that he is, I don't tend to believe a word that comes out of his mouth. I'm inclined to think that if your norm is engaging in reckless behaviors (drugs, steroids, prostitutes, etc.), then you're likely to engage in lies & deceit (or in this case, not disclosing your HIV status to any of the numerous prostitutes that you share your bed with).


Jul 1, 2014
Charlie Sheen is the grabby pervy uncle everyone avoids at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
asscherisme|1447732726|3950619 said:
Tacori E-ring|1447729396|3950600 said:
asscherisme|1447729166|3950599 said:
amc80|1447726136|3950569 said:
I heard the way it came out is a girlfriend saw his medicine stash and put the dots together.

If this is true, I don't feel sorry for him because not only did his own lifestyle choices make him sick but if he knew he was sick and knowingly continued to expose others to hiv while hiding it....nope don't feel sorry for him. At all.

edited to add, I respect that Magic Johnson brought much needed attention to HIV and what he has done for awareness and education.

He is a sick guy who very likely is suffering from untreated mental illness. Everyone deserves some compassion.

I disagree. I don't think everyone deserves compassion. I think mass murders are mentally ill. I think school shooters are mentally ill. So was the aurora movie theater shooter. Or Columbine. I think child molesters are mentally ill. I feel sympathy for the victims. I feel sorry for the families.

Well, we have to agree to disagree then. I know I have an abnormally high empathy level which may be difficult to understand. Serves my patients well since I work with a highly stigmatized population.


Jul 7, 2004
momhappy|1447793562|3950924 said:
One of his ex-girlfriends (Bree) did an interview on Howard Stern today in response to Charlie Sheen's interview on the Today Show. She was livid. She was not told of his HIV status (I believe that she found out somewhere along the way during their relationship) - she said that they always used protection, but had she known, she would not have slept with him (in fact, she regrets their whole relationship). She said that there was a constant stream of prostitutes in and out of Charlie's house (during the time that Bree lived there) and she said that there was no way that they knew about his HIV status. There was another woman that lived there (Natalie I believe) and I'm not sure if she was told either. As far as Charlie being under a doctor's care, I'm not sure what to make of all that. It seemed a bit hokey to me - like he was saying that since he's on meds to suppress the virus (under a "doctor's care"), then his doctor gave him the green light to have sex... Maybe I misunderstood it. I don't think that he meant that he was sleeping with others with HIV, nor was he disclosing his status.... I don't know, it was all fairly confusing because Charlie was not very coherent on the Today Show. Knowing what a mess he is (with his emotional instability, steroids, drug use, etc.), I tend to believe his ex Bree. I think Charlie was sleeping with women and not telling them.
Bree is HIV negative by the way... or at least that's what she claims.
She's also been on record saying she was told, as I recall, also on Stern. At least one site (TMZ possibly?) reported that. And Sheen has apparently got text conversations with time and date stamps that negate her "I was never told" story.


Oct 2, 2014
Many women are coming forward and saying that Sheen never told them, but of course they could be lying just to make a buck. Who knows who's telling the truth? I guess this is part of what Sheen was afraid of about going public. You know, if I were him, every women I wanted to sleep with after the diagnosis I would have had them sign a statement witnessed with lawyers that I had informed her about the HIV ahead of time. It would really be the only way to protect someone rich and famous like Sheen from opportunists. But I think he's been too out of it from drugs and depression to think straight.


Oct 2, 2014
A woman has been interviewed saying that Sheen told her of his HIV status and she chose to have unprotected sex with him, for eight months. She said his viral load was undetectable and that she took prophylactic pills, so the doctors said they couldn't recommend unprotected sex with Sheen but that the risk of transmission was very low indeed.


Very low is not the same as zero. What if his viral load began to rise between tests? How well does the prophylactic work? And what if Sheen didn't take his pill regime properly?

My jaw is on the floor at her choosing unprotected sex with him. And the kicker? She's a nurse!!

Still, I guess no one could accuse her of being judgmental about HIV!


May 11, 2012
I can picture him bombed on drugs and alcohol ordering hookers and failing to disclose he was HIV positive. Even making the suggestion that his "viral load was low" suggests that in his own mind he makes the assumption he can do what he likes then just buy the people he sleeps with some pills and whatever else they need the next day.

He doesn't strike me as the type of guy that has a high level of concern for other people or himself but on the flip side of that the media will and do say anything about stars to sell stories.... so I guess stay tuned for more women he slept with to appear in the media.


Oct 2, 2014
It wasn't a suggestion about his viral load being low, it's a medical fact. His doctors appeared on TV and said that his load was so low as to be undetectable and that this cuts the risk of transmission but it's not zero and they couldn't recommend that he had unprotected sex. There's no way I would take the path that his nurse girlfriend did.

As to the rest of the story, what a circus, and who knows which parties are telling the truth? On the one hand Sheen has done a lot of horrible things and I can't imagine that he is a nice person, but on the other hand he's clearly very ill mentally and I can see that a lot of people have probably taken advantage of his money and fame. If you battle unbeatable demons and you also have HIV, that must be a very lonely place to be. He apparently fell into a major depression and would just stay holed up in one room of his house. I know he doesn't seem like a nice person but he is obviously troubled in the extreme, and for that reason I feel sorry for him. His life probably would have turned out very differently if he had enjoyed good mental health. Denise Richards says he was a completely different person when he was clean and sober, which he was for a few years.
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