
Interviewing. Ask about flex work schedule?


Jul 27, 2007
Hi all. I've been wrestling with an issue and I would love some opinions/experience.

I currently work 4 days/week (@ 32 hours, not 40). I created this schedule in 2012 after my first child was born. It took some negotiating, but it's worked out really well for my family and I can honestly say that I work 9am - 5pm Monday - Thursday, which is not easy to do in my industry where 60+ hours/week is expected.

I really like my job. I like my company. I like my clients. The benefits are really nice (6 weeks paid vacation + 17 paid holidays), good health insurance, great maternity leave benefits, etc. So I'm by no means unhappy.

Only downside is the commute--while it is nice to have some downtime on the train (the ONLY time I get to myself during the day), I just feel like having a 1+ hour commute into the city each way is not feasible long-term. I had always planned to find a job closer to home once my kids were school aged (they are 3 and 1).

I was approached by a company that is next to the town where I live. It's a good company and I can definitely see myself there for the next 10+ years. It's 14 minutes from my house, 6 minutes from daycare, 8 minutes from the preschool my 3-year-old is attending this fall. I was asked to do a short phone interview, which turned into a longer discussion over coffee and now I have a more formal interview next week. The opportunity is a good one, not one I'm ready to turn down. So the interview train has left the station.

The problem is that I'm very, very torn about giving up my 4 day/week schedule. Obviously I will do it for the right (long-term) opportunity, but I'm not sure when or if I should bring it up as an option with the new company. I don't want them to think that my first priority is NOT working. But on the other hand they approached me and this is a big consideration for me, so I want to be transparent about that.

Given that I have a formal interview next week, should I bring it up with HR that day? That I would be interested in working a reduced schedule or at least work from home 1 day/week. Should I bring it up if I receive an offer? Should I not bring it up at all and hope that in 6 months (if I take the job) that I can ask about it once I've established myself more? I would personally like to bring it up sooner in the interest of full disclosure, but I don't want to burn this bridge, either.

Thanks for making it through this, I always write more than I intend.


Jul 1, 2012
I would probably wait until they made an official offer before bringing up any type of flex schedule. It's possible they would be willing to work something out if they interview you and decide you're the right candidate for the job, but if you bring it up now they may just say no and you won't even have the chance to go in and see what happens.

However, if a 4 day schedule (or working from home 1 day) is something that's very important to you in deciding whether this is the right fit for you long-term, I would not actually *accept* the job without mentioning it. I would wait until the offer is in hand and then discuss the possibilities to see how flexible they are.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi New England Lady, first of all congratulations on being approached by this firm. You and your skills and experience are in demand so that is all good news.

Are you now commuting over 2 hours a day to work? An hour plus each way? If so that is 8 plus hours of commuting for the 4 days you now work. If you look at it that way that is a whole extra day but I know it is not the same thing as working though for me commuting is time I feel is a waste. Not getting paid for it and not really free time though I get you have your only downtime during your commute. Just wanted to point that out.

It's a tough question when you should ask them about this. I think I would wait till you get the job offer as well and in the meantime is there something you can read about this company and what their policy is towards telecommuting? My dh's firm frowns upon it and they encourage people to come into the office despite the fact that much of the time they could work just as well from home. Perhaps this company has a more flexible and modern view towards telecommuting.

If you bring it up during the interview that could be a turn off. Or they could be pleased you are being upfront with them. During the interview I might ask them if they would consider a 32 hour 4 day workweek though as that is something different than working from home one or more days. If you wait and bring it up after they offer you the job they might be annoyed you waited or they could surprise you and say it is fine. It just depends on their philosophy.

I don't suppose you are friendly with anyone who works there now as it would be ideal to speak to a colleague who works or who worked there. Can you go on glass door and find out what people are saying about the company? Perhaps they mention this issue.

Sorry, I know I have been no help at all. Wishing you lots of luck with this opportunity and I will add that if they want you, and they obviously do as they approached you, I am sure there will be more opportunities if this one doesn't work out. But I hope it does!


Jun 8, 2008
OK just rethinking some things. I would see how the interview is going and not go in with any hard and fast rules as to what you are going to ask. Trust your gut as the interview progresses and see if they bring anything up first about telecommuting. They will see you are working a 32 hour week now right? So perhaps they are expecting you might be interested in continuing that if you work for them. In this day and age many companies are flexible regarding work schedules depending on what you do so there is a good chance they are open to entertaining different schedules than the customary 5 day in the office workweek.

I would still check out glass door and also see if you can find out anything about the company's philosophy from someone who works or worked there or anything you can find online about them.


Jun 18, 2010
I'm actually dealing with a similar thing. We are looking at moving, and I will likely end up with a fairly awful commute. I'm willing to do it, but it would be nice if I could telecommute at least one day a week. Glassdoor has been a big help in determining which companies are even open to this option. I've decided I won't bring it up until I have an offer. You know, make them want me first, then see what I can get away with.

I also agree with missy- you are already "working" 40 hours a week when you consider the commute. Perhaps you could work an extended schedule (like 8-5 with no lunch, or 8-6) 4 days a week in order to still log the hours?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
ask for what you want in the interview. I think it is better to be upfront than expect changes 6 months in. I recently interviewed and asked for 4 days a week (so I could remain at my current job 1 day a week) and his reply was "done!"

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
i'm in the negotiate when an offer is rec'd.

however, I do think you could/should have brought up your current work hours and benefits package during the informal discussions. this new company's representative could then have asked you about your desire to work a 40-hour week and lay out their benefits package informally. of course, the interview station has left the station and i'd consider this a learning experience for when you are again approached because i believe it could happen again.

as with everything it is which baggage are you willing to carry: will it be shorter commute but longer hours? less vacation? etc.

yes, i'd wait and negotiate when an offer is made.


Aug 29, 2014
Another thing to consider is that since it is so close to home, and since you are basically away from home for 10h a day, you could work 9h for 4 days. Still less than you're doing now, but they might be more receptive to a 36h week vs 32. Being that it's so close to home, its just another barganing chip for you.

As others said, I would see how the interview goes. If they know/mention your 32h week, I think it's a good time to bring it up. If they do not, wait until you have the offer before negotiating.


Mar 13, 2013
I am also in the wait till the negotiation camp as well.

HOWEVER, you could ask a general question about flex time, telecommuting, modified schedules, work life balance etc. in the interview so it doesn't come as a total surprise. If they ask why you ask, tell them this is something you like about your current employer, or something you value as important in a potential employer. So you're not putting a 32 hour a week on the table right away, but they will know you are interested in a not 9-5 week. And how they answer will help you formulate other options for if they offer you the job. Going in with a what you want and what you will settle for will help you in your negotiations.

Trying to get the inside scoop would be valuable. Especially from someone in the group you would be working in, because I have found this type of thing, even if there is a official policy, to be highly dependant on the manager.

Good luck on your interview.


Jul 27, 2007
Thank you all so much! I've been reading the responses, but haven't had time to respond.

So it sounds like the majority of you think that I should bring it up in passing during the interview so they know I'm currently working a reduced schedule (and I'm happy with it), but it makes no sense to bring it up as a point of negotiation until I have an offer. I think that's a good idea. It addresses the issues that Missy pointed out, which is what I was/am struggling with. I didn't want to turn them off by bringing up too soon, but also didn't want to wait to bring it up until I had an offer in hand and start out on the wrong foot by not being more transparent with them. I can probably find a way to mention that I'm happy with my current schedule without making it seem like a dealbreaker.

missy and amc, thanks for the glassdoor suggestions. I wasn't able to find anything related to a flexible working schedule, but I do have a contact at the company who told me last year that they have flex time in the summers (can leave half day early on Fridays). And when I was there to grab coffee last week, I noticed everybody had laptops (realize that's the norm this day and age, but at least suggests there is some flexibility working away from one's desk) and the dress was more casual than I expected, which I think speaks to the culture (hoping flexibility with attire translates into flexibility with schedule).

Tacori, it's encouraging that your company was so open to a 4-day a week schedule. I would be really happy if that's how easy it was for me, but I'm not setting any expectations. One of the moms in my mom group interviewed for a new job a few months ago and she said she asked for 4 days not expecting it to be possible, but they pretty much said "done!" as well.

Telephone, you bring up a really good point about possibly asking for 36 vs. 32 hours if I work 9 hours vs. 8 hours Monday - Thursday. It could be an issue with daycare hours, but still worth considering. I hadn't thought of that before.

movie zombie, I thought about bringing up my flexible working schedule during the informal interview, but that interview wasn't with HR or a recruiter. The person who would be my potential boss was reaching out to me and our conversations were really around whether we both thought the skill set needed for the job was a good match for me. If anything related to schedules had come up, I probably would have at least mentioned it. I did say that I was happy at my current company, so I didn't want to make any moves unless it was a great opportunity...I probably could have brought it up, then, but I didn't want to over-state the point.

Thanks again to all of you, this has been really helpful1


Jun 18, 2010
NEL- I just got off the phone from an initial phone interview. I mentioned that I read in Glassdoor reviews that people talked about flexibility and telecommuting. I phrased it as more of a statement- "I read that people can be really flexible with their work hours and such. Of course, all of the people leaving were engineers and not in finance, so I don't know if it's true across the company." Something like that. And the recruiter then took the lead in talking about how flexible they were. So maybe something like that would work?


Jul 27, 2007
Oh, good thinking, amc. How did the phone interview go for you? And when are you moving?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Someone told me not to be afraid to ask for what I wanted during the interview. When her oldest started school she asked her boss if she could leave work at 2:00 (work from home a few hours in the evening) so she could meet her daughter's school bus. She was expecting a no but they agreed. Personally I would be annoyed if you didn't bring it up until the offer. That's kinda a big deal and an employer might not be okay with it. Better to be open and honest about it than wait until the 11th hour. Then you can decide if you are willing to work 5 days and they can decide if they are willing to only have you 4. Let us know how it goes. Short commutes are underrated!!!


Jul 27, 2007
Part of it is honestly the offer I get. Four days/week means 20% pay cut and I'm really on the fence about whether I want the pay cut or if it's worth it to stay at 5 days, but work from home one day per week. I'm used to the pay cut, but still a consideration for me and I'm just struggling with it.


Jun 18, 2010
NewEnglandLady|1428004311|3855959 said:
Oh, good thinking, amc. How did the phone interview go for you? And when are you moving?

I think really well! Moving as soon as I get a job offer. I have interviewed with 4 different companies this week, so hopefully one of them pans out!


Sep 17, 2008
If possible ask about teleworking 1-2 times a week. That would allow you to have the time at home and still be available during working hours.

I don't think its out of line to ask during the interview process, and you'll know when the time is right to bring it up. I've teleworked for a decade now. I don't think I could work in an office My office is separate from my house, though its still in my house, its got a totally separate entrance so I can't be easily disturbed. I use a netduo network phone as my office phone which gives me a separate number, and depending on the entities I work for, they either provide a computer for very sensitive data or, if not so sensitive, I use my own.

Teleworking isn't for everyone, because they may lack the right situation, or, it just may not be their thing. But its something to keep in mind going forward to allow you some flexibility.


Jul 27, 2007
Quick update: had the interview today and ended up bringing up my reduced schedule with HR. Her response was essentially that my short commute will help with work/life balance, so I'm not terribly optimistic about how accommodating they may be. I asked my contact at the company and she said that my potential boss values being in the office, but works from home or adjusts his schedule when necessary. He has kids and a spouse who works, which is encouraging.

One of the people I interviewed with asked me if I had an "insane" schedule since I work for an ad agency. I told her I negotiated a reduced schedule and only bill 8 hours a day when I'm on the office. I think that surprised her a little, but she didn't seem put off by it.

We'll see how it pans out. If it's meant to be, it will happen.


Jul 27, 2007
amc, just bumping this to ask how your interviewing is going?

Also, I wanted to give a final update. I received an offer without any mention of a flexible or reduced work schedule. I decided to try to negotiate, but they weren't willing to give me a "formal" WFH schedule.

They did say I could re-evaluate with my manager does seem very flexible, so I'm still hopeful something will work out down the road. As it is, I'm looking forward to have my time with my girls on a daily basis given how close the new job is. I still think the long-term benefits are for the best, but am glad I've at least laid the tracks for future conversations.


Jun 18, 2010
NewEnglandLady|1429027095|3861706 said:
amc, just bumping this to ask how your interviewing is going?

Also, I wanted to give a final update. I received an offer without any mention of a flexible or reduced work schedule. I decided to try to negotiate, but they weren't willing to give me a "formal" WFH schedule.

They did say I could re-evaluate with my manager does seem very flexible, so I'm still hopeful something will work out down the road. As it is, I'm looking forward to have my time with my girls on a daily basis given how close the new job is. I still think the long-term benefits are for the best, but am glad I've at least laid the tracks for future conversations.

Congrats on the new position!

I fly up to Portland tomorrow. I am having dinner with the CFO of one company, then have an 8:30 interview the next morning...followed by another interview at 11am. So I'm managing to meet with three companies in a very short amount of time. I'm sure my head will be spinning by the end of it, but hopefully I get at least one offer!


Dec 29, 2006
Congratulations, NEL and good luck, amc!


Jun 8, 2008
Congratulations NEL! :appl: I hope you can eventually get your perfect for you schedule and in the meantime woohoo for spending more time with your family!

amc, sending you lots of good luck dust for today and tomorrow!


Jun 18, 2010
Thank you!


Jun 7, 2014
Congrats New England Lady! I'm glad this worked out well for you!

AMC80, Sending lots of job dust your way. Hopefully you will have a couple offers to chose from!


Nov 27, 2010
Congrats, NEL.

Good luck today AMC. How did dinner last night go?

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
congrats on the new job, NEL!


Jun 18, 2010
I just wanted to update this thread (um, even though it's not my thread). I did get a job offer and we are moving in a few weeks! As an added bonus, they are paying full relo, including a month of temporary housing, a house-hunting trip, 30 days' storage of our stuff, etc. We are trying to buy a house but the market is insane, so we shall see how it goes. Thank you for all of the dust!


Apr 30, 2005
It depends on what is more important to you, getting that job or getting that flex schedule.


Jul 27, 2007
amc, that is so exciting, congrats!! So nice that you have the relocation costs and temporary housing costs covered--even if you need to rent for a short time, that's not the end of the world. There are obviously advantages and disadvantages, but it will all work out for the best.

Curious if you ended up asking for a day to WFH--what will your commute be like?

I'm in my second week in my new position and I am really happy. I realize I'm still in the honeymoon phase, but I can't see myself being unhappy any time soon. The work is much more relaxed--everybody leaves at 5 and nobody is working after hours, so when I get in the morning I don't have 30 emails waiting for me. The people are very nice, the work is new and interesting and being so close to home is a dream. The mornings are so much more relaxed now that I have more time and I'm actually cooking on weeknights again, which I haven't done in forever.

I really thought going back to 5 days was going to be hard for me, but having more time with the girls in a daily basis does make it much easier. And not having to negotiate a pay reduction along with a reduced schedule is great, so I think it's worth it. I can grocery shop after work now and we hired a cleaner, so my weekends actually feel less full than they did when I was working 4 days.

Didn't mean to ramble, but didn't realize what a difference a short commute and more relaxed environment makes. I wasn't unhappy at my old job, but now that I've made this change, I could never go back. Thinking of you, amc, and am very excited for your move!!


Nov 7, 2004
I'm glad it worked out! I have a short easy commute. When I lived in Chicago my commute was 40-50 minutes each way.
It would be hard to go back to a long commute after this, have to say I'm spoiled!
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