
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007

Amazing news, JGator!!! So happy for you!!! :appl: :appl:


Jul 1, 2012

Congrats, JGator!!!!! Wooohoooo I was thinking of you today and hoping for the best! SO happy and excited for you!!! That's amazing news, I'm sure it'll take a few days to sink in, but such incredible news!! :appl: :dance:


Aug 19, 2009

WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JG-so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:


Jul 27, 2007

Eeeee!! JGator!! TWINS!! I am so excited for you, I know how nervous you were for the u/s and I've been meaning to check in all day--you must have been so elated to see those heartbeats! CONGRATS!


Aug 1, 2008

JGator- so happy for you and two heartbeats!!!


Dec 3, 2011

Congratulations, JGator!!! That's soooo exciting!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:


Nov 27, 2010

Thank you all for the well wishes. We are super excited, yet cautious about counting our chickens before they are hatched at the same time. Next ultrasound is a week from tomorrow. Hopefully, I will stay busy and not obsess too much. I haven't POASed since yesterday morning before the ultrasound so that's a good sign!


Nov 24, 2009

JGator, still so happy for you! Just wanted to say you should definitely continue to resist the urge to POAS anymore. It's useless once you are this far along, and in fact, you can get weird results if you test when your beta is too high where the test line actually appears lighter than the control line again (that happened to me when I tested during my 6th or 7th week!). Unfortunately, I know all too well that the worry doesn't end with a positive test, good beta, and good ultrasound, and the time seems to drag between ultrasounds. But I'm feeling really positive and so excited for you!!!


Nov 25, 2010

Finally catching up...

JGator!!! Welcome to the club! Like MP said I was so relieved to see a heartbeat that the thought of twins didn't hit me until later. Sending you tons of growing vibes and can't wait to hear an update from your ultrasound next week :appl:


Jul 1, 2012

Wondering if anyone knows what this could be... I'm about 5.5 weeks, so I know it's still very very early. Since Sunday I keep getting these pulling sensations in the area right above my belly button, but it's really more than just pulling. It feels like something is being pulled hard and twisted from the inside. That area also has a strange indentation, and it feels like the pain is right behind that. On Sunday it was so bad I could barely breathe and couldn't move (I was about 5 minutes away from asking DH to take me to the hospital because the pain was so bad) but then it started to subside and has only been intermittent since then (and not as severe). I assumed it was just a weird pregnancy thing, and don't want to call my doctor for this when it's probably nothing, but just wondering if anyone had this before and knew what it could be. Not sure if it matters, but lately I also feel like my abs aren't as tight as they once were - they actually were pretty decent after my first pregnancy, so I don't think it was related to that, but since about 2-3 months ago I've felt them loosening considerably and I developed this little belly pooch that I can't "suck in" anymore. I kind of expected that following my first pregnancy, but it wasn't really there and I got my abs pretty tight again, so why suddenly a few months ago would it happen out of nowhere?? At this point I know my abs will be shot anyway with a 2nd pregnancy, but just don't know if its somehow related to this pain.

Also, morning sickness is creeping in. Not sick yet, but this morning was the first morning on the subway I felt shaky and nauseous and was counting down till I could actually sit down at work. Last time I took B6 3x/day and I think it really helped, but can't remember the dosage - anyone know?


Nov 27, 2010

Lavender, I do get weird crampy feelings when I move around in bed at night in my abdomen. Nothing specifically above the belly button though. A quick Google search says that's normal though. I have had a few bouts of heartburn, but no morning sickness. I didn't thave it very much with my daughter either though, and the heartburn was miserable with her too. Sorry you felt sick on the subway.

TBaus, :wavey: Hope all is well.

MP, thanks for chiming in about my POAS addiction. I have your voice in the back of my head when I am tempted. So far, no more POASing. How are you feeling? Is having twins much different than your pregnancy with Ev?


Nov 27, 2010

Lavender, how are you feeling? Any more morning sickness or belly button area pain? Hope all is well.

MP, if you are checking this board, how long did you stay on progesterone? My instructions say until this Friday which would only be 8 weeks. Seems short to me. With K, they didn't have me on it because my levels were fine on my own, but I started taking this the day after IUI.

AFM, my next ultrasound is in 2 days. Getting nervous about it. Just hoping both heartbeats are still there. I have had heartburn a couple times and a few waves of nausea - short lived though. Which I guess is good. No other symptoms really, but I don't think I had much with K either. Just really hoping for heartbeats. My DH is coming with me this time.


Nov 24, 2009

JGator, with Ev, I was on prometrium starting three days after the IUI, and I want to say I weaned off by 10 weeks. With IUI, you are already making your own progesterone, so it's more of a precautionary thing. With this pregnancy, since it was an FET, I did not actually ovulate, so I wasn't making any progesterone on my own. I was on PIO shots until 10 weeks, and then she had me quit cold turkey. That freaked me out, so I took another week or so of prometrium (self-prescribed and I'm sure completely unnecessary). Maybe you can wean yourself off over the next couple of weeks or ask them to test your progesterone if you're concerned. I can't believe you're almost 8 weeks already!

Oh, and to answer your other question, I didn't feel much different from my singleton pregnancy other than being more queasy from 6-8 weeks. With my singleton, I barely felt anything. The biggest difference I've noticed is my size (which is probably also because it's my second pregnancy and my abs decided not to put up a fight this time). With Ev, I only started really showing around 18-20 weeks, and even then I wasn't that big. This time around, I could barely hide it anymore at 14-15 weeks. My chest got a lot bigger this time too. I look much further along than 22 weeks. I have had heartburn/acid reflux much earlier, and I'm just lower energy all around this time.

Hope you are hanging in there! Wishing you all the best with your upcoming ultrasound!


Nov 27, 2010

MP, thanks that makes sense on your FET vs. my IUI and need for progesterone. I'm kind of sick of taking it anyway so it could be a good thing to stop it on Friday. I will just be paranoid. Right now, I have scheduled a CVS for April 15th, and I'm vacillating between seeing my regular OBGyn and a Perinatologist who doesn't deliver or going to a Perinatologist who is also an OB. But, I don't want to make any appts till I know tomorrow that there are still 2 heartbeats. I feel very in limbo. But, hopefully we will pass one more hurdle tomorrow. I think I will be released from the RE at that point too. One more symptom I have is that I am itchy all the time in random spots - did that happen to you? Like under one arm, around my hairline. and under/on my boobs. Now, it's the front of my ankle and my right arm pit! Crazy hormones, I assume. Good luck with your ultrasound today. How many weeks are you now???


Jul 1, 2012

JGator said:
Lavender, how are you feeling? Any more morning sickness or belly button area pain? Hope all is well.

MP, if you are checking this board, how long did you stay on progesterone? My instructions say until this Friday which would only be 8 weeks. Seems short to me. With K, they didn't have me on it because my levels were fine on my own, but I started taking this the day after IUI.

AFM, my next ultrasound is in 2 days. Getting nervous about it. Just hoping both heartbeats are still there. I have had heartburn a couple times and a few waves of nausea - short lived though. Which I guess is good. No other symptoms really, but I don't think I had much with K either. Just really hoping for heartbeats. My DH is coming with me this time.

JGator, wishing you luck tomorrow with your appointment/ultrasound tomorrow! Fingers crossed for 2 strong heartbeats...

I've been feeling generally decent, although the waves of nausea have been coming more frequently. Nothing too bad, but enough that I started taking ginger ale everywhere with me and carrying snacks all the time because sometimes I can hold off the nausea for a bit if I eat a small snack. Other than that, no other real symptoms besides some INTENSE cramping yesterday and today, which has been making me very nervous. The cramping had mostly stopped but yesterday it was worse than it has been the entire time - I also had an extremely stressful work/family situation come up yesterday and I've been so upset and stressed about it, I wonder if that's contributing to my cramping. I'm trying not to let it affect me, but it's hard not to think about it, but now I'm worried the cramping is a bad sign. I was supposed to have my first ultrasound today, but since I'm only about 6.5 weeks, my doctor suggested switching to next week to be sure we see something (if all is well) so now I have to wait till next Thursday. Wishing I was going today instead... :((


Nov 27, 2010

Sorry you are stressed, Lavender. I had that whole stolen jewelry debacle which highly stressed me out 2 weeks ago, and when I went in a few days after that everything was fine, and I saw 2 heartbeats so don't stress too much. I think you have to assume cramping is just stretching especially since you have no bleeding. So, that's a good sign. Hang in there. I hate waiting too. Do you have a doppler? I have one, but not sure where it is. Wondering how far along before I can start using that. I know I didn't use it till maybe 12 weeks with our dd. I think it can be used earlier though. I might start looking for it! Now my neck is itchy! Will this ever end???


Jul 1, 2012

Really hoping you're right and the cramping is just stretching!

I don't have a doppler, I considered buying one last pregnancy, but my doctor practically begged me not to because she knows I worry too much and thought I would be more stressed if I couldn't find the heartbeat than reassured if I could (and it's not the easiest to find for at least a few months!). I don't think they even use it in my doctor's office until at least 12 weeks or later (unless I'm remembering wrong), and even then sometimes it takes them a while to find it because baby is so small.

Sorry about the itching! I guess that must be hormonal? That sounds so frustrating!!! Only time I had random itching was when I got my epidural, I felt like everything itched SO MUCH almost like I had hives all over (which I didn't) - it was definitely better than the pain, but MAN that can drive you nuts! Hope the itching improves soon! :appl: <-- I know that smiley is really supposed to be for clapping, but it looks a little like scratching to me ... :cheeky:


Nov 24, 2009

JGator, I haven't experienced the itchiness thing. That's odd. Any chance you are having an allergic reaction to something? Assuming both babies are still looking good (praying that's the case!!!), I highly recommend looking into an MFM/perinatalogist. I've been seeing one since 16 weeks (I didn't get released from my RE until after the NT scan at 13 weeks, but I think that's a lot later than most). My doctor is awesome, and the doctors in my practice also do deliveries. I just feel like they have the best equipment, and I get the best monitoring (ultrasound every appoint which is every two weeks). And most importantly, I feel like he is very alert to any signs of preterm labor, etc. Compared to a lot of their cases, I'm pretty low risk. I'm sure there are OBs that have a lot of experience with twins and would be fine, but my OB/GYN stopped doing OB work after Ev was born, so I felt better going straight to an MFM. Oh, and I'm not necessarily recommending this, but I checked for heartbeats this time at exactly 9 weeks, and I was able to pick them both up. But I know that's not always the case, so don 't freak yourself out trying too early. I think I picked it up with Ev when I first got it at 10 weeks, but I know most people say not to try until 12 weeks. Oh, and thanks for asking. My ultrasound went great today. I'm 22 weeks now (it's going so fast and so slow at the same time).

Lavender, hope all is well with you. I never had much cramping, but I know some people do. It probably wouldn't hurt to mention it to your doctor just to make sure they don't want you to come in earlier for your ultrasound after all just to make sure everything is looking on track, which I'm sure it is!


Nov 27, 2010

MP, I have an appt with ob/gyn on Monday. I may just stick with him since it looks like maybe only 1 is going to make it. I will start getting the doppler out in a week since I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow.

Lavender, how are your cramps? Feeling better?

Hi, got back from RE's office. We saw 2 heartbeats, but the RE thinks one may not make it as it's smaller and its heartbeat is much slower - 112 vs. 165. So, I am officially released. Mixed emotions on the whole thing. I'm glad we had 2 to begin with so that if this happened, we still have one remaining. But, worried thinking I am down to 1 already, maybe I will lose the other too later. I don't know. I'm happy we saw 2 heartbeats - just nervous. Always something. Also, my RE did the ultrasound himself and seemed to have a hard time navigating around and taking pictures/measurements. Last time, it was an ultrasound tech who had no issues, and he was standing there. So, not sure if maybe his meaurements are off due to inexperience. Who knows? Glad to be released though. RE took 2 separate pics of the babies and they are blurry, he wasn't even sure he took one of each of them and then we found the other one in the folder. I liked having the 2 together in one shot last time.


Nov 24, 2009

Hugs, JGator. So sorry your results were complicated, and your mixed emotions are completely understandable. I'm very happy to hear that one of the babies is measuring correctly and has a great heart rate (at this point, the chances are great that all will be well if the baby is measuring correctly and has a good heart rate), but I'm so sorry and know how upsetting it must've been to hear that things may not be going as well with the other baby. I'm glad you'll have another appointment on Monday, and I hope you are able to get another ultrasound and get more clarity. It's so hard to be in limbo. I'll be keeping you and both of them in my thoughts and prayers.


Nov 27, 2010

MP, thanks for your words of support. I am glad I have an appt on Monday. Not too long to wait to get a better idea what's going on.


Aug 16, 2007

Hugs Jgator! They said the same thing to my mom and now both boys are almost 12 :) you never know!


Jul 26, 2008
Re: Re:

JGator|1426803846|3849771 said:
MP, thanks for your words of support. I am glad I have an appt on Monday. Not too long to wait to get a better idea what's going on.

My thoughts are with you!!! Good luck on Monday!


Jul 1, 2012

MP, thanks for the advice, maybe I'll call my doctor this afternoon if the cramping gets any worse. It seems to come and go, so as soon as I decide to call my doctor it goes away and I tell myself I'll just wait it out, and then it comes back! Hopefully just uterus stretching though..

JGator, happy you got to see both heartbeats, and fingers crossed for the smaller one to keep growing too! Definitely understandable to have mixed emotions, and glad you can see the doctor Monday to get some more information. How are you feeling otherwise? How is the itchiness?

I've been feeling a bit sicker each day, still nothing too severe, but just nausea has been getting worse each day. One minute I'm fine and the next I get a wave of nausea and wonder if I'll throw up, but then I'll be fine again if I lay down for a bit or eat something bland. Haven't POAS in like 4 days though, so at least there's progress there! ::) I feel like a terrible mom some days though because I come home from work so tired and not feeling great and instead of playing with my son (E) I just put Sesame Street on and lay there with him. He's thrilled because until now he had hardly any screen time, but now suddenly every day he gets to watch Sesame Street, but I just feel like I'm neglecting him a bit! :((

Going to my in-laws this weekend and hoping the morning sickness doesn't get too bad because we haven't told anyone yet. I have a history of terrible, frequent migraines so the bright side to that is any nausea or not drinking alcohol/wine can be blamed on migraines and it's totally believable (hopefully!)


Apr 14, 2005

Jgator, sending you a huge hug & keeping you & both babies in my thoughts & prayers. I hope you get clarity (& good news!) on Monday.


Jul 26, 2008

Thoughts and lots of dust for you tomorrow JGator!


Jul 1, 2012

Thinking of you today, JGator - good luck!!


Nov 27, 2010

Lavender, how did the trip to the in-laws go? We are avoiding everyone till May if possible. Was your morning sickness a problem? Sorry you get migraines. My sister gets them and they really are debilitating. Our daughter is watching more Caillou than ever. That's her "show". Thanks for the well wishes. 3 more days till your appt. Are you holding up okay with the wait?

Bright, great to hear from you. :wavey: I will reply on the other thread also. Your daughter is gorgeous!!!

Ckrickett, so nice of you to check in on me. I hope things are getting a little easier for you as each day passes, and I'm glad you have a plan for next year. Time flies so it will be here before you know it.

AFM, my ob appt is at 3pm EST. I will update you all after that. I'm trying to keep my expectations low so that I'm not disappointed. Right now, I'm of the mindset that if there is something genetically wrong with the baby it's better to lose him/her early vs later in the pregnancy and to know now vs. later. I'm just hoping if that's the case, that we are fortunate enough that the other baby is healthy. I also decided to keep taking the progesterone and see what the OB says. My RE said to stop at 8 weeks which was Friday. I figure with there being 2 and this heartbeat/size issue, I don't want to stop too early if it's helping. I have a feeling my ob will say to stop it, but I'll feel better after hearing him say it today.


Aug 19, 2009

JG-I'm thinking of you today and hope that you get good news or at least clarity.
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