
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Jul 27, 2007
Monnie, we have the Keekaroo high chair, but I do like it and will probably only get the booster for Cora down the road (in hindsight, I wish we'd never gotten a high chair). Poor A was deceived by a seemingly sweet girl, only to be bitten. K has never been bitten, but my nephew has been bitten a couple of times and daycare preserves the identity of the assaulter. No fair that the biters can be hidden behind a curtain of anonymity. Hope A isn't traumatized!

ETA: Ha! Monnie, your response cracks me up! I can definitely relate!


Jun 18, 2010
Monarch, poor kiddo! One reason we switched B from a day care center was he kept getting bit. He is such a softy that he just lets it happen. I'm hoping that one of these days he realizes that he can fight back.

I just ordered a shirt for him to wear on his 2nd birthday. How is it possible that he will be two next month? That seems insane. We are getting him a train table for his birthday and I'm pretty sure he will go nuts. His favorite activity these days (other than is 24 hour obsession with his matchbox cars) is riding his tricycle. As soon as we get home he says "bike" over and over. He loves wearing his helmet, which is weird.


Jun 18, 2010
And here's a pic of him riding his "bike."



Aug 12, 2005
NewEnglandLady|1405022665|3710768 said:
Monnie, we have the Keekaroo high chair, but I do like it and will probably only get the booster for Cora down the road (in hindsight, I wish we'd never gotten a high chair). Poor A was deceived by a seemingly sweet girl, only to be bitten. K has never been bitten, but my nephew has been bitten a couple of times and daycare preserves the identity of the assaulter. No fair that the biters can be hidden behind a curtain of anonymity. Hope A isn't traumatized!

ETA: Ha! Monnie, your response cracks me up! I can definitely relate!

I'm just gonna go ahead and order it. I forgot you said K was still squeezing into the high chair, not a booster, whoops.
I can't believe they protect the biter's identity! Not fair at all. I don't think A is too traumatized. It's probably more upsetting to the adults involved than to the kids.

Amc, time flies! He looks like a little boy now, especially on his "bike." Love that he loves wearing the helmet!


Mar 4, 2010
Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been a bad PSer and not posting much. We're finally back from our trip to the US and are battling jet-lag. Last night (our second night back), N did 8-4:45 so I'm happy. I think he should have readjusted by the end of the week - hopefully this isn't wishful thinking.

Thank you all for your Gymboree suggestion. We did it for 5 weeks and was by far our favourite activity in California.

Come on, let's get this thread a-hopping again!


Aug 12, 2005
Mayerling, glad you guys made it home safe and I hope your LO adjusts back to a sleep schedule quickly!

I wasn't going to post tonight, was just reading through threads putting myself to sleep, but then realized I wouldn't have a chance to reply here likely through the weekend. Summer is surely busier for all us mothers with nice weather and being outside later in the day.

Found a recent picture of A taken by her father. She loves walking up and down the stairs--I think it makes her feel very capable. She's all sun-bleached hair and tan skin (she wears spf 60 every day, I swear!):



Mar 13, 2008
Just posting really quickly because I'm exhuasted, but wanted to show Monnie that Ethan also has a healthy summer glow. Or I should more accurately say, Farmer's Tan. We were at a Splash park today. We had scram for a few hours for our first open house. Our unit is up for sale!



Aug 12, 2005
LC, thanks for sharing! Ethan looks happy and healthy. Good luck with the sale of your unit!


Jun 18, 2010
I think B is going through a growth spurt and it's affecting his sleep. Last night, he woke up at 1am crying and whining. He stayed up until 4, then woke up again at 6. The night before, he was up from 4-6am. Both nights he has woken up crying and doesn't want to be touched or picked up. Eventually he will calm down and let me pick him up. He acts like his body just hurts. No fever and no obvious signs of anything. DH and I were just saying how he's definitely grown the past week or so (suddenly he's up to my waist and I'm 5'7"!), so that's the only guess we have. Anyone else go through this? I always thought kids slept more while growing, but I know it can cause some pain so who knows.


Jun 18, 2010
Maybe it's his two year molars as well?


Mar 13, 2008
AMC, both theories seem to make sense to me. Wow, I can't believe how tall B is. Im ean, he's always been a big kid but wowza! I hope he starts sleeping well for you soon.

Ethan's got better with sleep (knock wood) the past few days. I'm weaning him off of having us around. Now I just sit outside his door with the door open. I think pretty soon I can graduate to just eleaving his door open, but we'll have to stay quiet, so it's not like I could vacuum or something.

Unfortunately, though he caught Hand Foot Mouth from daycare. Poor guy, thi s is the worst he's had it. The previous (3) times he spiked a fever for 2 days, then was fine. But this time he's got blisters on his throat and it hurts him to swallow and stuff. He woke himself up from his nap crying this afternoon. He says, "Mama, my mouth/tongue/throat hurt." Aw... But after a while when the ibuprofen kicks in and he'll say, "My tongue is happy." Ugh! I just wish there was a magic wand that would make this go away. It's funny the previous other times Ethan caught it he's been fine and I've been laid up and home from work for 3 days from it. It got so bad I couldn't talk, eat, swallow. Hopefully HFM will pass through our house with just one casualty.



Jul 27, 2007
Loving all of these summer pics!

LC, E looks so happy! I'm so sorry about him getting HF and M disease. He's gotten it before, correct? I seem to remember you having it. How do you know when he gets it? K hasn't had it, but I'm afraid she and Cora might get it because it seems to be going around. Both girls were sick last week and one of the girls at daycare had strep, so I was really worried, but both seem better now. And congrats about your condo being on the market! Are you guys house hunting?

Oh, and I saw that baby #2's due date is either on E's b-day or the day after (I can't remember). So funny--C's due date was K's b-day. As you know, I was kind of freaked out about the thought of having 2 birthdays so close to each other, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun!

amc, I think both hypothesis (growth spurt and molars) sound reasonable, too. K had a couple of bad nights with her second molars (and dear lord in heaven, it took FOREVER for them to come in). K is over 38 inches now and I often wonder how painful it must be to grow so fast. I'm only 5' 4", so she looks like a 5-year-old next to me. Her growth slowed a little after she turned 2 (she was 37" at 2), but then in the last month or two, she shot up another inch. Her 3T dresses are too short. But she's still really skinny, so her 2T shorts fall off of her (even in diapers).

AFU, K will be 2.5 in a few weeks and she's saying maybe 40 - 50 words now? Still monosyllabic or repetition of one syllable (dada, mama). She's started to say "Keekee" for Katie. Over the weekend she said "Hi, baby", which is the first time she's strung two words together. Her lack of language is becoming so odd at this point. She's so aware of everything. She follows plots to stories, she laughs at jokes, she just doesn't speak. She's also becoming obsessed with music. She only wants to watch opera and tries to sing along. I've really tried to cut her opera watching down to a half of hour or so per day. As soon as she gets home, she starts singing the music to the opera she wants to watch (she has two favorites).

Her behavior is also becoming more obsessive at times, which is tough for me because I don't want to make a big deal of it, but I don't want to give in to her obsessive behavior, either.

So far, I've found this age to be so, so much fun. I genuinely enjoy spending time with her on the weekends. She does push her boundaries (and is very calculating about it). But she doesn't usually have a meltdown if she has to go in timeout. This weekend K was frustrated that Cora was playing with her piano and I asked Katie if she needed to go to timeout to calm down. She said "Yeah" and went and sat on the sofa until she was okay, then she came back out and was fine. Too bad every time out isn't like that, haha.

Sorry for the novel!


Nov 24, 2009
NEL, wow K is tall! Is your DH tall or do you have other tall genes in your family that she may have inherited? I worry about the opposite with Ev. DH and I are both average or a little above average height (6" and 5'6"), and Ev started out really long and lean (he was almost 22" at birth). But his growth really slowed down, and now at 21.5 months, I think he is only about 33.5 or maybe 34". I don't care if he doesn't end up being tall, but I just feel like he hasn't been growing very fast lately, and it seems like he should be at least slightly above average height. Maybe he's due for another spurt soon. The kid loves to eat and will pretty much eat anything, so he weighs about 28 pounds, and I just want to make sure he is growing up as well as out! But I digress...

That's great she's using more words and starting to put them together! I'm sure it's frustrating it's not happening faster, but I have a feeling, she'll take off on her vocabulary one of these days and you won't know what hit you. I've noticed Ev has little OCD tendencies with certain things lately as well. He is very concerned with making sure his hands are clean. I carry around these little sanitizing wipes, and he always wants to use them to wipe his hands and face and tray, etc. He also likes to carry around flash cards, and he is very weird about it. He is constantly reordering them and gets all frustrated when they don't all line up just right! Not the same thing, but I get what you mean about not wanting K to get too obsessive about things.

LC, sorry about the HFM. I hope you are able to avoid it. I'm sure you've looked this up, but it's not an issue with being pregnant, is it? Glad his sleeping is going better!

amc, how tall is B these days? He looks so grown up on his bike! Hope the sleeping has improved. Ev has had a rough month of sleep. I think we are slowly but surely getting him over the hump, and he is getting better about putting himself to sleep when we talk to him from the monitor. But it has been a rough month for DH and me!

Monarch, cute picture. Her hair really did lighten! When I look at pictures of myself of a kid in the summer, it makes me laugh because my hair would lighten up to bleach blond and I was super tan, so I looked kind of crazy! Ev tans through the sunscreen as well, and his hair has also lightened up a bit, but we are much more diligent about watching the sun than my parents were apparently!

Mayerling, glad things worked out in CA for you!

AFU, this is already way too long, but Ev is doing well. He talks SO much these days; it's crazy. He says the funniest things too. Yesterday, we were being lazy in the morning, and laying around in our bedroom with him (after he woke up at 5:50!). All of a sudden he bolted up and said, "Breakfast! Hurry up, you guys, hurry up!" And he headed for the stairs. Whenever he wants something these days, he says, "Everett's turn!" And last one, I'm going through some fertility treatments right now, and the pressure got to me the other day, and I started getting emotional when talking to DH. I didn't think Ev was paying attention, but all of a sudden, he said, "Mommy sad?" And he came over and gave me hug, patted my back, and said, "It's okay, mommy." So sweet! Couldn't love him anymore!


Jun 18, 2010
Can someone please take back this terror child and give me my sweet angel back? Man, the terrible twos have hit hard. Everything is a battle. Last night he dumped a cup of water on the floor. Just because.

Anyway, we found out that baby #2 is most likely a boy! We announced to fb today with this pic-



Mar 13, 2008
OMG I *haaaaaaaaaaaaate* HFM!!!! With the fire of a thousand suns *HAAAAAAAAAAATE* IT!!!!! THere needs to be a kickstarter to find a vaccine for this thing! I have indeed contracted Ethan's HFM. Not surprising since he kept sticking his popsicles in my face and breathing on me. At first I thought it wouldn't be so bad, but nope, it's as bad as my prior times and indeed hit a whole new low. My goal is to get to the weekend but I'm just *DONE*.

Ethan is finally better he went back to school today. I was afraid it was going to be a long drawn out drop off, especially since he was a Cranky McCranky pants this morning at home. But it went surprisingly very easy. I'm still home though, working from home to eliminate contagion.

NEL, HFM starts out as a sudden fever spike (101+ - 104F) and he's *very* lethargic. Like sleeping an hour, awake an hour. Then if you can get them to open their mouth, you'd likely be able to see red spots/sores on their tongue or back of the throat. Spots on the hands and feet come later. The prior times Ethan has caught it, it was just a fever. This time he actually had sores in his mouth/throat, so he had a tough time eating and drinking. *ICE* cold drinks with straw helped and consistently pushing ibuprofen (mixed with straight juice) and eating popsicles helped. At times during the day, his mouth wouldn't hurt too much and he could eat soft pasta, soup, rice, etc.
Baby#2's due date is 2 days after Ethan's b-day, like C's to K's. We are house hunting, but the area we'd like to move to, the inventory is low, so when something decent comes up, we'll take a look. So for now, we're planning on just renting if we have to move out. We got a low ball offer for our condo. I don't really see this playing out to a price we'll be willing to accept, so we'll probably end up passing on this one. No other requests for showings,but I guess that's OK since Ethan and I were sick for the past 4 days.
Hooray for K saying more words now. I think once you get close to 100, it's like no stopping her. So amazing that she's so into music. I also ask Ethan if he needs a minute to calm down. Today he said, "I need to lie down. On the bed." So I put him in our bed and sat on the couch and checked email etc. He came back out, "I feel better now, mama."

MP, I can't agree with you more about how cute these kids are with what they pick up or say. Yesterday I was working from home and told Ethan I was on a call and he can't bother me (yeah right). I had to give him my phone so he'd stay quiet. Then later that day I had my laptop on my lap and I was typing and he came up to me and asked, "Mama, you on call?"
I"m really glad to hear Ev's sleep is getting better. We've broken down and bribe Ethan to sleep through the night (promising him a puzzle if he does). So far it's working(2 nights). Now I just need to get him to "sleep in" till 6AM... I take the puzzles away at night so he has to earn them back. And I have a stash of puzzles that I rotate through so it's always different. The kid loves puzzles.

AMC, adorable shirt for B and what a cute way to announce it! Especially since your DH is in the law enforcement, right? How's B's sleep been? Better? I've found that Ethan will go through cranky phases (like this morning) but then it resets itself after awhile. Check the make sure he's not teething or getting sick (if you don't feel good, you don't act good).


Jun 18, 2010
lliang_chi|1406830384|3723856 said:
AMC, adorable shirt for B and what a cute way to announce it! Especially since your DH is in the law enforcement, right? How's B's sleep been? Better? I've found that Ethan will go through cranky phases (like this morning) but then it resets itself after awhile. Check the make sure he's not teething or getting sick (if you don't feel good, you don't act good).

Yes, that's right, he's a deputy sheriff! I told everyone at work yesterday. Good thing, because my round ligament pain kicked in today and I actually let out a little scream when I stood up. That would have been hard to explain...

B finally slept well last night. He woke up around 4 and fussed, but fell back asleep. I think part of the problem is we moved his air purifier out of his room and he lost that white noise. I put it back last night and I think hit helped. DH gets up at 4 and I think he must wake B up. But he stayed in his bed until around 6:45. I do think his two year molars are coming in, though. I felt back there a few days ago and it was definitely bumpy. His teeth tend to take forever, so who knows how long it will be before the pop.

Sorry you are dealing with HFM! He got that once and it was very mild. DH got it and was miserable. We've been so lucky that B hasn't gotten anything, other than a couple of colds, since we moved him to home day care.

I'm in the planning stages for B's bday! DH's is two days later so it's a combo party. We don't really have a theme other than "stuff Barrett likes." Frozen cake, minion cake pops, hot wheels plates, etc. I can't believe he will be two a week from tomorrow!

ETA- That pic in my previous post is a bit blurry for some reason. It says "Every sheriff needs a deputy; mine reports for duty February 2015."


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone,

Ethan and I are all recovered from HFM take-4. Hopefully that'll be our last take, but we'll see. Ethan went to the dentist today (DH took him) and everything looked OK. THe dentist said we should start working with Ethan on spitting out his toothpaste so he can eventually switch to flouride toothpaste. How the heck do you teach a toddler how to spit? And how do you limit it to just spitting toothpaste and not EVERYTHING ELSE?

AMC, how's B's party planning going? Are you having friends or is it just a family thing? We "celebrated" Ethan's 2nd in his classroom with his schoolmates. I figured that would be fun enough for him. :)

Monnie, I was just thinking about you lately and wondering how your dad is doing. Post some more pics of A please!

JGator, How's K been doing?

NEL, I'm sure you're busy with C and being back wat work. I just wanted to see how K's been doing with her speech therapy.

MP, Any funny-isms from Ev lately?

Leaving you a picture of Sickie Ethan napping on the floor witht he dog.



Jul 27, 2007
MP, D is fairly tall--over 6 feet. I'm only 5'4", but I had my spine fused together when I was 9, so I literally have the torso of a child. Had I not needed rods on my spine I would have been over 5'8". My sisters are all taller and I have a couple of aunts who are over 6'. I think tall women look so graceful (being the short one in my family makes me jealous), but I already worry about K being picked on for being tall. She's just going to need to be tall AND tough. Ev was so long at birth! The growth comes in such spurts, which makes it tough. Ev might be in the average range for height one month, then slow down the next.

K is the same way about her hands. In fact, almost all of the toddlers in our art class don't like having paint on their hands, haha. They like the paint, they just want it wiped off as soon as they're done.

Thinking about you tons this week, by the way!!

amc, B turns 2 this week!! I love the sheriff/deputy shirt, that's so cute! How is his sleeping? And I really feel for you regarding the round ligament pain. The best thing to do is rest, but it's so impossible to rest with a toddler. So I just hope it's manageable for the remainder of your pregnancy!

LC, so glad round 4 of HFM is over!! I can't believe how many times you've had it--it must be so old. K's been sick this week and I keep looking in her mouth to make sure there are no sores. And I have no idea how to get a toddler to spit. I spend a lot more time telling K NOT To spit out her water.

Love the picture of E and Q--I love how it looks like E was playing and then just passed out.

Oh, and I saw you are closing on your condo (in the other thread). So exciting!!

Speech therapy is slow going. K will say a few new words, then she'll recess. She was saying "hi, dada" or "hi, baby" last weekend, but she hasn't done it all week. She'll repeat anything I say and she enjoys using her sound cues (basically like sign language, but each sign has an associated sound). But the sounds are more of a game and not a form of communication. It's very odd to have a 2.5 year old who mostly only speaks when prompted. I feel like her mind is always busy. I see her thinking. I see her observing. But she's silent and seemingly content with it (oddly).


Jun 18, 2010
LC- Party planning is in full motion! Actually, it's a pretty chill party. We wanted it close friends and family only. My parents and DH's parents and aunt are all coming, as is my brother and his gf. Plus a handful of friends. It's a combo party with DH since his bday is the 10th.

NEL- I know :(( On one hand, where is my baby? On the other, I don't particularly like babies anyway and it's nice having a child who can communicate. Plus, you know, I'm back-filling the baby position anyway :) You're right, it's impossible to rest with a toddler. Although on Sunday he did take an almost 3 hour nap, which meant DH and I also took a 3 hour nap. It was amazing.

What time are your kiddos going to bed these days? We've pushed B's bedtime back to about 8, but it's at least 8:30 before he falls asleep. The nice thing is he sleeps in a bit more. Saturday, he slept until 7:45 which is almost unheard of.


Jul 27, 2007
We also pushed K's bedtime back from 7:30 to 8 earlier this summer. It was a combination of things: 1. She wasn't falling asleep until 8:15 anyway (despite having blackout shades AND blackout curtains, nothing can block out the summer sun). 2. I don't get home until after 6, so pushing her bedtime back means more time with her and 3. Later bedtime means we can eat dinner as a family instead of feeding her first, then eating after she's in bed.

K still spends about a half of an hour in her crib before falling asleep (I think she just needs that time to wind down), so she's not asleep until 8:30 most nights. I have to wake her up at 7 to get her ready for daycare. But she's usually up around then, anyway. Her naps are usually 1.5 - 2 hours.

My issue is the 6-month-old. I can't get her to bed at 7pm like i did with K. So she's going to bed around 7:45 and makes up for sleep during daytime naps. Makes me feel bad, but my hands are tied.

LC, what is your evening routine these days? I used to get home, throw together dinner for K in 5 minutes (leftovers or something easy like PB&J), then D and I would eat after K went to bed. Now I get home (just after 6) and desperately try to make dinner so that we can eat as a family at 6:30. I'm actually not sure which routine I like more. I know you used to have a similar routine and am curious if it's changed. I feel like every single minute of the day is budgeted with no time to waste and it's really draining.


Nov 24, 2009
NEL, well, Katie's height makes total sense then. And I'm confident you will raise her and Cora to be proud of their height no matter what it ends up being. I didn't realize your surgery had such an impact, but it sounds like it hasn't held you back too much. I've mentioned Ev's back thing on here before, and that's one of my biggest fears that his back problem (or his surgery if he needs it) will negatively affect his self-image or restrict him from doing things he wants to do. Keep on keeping on with the speech therapy thing. I'm sure it's frustrating not knowing what's going on in her little head. I wonder if she will start talking more once Cora does?

LC, I hadn't seen that about your condo, but a big congrats to you! Do you know where you're moving yet? So many exciting changes in store. Love the picture of your boys! Glad to her HFM has run its course. And no advice on the tooth brushing thing. Ev just wants to suck the toothpaste off and chew on the brush, so we've got a long way to go.

amc, cute shirt! Happy almost birthday to B! How is that even possible?

Hi to everyone else!

AFU, things are back to normal pretty much with the sleeping. He goes down between 7-8 and sleep until about 6:30 usually. DH has successfully talked him to sleep several times through the baby monitor. When I go in to get him in the morning, he's like, "Daddy talking (and points to the camera)." I ask him what did daddy say, and he says, "Daddy say sit down. Daddy say lay down. Daddy say night night Everett." He thinks it is the most amazing thing ever :) He has started saying "let go" when we try to take something from him or pick him up (must have learned it at daycare), and the other night, DH picked him up to put him in a high chair at a restaurant, and he screamed, "No! Let me go, let me go, let me go." It sounded like we were kidnapping him! The other thing he has started doing is asking me to kiss him by saying "A kiss?" And then he wants one on every part of his body. "A kiss on cheek, a kiss on hair, a kiss on nose, a kiss on toes (gross!).


Jun 18, 2010
monkeyprincess|1407260069|3726557 said:
The other thing he has started doing is asking me to kiss him by saying "A kiss?" And then he wants one on every part of his body. "A kiss on cheek, a kiss on hair, a kiss on nose, a kiss on toes (gross!).

Ha, B won't let me leave his room at night until I've kissed his forehead, both hands, his bottle (sippy...and i must kiss both the top and bottom of it), and his three stuffed animals.


Nov 24, 2009
amc80|1407261142|3726576 said:
monkeyprincess|1407260069|3726557 said:
The other thing he has started doing is asking me to kiss him by saying "A kiss?" And then he wants one on every part of his body. "A kiss on cheek, a kiss on hair, a kiss on nose, a kiss on toes (gross!).

Ha, B won't let me leave his room at night until I've kissed his forehead, both hands, his bottle (sippy...and i must kiss both the top and bottom of it), and his three stuffed animals.

Ha ha, yes! I regularly have to kiss cars, blocks, books and flash cards :) We had dinner with DH's colleague and his family, and Ev went up to the guy and was like, "A hug? A kiss? A kiss on button (belly button)?" That was awkward. Gotta love loveable little boys :)


Jun 18, 2010
monkeyprincess|1407261492|3726579 said:
amc80|1407261142|3726576 said:
monkeyprincess|1407260069|3726557 said:
The other thing he has started doing is asking me to kiss him by saying "A kiss?" And then he wants one on every part of his body. "A kiss on cheek, a kiss on hair, a kiss on nose, a kiss on toes (gross!).

Ha, B won't let me leave his room at night until I've kissed his forehead, both hands, his bottle (sippy...and i must kiss both the top and bottom of it), and his three stuffed animals.

Ha ha, yes! I regularly have to kiss cars, blocks, books and flash cards :) We had dinner with DH's colleague and his family, and Ev went up to the guy and was like, "A hug? A kiss? A kiss on button (belly button)?" That was awkward. Gotta love loveable little boys :)

Oh gosh is he also obsessed with belly buttons? B loves them! He will lift up your shirt and poke it. Not awkward at all, especially in public! Haha.


Mar 13, 2008
We also moved Ethan's bed time to 8PM. As a result it's not so crazy to get dinner on the table so we can eat as a family. I mean, it still is crazy, but I don't sweat getting dinner done by 6:30 lik I used to.

NEL, since you asked about our evening routine, 2 or 3 times during hte week, DH can pick up Ethan. During those days, I can get home and have dinner on the table at 6:30. Otherwise we're likely not eating until 7PM. But with Ethan's later bedtime we can still eat dinner, fruit dessert, have bath, jammies and stories. Ethan's sleeping is still the same, gets up at the @$$ crack of dawn like a farmer. Re: the HFM fever, you'll definitely know when your kid has it. It comes on very suddenly and very high, and your kid just will NOT stay up. I hope K feels better soon. And re: the speech therapy, I'm sure it's consuming trying to figure out what's going on in K's head. It seems like she's a very thoughtful little girl, and I think even when she's talking, I don't think she'll be talkative. That's OK, I think I'm that way myself.

MP, OMG Ev's so adorable with his kisses. Ethan squirms away from me wen I'm giving him kisses. It might have to do with my habit of just covering him all over with kisses. "No, mama, no kisses!" He also tells me, "I need mama stop talking" when he wants me to shut up. Gee, thanks kid :rolleyes: We know where wer want to move (neighborhood-wise), but stuff just doesn't come up too often. So we're probably going to rent and wait it out until something we like becomes available. We're not sure if we're going to rent somewhere near our current location (*in* the city, which we love), or where we hope to move to (to get an idea of what life is like there). Cost-wise it's the same, we'd just get more for our money in the new location (a house/townhouse vs an apartment).

AMC, Aw, so sweet B & your DH have close birthdays. Now that you mention it, I remember that when you found out you were pregnant with B. Sounds like a great party, chill and exactly my style.

During Ethan and my week home sick the building across the street from us was/is getting demolished. So he got to watch excavators knock down the building and load up dump trucks to haul the rubble away. Needless to say the kid was HIGHLY entertained.


Nov 27, 2010
LC, Ethan is adorable. I'm glad you both are on the mend from HFM. That's great that Ethan was able to watch the demolition and trucks! K loves watching our garbage truck when it comes to our street.

MP, sounds like Ev is doing amazingly well with his vocabulary and also all the kisses - too cute!

AMC, I'm glad B i sleeping in a little for you. He's so cute - I can't believe he's going to be 2 soon! I remember when you were in the TTC board pre-wedding!

NEL, it sounds like K is one of those super intelligent kids who will just talk when she is good and ready. I'm glad you are juggling well with C and K. I'm sure it's not easy with 2 and being a working mom.

Monnie, A is a beauty - so cute in her pigtails and summer tan!

AFU, K has been adding quite a few words - seems like something new every day including "red car" and "ornge juice". She also says Marci instead of Merci all the time now when we give her anything she wants. She started saying "All Done" a couple days ago too. She seems to have learned most of her colors also. I'm always amazed when she says something new. She also is obsessed with shoes and is constantly putting them on/off all day and usually puts them on the wrong feet. She also will wear 2 different shoes from time to time. Her favorites are the Crocs as they are the easiest to get on, but she seems to have figured out velcro recently. And, we got her a cute pair of Hello Kitty rain boots at Costco recently. She has been getting up early (530am) and coming to sleep in our bed - which means pretty much attacking me with her head and arms (push ups!). I think we need to re-visit sleep training. Our nanny totally ruined my CIO naps by trying something new - she now goes in when K cries about 30-60 mins into the nap and takes the crib mattress out of the crib, and puts it on the floor and then sits in the chair for the rest of K's nap and watches her. I do not do that on weekends so I end up holding her/rocking her after she cries so we are back to where we were at the beginning of June in my mind. I think we need to crack down and get back to making her nap in the crib the whole time. My in laws just left - they were here for 3 weeks, and my DH left today for a 3-day work trip so I'm thinking maybe we'll start up again next week on the nap sleep training. K has been teething badly for about a month, and gets super cranky. I think she still has 11 teeth, and she turned 21-months old last week. This really is a fun age.



Nov 24, 2009
JGator, K's vocabulary is really going to take off from here. Just wait! I agree that it's hilarious when they something you completely don't expect. One thing I recommend to you and any other moms with early talkers is flash cards. Ev absolutely LOVES them, and it's crazy all the words he has learned from them. I ordered super cheap ones off Amazon (I think they were like $2-3 per pack), so it completely doesn't matter if he loses them or bends them, but he comes up with all sorts of random words we never knew he knew. And he is OBSESSED with them. The second he comes in, he asks for his "cards."


Jul 27, 2007
LC, I feel like the difference between getting dinner on the table at 7 vs. 6:30 is huge. I wish we could push it back, but the girls have to be in the bathtub by 7:15 in order for us fit in baths, stories and Cora's bottle. Every minute counts during the week.

The building demolition sounds like fun! Any entertainment you can get while stuck at home and sick is welcome.

MP, I remember you mentioning Ev's back a while back. How is he doing? Is your pediatrician or orthopedic doc just keeping an eye on it? My scoliosis was due to a car accident I had when I was 10 months old (no car seat) and I had all but 4 vertebrae fused. But my back has honestly never kept me from doing anything. And I've never been insecure about it, not even as a child. I do have a new appreciation for what my mother must have gone through worrying about me, though :) I'm sure Ev will be fine, but I also understand that as a mother, it's impossible not to worry.

Oh, and K loves flash cards, too. I feel guilty saying this, but I sometimes put them away for days at a time because she likes to lay them all out and it's such a pain picking them all up.

JGator, K is darling! I love the contemplative look. She reminds me of my K. Sorry about the sleep regression--that has to be hard. And the teeth! After having your in-laws stay for weeks, it must be really nice to have your house to yourself!


Jun 18, 2010
B's bday party was a success. He got so many toys, I think we are putting some away and will spread them out a bit. His main present, the train table, was a huge hit. He had way too much sugar and too little sleep, but I guess that's what it's like to be two!

He had his two year wellness check yesterday. He is finally off all of his allergy meds and doing really well. He had had water in his ears for a while (I think the doc first saw it in April) but they finally looked good. The doc used some sort of machine thing to test the pressure and they were perfect, so no ENT and no tubes for now. He was 38" and 33lbs. I think he only gained a pound since his 18m appointment, he's really slimming down. The doctor said that based on our heights and his growth pattern he will be around 6'8". With another boy on the way, I'm starting to think I should be saving now for my future grocery bill! I also talked to the doc about how picky B is. He basically said to keep feeding him what he likes while offering him whatever we eat. Eventually he should start trying more things, but you can't really rationalize with a toddler.

On another note, he finally slept well last night. I think that's the first time in about two weeks that he has slept through the night. It's amazing how much better I feel after a good night's sleep!


Nov 24, 2009
amc, glad B had a fun birthday. My MIL spoils my son with way more toys than any child could ever want, so I totally hear you on spreading them out a bit. They can't possibly play with all of them or enjoy them if they get so many at once. What a tall boy! I agree, you are going to have some hungry teenage boys in about a decade or so. If I didn't already say it, congrats on another healthy boy. Very exciting for you.

NEL, oh wow, thank God you survived the crash. That must have been absolutely horrific for your parents. But I'm so glad to hear you didn't let it hold you back. Ev seems to have a naturally upbeat and charismatic personality, so I suspect he will overcome any challenges his back presents. So far, we are just watching it and having follow up x-rays every 3-4 months. The curve seems to be holding relatively steady so far, and the specialist doesn't recommend any surgery unless the curve gets more pronounced over time or starts increasing rapidly. We are still trying to find out who the best specialists in the country are in this field to get a second opinion on whether we should avoid surgery if possible or go ahead and do surgery when he gets a little older and bigger. I hear you on picking up the flash cards (and blocks and books and everything else). We are trying to train him to clean up before moving on to something else, but as you know, that doesn't always work.

JGator, just saw your earlier picture. Such a beautiful girl! And always dressed to the nines too :)

LC, thinking of you my friend. Hoping you, DH and Ethan are taking good care of each other.

AFU, Ev got his first naughty report card the other day at daycare. Usually, he is the victim of his friends's bites or scratches or more often his clumsy self, but apparently, he was being a bit of a toy thief and got into a scuffle with another boy, so I guess it's time to work harder on sharing :)
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