
The Girls Guide To Homelessness...fact or fiction?


Dec 16, 2007
Has anyone read this book?

I just finished it last night, and it was interesting...just curious to know what others take is on it...


Dec 16, 2007
It's a very quick read. But the reviews are fairly accurate, unfortunately, and I have a nagging suspicion that it's more her version of the truth as opposed to the truth at large.

There are a lot of things I take issue with. First of all, I don't consider Brianna to be "homeless", as in, without a home. She lives/d in a 35ft trailer. This isn't absurdly uncommon by any means. I mean, really, a lot of people live in trailers or campers full time without plans to change that, just because it's not her ideal living situation doesn't automatically qualify her as homeless. Maybe that's just me, but I think things could be a lot worse and she's actually very, very blessed to have had that much, all things considered. Aside from the trailer, she also owns two cars.

Follow that up with the fact that she makes really absurd choices financially. She takes her unemployment checks and choses to fly her online boyfriend to the US from Scotland twice as opposed to establishing herself in a small apartment. What do 3 round trip tickets cost? Not chump change, thats for sure, especially not last minute over the holidays. We're talking about thousands of dollars that could have bought her a few months of housing--especially if she considered finding a roommate. But it doesn't stop there, she's very open about buying him elaborate gifts, like a first edition book and vintage engagement ring.

Oh...and she has a Blackberry cellphone. I get needing a phone, I back that 1000%. But a Blackberry? How much additional is a data plan? That, IMO, was just frivolous if her real goal was to have financial freedom and to get back on her feet.

Her backstory is sad, and if it has any truth to it, which it may, is very sad. She spends a lot of time casting stones at religion and her mentally ill family...but I have a suspicion that she is slightly unbalanced herself. She's her own worst enemy at times and victim of's a big ol' mess.

That's just my take...


Aug 12, 2005
Fact OR fiction, she was astute enough to figure out a way to make money from her circumstances, which kind of screams "con artist" to cynical me. I'll read it if I ever have time, but having read reviews and people's reactions here, not all that interested.

Italia: have you read "Sweet Ruin" by Cathy Hanauer? You will love it and hate it at the same time. My mother likes to pass off her guilty pleasure paperback novels to me, and she was like, "this is meh but you might fall asleep to it," and I read it in ~12 hours in the middle of moving from our old house to the new one. It's thought provoking, if nothing else. You might roll your eyes a lot, also. :bigsmile:
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