
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th Feb till 22nd Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Ok so this week is a new beginning for me. The elliptical has been moved into the house and today I start working out again in earnest. I haven't exercised much in a couple of months really due to the weather mainly and that my equipment doesn't work in a freezing cold outbuilding. However today is the day I begin again.

Since I haven't been working out regularly, I haven't gained any weight and my clothes still fit me properly but these are the results I notice. I feel squishier around the middle and my bad knee is giving me trouble. When I work out this knee hardly ever bothers me, probably because the exercise helps keep everything strong and toned, however do I ever notice the difference now. My knee twinges and complains whenever I put pressure on it when rising etc. I don't feel as good as I know I could do, as if an extra ' edge' is missing. I know I haven't lost much fitness due to my overall lifestyle and when I got on the treddy the other week I was able to do a hard hour no problem, but I am definitely missing some muscle tone.

I am writing this because I feel it is important to be honest that things aren't always easy when trying to stick to a healthier lifestyle, and I want to share my experience that I too struggle at times. It isn't all roses, however the results are very worth it. But as I always say to others, every day is a new day that you can choose to begin again, and so it is for me.

Back on the elliptical with a happy cry goes I !!! Wish me luck!

Have a great week.


Apr 30, 2005
Did 30 mins on the elliptical!! Back on track!!


Feb 27, 2007
Lorelei, great opener. I so agree that everything is not always roses and I find maintaining much harder than losing but as long I continue to be vigilant at eating and living healthy I know it will be fine. I too really notice when I don''t take time to walk on the treadmill or skip it for awhile because my feet and or knees are bothering me that I don''t feel as good as I normally do. I am so glad you got your elliptical moved in to the house. We all just must strive to keep on keeping on track.

Have a great day my health seeking friends!


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone.

I had two hard days of downhill skiing. Well, actually one kinda moderate and the second day was KILLER!!! It felt GOOOOD! I''m all sore, my friend and I are going to do some yoga (not Bikram/hot yoga) to loosen up. The past 2 months of bikram helped a lot with the stamina and staying loose up there. But I seriously need to do some arm workouts. I could NOT pull myself on the flat traverses. I guess I lack some serious upper body strength.

Marcy, I gave you a wave from the top of Breck Peak 7. :)

Lorelei, Yay for the elliptical! I''m glad you''re back on track!



Apr 30, 2005
Thanks llaing and Marcy, it does feel good to be back on track!

My knee stood up to the elliptical well. I strained the ligaments in it badly years ago and it was excruciatingly painful and took months to heal. It is a case of nowadays that I get the odd twinge but recently it has really been giving me trouble whereas when I was working out regularly it was fine.


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning friends. Today is the Root Canal; I called the Endodontist and I *can* bring my ipod so that made me feel better. My sister is going to drop me off and hubby will pick me up. I think I will go for a quick walk now. Hubby is funny he wants to make me milkshakes for dinner; I said no, we can eat soup or probably regular food (sweet guy though). That cracked me up. hehe

Have a great day all

LORELEI, I am the same way as you; I have a bad knee because one hip is higher and few other things. I also notice it hurts less now that I got the weight off and do weights and workout to keep my knees strong. Yay for your uber workout and your knees feeling better with the workouts!! Great opener! eta: I have to say there are people at weight watchers that say they never will be able to walk, etc when they first start WW and then I will see them or hear, I am now walking now that I lost the weight, or they no longer have to take medications; you are right eating right and working out is the best thing we can do for ourselves.
It makes me happy to see that!!

ROD, my walking friend said she would go see Slumdog Millionaire with me. I am glad you loved that movie, so many people told me it is fabulous!!! I am sorry the neighbors gave you all that food; it reminded me of the time my neighbors did that. Sounded yummy though! hehe Your morning on the Terrace sounded lovely!!!

MARCY, you will do great and wooo hooo for your walks girl!!!

LLIANG, wooo for skiing, just think how fun if we had a skiing emoticon. hehe Skiing is killer, a constant squat!!! hehe Woo for Yoga too!


Mar 16, 2005
I''ve been busy, busy today so I will stop back in later, but just wanted to wish Skippy good luck at the root canal appointment. We will be thinking of you!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Skip and I also wanted to wish you luck for the appointment!


Nov 29, 2004
I went to my TBT class today and had a great workout. DH is doing the "cleansing" diet with me, so its good to know I''m not sufferring alone. Actually its really not that bad, but I just hate being limited in my choices. Today''s food is breakfast: smoothie, snack1: dried apricots, lunch: black bean soup with avocado tomatillo relish, afternoon snacks: bell pepper sticks, apple, banana, and kashi granola bar, dinner: spicy orange shrimp stirfry with brown rice from cooking light.

I have recently become obsessed with Lands End. I might have to take advantage of today''s sale too.

How was the ski trip? I am counting down the days until mine...can''t wait.

Bless your heart, I hope you don''t have too much pain after the root least you''ll have a distraction with your ipod.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lor, glad you are back on track!

lliang, sounds like skiing was a great workout! Have a great yoga class.

Skippy, hope everything goes smoothly! You are a good girl. I would totally have the milkshake (and I wonder why I can''t lose this weight
). Slumdog was SOOOO good. The kids in the movie are actually from the slums (not trained actors). The producers set up an educational trust for them.

Hi Marcy and Apple!

So I went to the gym last night to complete my four days at the gym for the week. I also took two walks with T over the week. I think I gained 2 lbs having my mom here though!
I have no will power. I have until April until we go on vacation or have guests so hopefully I can get back on track. I am going to the gym tonight. I know everyone says it takes weeks to see any difference. This is my third week of constant workouts so HOPEFULLY I will see ANY results soon!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/16/2009 2:39:27 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Lor, glad you are back on track!

lliang, sounds like skiing was a great workout! Have a great yoga class.

Skippy, hope everything goes smoothly! You are a good girl. I would totally have the milkshake (and I wonder why I can''t lose this weight
). Slumdog was SOOOO good. The kids in the movie are actually from the slums (not trained actors). The producers set up an educational trust for them.

Hi Marcy and Apple!

So I went to the gym last night to complete my four days at the gym for the week. I also took two walks with T over the week. I think I gained 2 lbs having my mom here though!
I have no will power. I have until April until we go on vacation or have guests so hopefully I can get back on track. I am going to the gym tonight. I know everyone says it takes weeks to see any difference. This is my third week of constant workouts so HOPEFULLY I will see ANY results soon!
Thanks Tac!

You are doing great and I am betting you will get some positive results very soon, I bet people will start to notice too!


Dec 11, 2008
Hi all, I''m new here but figured I could use the motivation to get back on track with being healthy. Last year I made major strides in getting in shape, training for and finishing two triathlons and an ultramarathon relay, and losing some weight and inches. Since the last event, at the end of September, I have really fallen off the wagon though, and have gained back about half of the weight I lost. I''m planning on doing a few more races this summer, so I really need to get back on track! Hopefully posting here will keep me a little more accountable, I would like to work out 5 days/week, including one day each of swimming/running/biking.

Skippy - Good Luck with the root canal!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/16/2009 3:49:24 PM
Author: stephbolt
Hi all, I''m new here but figured I could use the motivation to get back on track with being healthy. Last year I made major strides in getting in shape, training for and finishing two triathlons and an ultramarathon relay, and losing some weight and inches. Since the last event, at the end of September, I have really fallen off the wagon though, and have gained back about half of the weight I lost. I''m planning on doing a few more races this summer, so I really need to get back on track! Hopefully posting here will keep me a little more accountable, I would like to work out 5 days/week, including one day each of swimming/running/biking.

Skippy - Good Luck with the root canal!
Welcome to the thread Steph!


Jun 25, 2007
Hey everyone
Gosh last week was stinky. It was so fast paced. This week I get to stress over a test. YAY lol. Well I''ve been working out really hard core and I''m feeling great! I found some new workouts that are lots of fun and a challenge if anyone wants to hear them. Tonight I''m planning to jog on the treadmill and then do some core work later in the night, maybe through yoga. Right now I''m stressing over a friend who I think might have an eating disorder, and I''m trying to figure out what to do. It''s one thing I''ve never faced before, and don''t know much about.

Ohhh I got my friend to join me in working out! We''re going to plan a 5k and half marathon together!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Did my usual session with the PT today. I forgot it was a holiday and the gym was fuller than usual.

Went to the Patagonia store to get a new coat to take on my next trip to Aspen and I ended up buying a bunch of stuff in the children''s department.
Seriously, every item came down to a choice between an adult extra small and a children''s large, and the kids'' colors were always more fun. I now own a lavendar ski jacket. Too bad I don''t ski LOL!

The XHH and I are headed to dinner at some chi chic seafood place (L2O - Lliang or any other Chicagoans been there?) and it gets rave reviews so I hope it''s good. Last night we went out with some friends for Thai food and I accidentally ate a HOT HOT HOT pepper in one of the dishes. WOW! I sucked down A LOT of water in an effort to get over that one!

Gotta hop!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, back from the root canal. My mouth feels super funny, it felt like it took forever even though it was 1.5 hrs. Thank you for all the good wishes, that helped me relax knowing all my Healthy Lifestyle Thread frinds had me in their thoughts. I can't eat for awhile though. So maybe it will be milkshakes???

Well today I walked 2 miles and ran 1/2 mile earlier to help me relax which it did.
It is nice out today, in the low 60's

Thank you for your kind words Steph, Lorelei, Apple, Tacori and Stephbolt.
Anyone notice more daylight now? Yay, I can't wait for spring! Have a great day all!

STEPH, thank you, how are you doing sugar? How was Vday? I bet your pasta was super yummy!!!

Lor, thanks!

APPLE, thanks, yay for TBT. Mmmm, I love black bean soup!! Avacodos too, yum, I bought some over the weekend so I am looking forward to them.

TACORI, woo hoo for the workouts!!!! You are doing awesome!!! I think I gained 2 lbs too, do to hubbers bday and Valentines; it is tough. You will lose it quick! How is your mom? I bet it is wonderful having her with you! Yay for all the workouts, you will feel stronger soon!

STEPHBOLT, Welcome, gald you joined us. Wow, awesome on the triathlons, you will be will inspire many of us! We will keep you accountable, check in each day!
This is a good group! hehe Thanks!

DRAGON, woo hoo for signing up for runs and getting your friend to join in!! Oh no, I am sorry about your friend; I will keep her in my prayers.

DEEJAY, have a good dinner! Yay for PT.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Zumba was fun. We actually got the time wrong and showed up 1/2 an hour early. She we did some arm weights and 20 mins of cardio. Needless to say I am very tired and already feel sore. I am planning on going to another class tomorrow PM but will have to take T to the childwatch so I am at her mercy. Hopefully she won''t want to nap right before I need to leave for class.

Lor, I know you are right and I am not frustrated *YET* so hopefully I will start seeing some results (any results) before that happens.

Steph, welcome! Congrats on all your success! I am sure you will be back in fighting shape soon.

dragon, oh I do NOT miss exams! I bet you will do great. Good luck with your friend. Like any addiction, unless she is willing to accept help and admits her problems there is not much that can be done. Hopefully she is there.

Dee*Jay, my Northface is girls. Haha. I guess it is the benefit of being short. Cheaper too! Makes up for having the hem EVERY pair of pants I ever buy. Hope you had a great dinner.

Skippy, glad that is over! Was it just caused by a cavity that was left untreated too long? Bummer. My mom is great. She has lost a ton of weight. She has lost about 13 lbs and went from a size 10 to a size 6 in 4 months. I am really proud of her b/c this is her first attempt with weight loss. Obviously she has found a successful combo for her. She loved seeing Tessa of course! How could she not?!? Haha.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........Another long day at work. I didn't sleep that well last night. I woke up at 4 AM and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got to work early and stayed till after 6:30. Charlie had to work tonight (he's still not home), so I stopped off at the grocery store and bought a baked chicken and fixed some spinach. Dessert was a couple pieces of Lindt Dark chocolate. Tomorrow's a gym night, so it will be a late check-in.

Lorelei, I'm so glad you were able to get your elliptical in the house. You are so right on that there are so many things that can get in the way of our healthy quest yet we keep marching on and I'm just proud that you lead us every week in our journey! Thanks dear friend!!

Marcy, you're right. It's not always roses, but you keep going and you're so dedicated to the "Amazing Shrinking Woman" and we're all so proud of you too!

I'm glad you didn't hurt yoursled skiing lliang! Rod believes snow should be looked at but never touched! LOL

Yay for running and walking Skippy, especially on the day when you were having your root canal. I'm glad it wasn't an awful experience. I hope you got to have something fun for dinner that you could handle. I also hope you get to go see Slumdog with your friend. It's such a wonderful movie. Incredible, to be honest.

Hey Steph!

Yay for a great workout at TBT apple.

Woo Hoo for 4 days in row Tacori!! You go girl!! You will absolutely see results soon!

Welcome stephbolt! We check in daily and it does help us stay accountable for sure. I'm sure you'll find great support here! I sure do.

Bummer for a stinky week dragon. Yay for working out hardcore. And woo hoo for you and your friend working towards a 5K and a half marathon!

I hope you and Bill enjoyed L20 DeeJay. Please say hey to him from us.

Well that's a wrap from me. See you tomorrow night after the gym.........


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Monday!

I was very strict and stuck in my normal calorie range today.I ate quite a bit of salty food over the last few days and the evil scale showed it.I will be good all week and hope to be back to normal by Friday.

Work was quite busy.One of my morning girls called in with a sick baby.One of my afternoon guys was off working on another project so I did their work, my work and took care of updates all day.The day FLEW by being that busy.

Lliang, I am delighted to hear you had a great time on the slope.I waved at you on Saturday!

Lorelei, that is wonderful your knee was okay after working out on the elliptical.

Skippy, I hope you are feeling okay tonight.

You should definitely have a few milkshakes.I would be one of those people who used to not be able to walk – my feet and knees were barely working and I was always in pain.What a difference losing the weight made for me.I do notice it is light later and almost light when I get up.What is great about this time of year even after a snowstorm the snow melts pretty fast.

Steph, how is your cupcake business going?We are decorating cupcakes at class this week.

Appletini, that is nice your DH is doing the cleansing diet with you.I love Land’s End clothes.I doubt I will ever buy a coat from anyone else.I have one of their coats that blocks wind and in Wyoming that is priceless.Their fleece and sweaters are really nice too.

Tacori, no worries on a few pounds; it will come off quickly.Yeah for going to the gym for the third week in a row.Congratulations to your mom for doing so well at her first attempt to lose weight.Of course she adores Tessa; she is such a cutie pie.

Stephbolt, welcome to the thread.Wow for completing two triathlons and an ultramarathon relay last year.That is amazing.Good luck on getting back on track.

Dragonfly, how nice to find some new and fun workouts.

DeeJay, how nice to buy children’s clothing.You can find more fun colors.

Rod, sorry to hear you woke up so early.You must have had a long day at work.Baked chicken sounds wonderful.That is one of my favorites.I had a piece of Lindt chocolate tonight as well.Thank you for your continued support of my transformation.I would say most my days are roses – but some days there are thorns or at the least the roses are wilted.My mind set is good though; I have no problems just going back to eating right and getting in my time on the treadmill.That is my comfort zone these days.

Take care.




Mar 13, 2008
Lorelei, How is your knee doing? My dad, who also has bad knees said that when he was walking a lot and stuff he had a lot less knee problems. I''m glad the elliptical helps with that.

Skip, I''m glad your root canal went well. I hope you can eat some tasty soup. Let me know if you need any soup recipes. You should TOTALLY watch Slumdog Millionaire. I watched it the DAY it came out in Chicago and told EVERYONE I knew to go see it. GO SEE IT!!!!! Heck yeah I''ve noticed it''s getting brighter earlier and staying light out later! I can''t wait for the spring. The warm weather takes longer to come around, but daylight is a huge plus.

Apple, glad TBT was good. And it''s always nice to have company on cleansing diets. Me, my sister and my girlfriends did one together, we did a blog about it. The ski trip was GREAT!!! Where is yours to and when?

Tacori, four days at the gym! you''re going to start seeing those results soon. And I bet you''re already feeling the results! How was having your mom over? I''m glad you''re still liking Zumba, I can imagine you were T-I-tired though!

Stephbolt, WELCOME! what distance tris did you do. I finally got "into" running training for a tri this past summer. I''m waiting for the weather to warm up again to start running again. I dunno if I''d ever do a marathon. What''s an ultramarathon relay? Well, you''ve come to the right place for support to get your "back at it."

Dragon, good luck with your exams. I''m a weirdo and used to like them. Also good luck with your friend. I don''t have any helpful advice for you, but I''m sending good vibes your way.

Deejay, L2O? I''ve been hearing stuff about that too. There''s a Chicago blog that I read that''s been doing weekly segments on it for the past month and a half (or it kinda seems like it). I think we''re going to have to check it out as a late V-day dinner. I was skiing on V-day without James, not very romantic on my part. Oops! Hmmm... kids ski gear, I''m going to have to look into that. My only problem is my chest is too large to fit into kids stuff. Stinkers!

Rod, sorry for you not being able to sleep. I hope you get some good zzz''s tonight. You''ll need it for your uber day. I''m totally with you on the opinion of snow. I believe that the only place it belongs is on a mountain.

Marcy, I''m sure you''ll be back to normal again on Friday. We ate out a lot this weekend; I''ve been parched from all the sodium. I hope work tomorrow isn''t that busy, but glad you were able to take care of everything. How''s the cake class going?

Yoga was good, a bit easy but just the stretching flex-y stuff I needed after skiing. James picked me up from the airport and we had some takeout pizza for dinner. The dog was SOOOO happy to see me, she jumped ALL over me. Normally I''d discourage that, but I missed her too. I''ll talk to my sister, maybe we''ll do yoga tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
Lliang, glad to hear the yoga class helped stretch out your muscles from skiing. The cake class is going well. I practiced a lot this weekend and have read over some tips online. I already lost some of my extra weight today. Woo hoo! Thanks.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks all!

Lliang, sorry to hear about your Dad''s knee trouble, amazing how exercise can help and would you believe after only one workout my knee feels better already....


Dec 29, 2006
Ugh -- my post was eaten and it was a long one too. Okay, let''s see if I can remember what I typed (the shorter version though).

Lorelei -- I love the opener for this week. It''s very timely. I''m glad you got the elliptical moved to a better spot for you.

Hi Skippy -- I hope you feel better after the root canal.

Tacori -- I''m so proud of you keeping up with your workouts. Good for you!

Hi Steph!

Hi Lisa -- It sounds like you had a fun time in CO. It sounds like you got quite the workout!

Hi Stephbolt -- welcome to PS. I can only imagine what it must be like to train for triathlons and ultramarathons. They sound like fun. What''s an ultramarathon?

Hi Marcy!

Appletini -- it always sounds like your dinners are so yummy!

Dragon -- When''s the half marathon and 5K? Sounds like fun!

Dee Jay -- it must be so nice knowing that you and your exhh can maintain a friendship after the divorce. On a separate note, the lavender ski jacket sounds purrty!

Hi Rod!

Hi Steph!

I hope everyone''s having a good week so far. I have to admit that I gained a few pounds over the past few weeks. I haven''t been keeping up with regular exercising and I''ve allowed myself too many treats. Have you ever tried Buffalo pieces from Snyder''s (the pretzels)? They''re so addicting! That may have been part of what made me gain weight. That and the treats I indulged in at our Valentine''s Day party last week. I feel horrible now and I HATE what the scale is showing. Lesson learned.

We''re off to Key West on Saturday morning. It will be good to get away and hopefully enjoy the FL sun. I checked the weather the other day and it didn''t look too warm though (60s and low 70s). I was hoping for 80s. We''ll have our computer with us, so I''ll be able to check in hopefully.

Ok, I need to finish getting ready for work. Have a good day!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Zoe, I did another half hour this morning, what a difference having the equipment in a warm place makes!!!


Dec 11, 2008
Thanks to everyone for the kind welcome!

For those who asked, an ultramarathon is any race longer than a traditional marathon, some of them are 50 or 100 miles for example. The race I did was 180 miles BUT I ran it in a relay with a team of 12 people, divided into 36 different legs. So while I ran about 14 mi. total, the longest I ran at a stretch was 6 mi. We ran all through the night, it was absolutely crazy!

On a side note, training for the triathlon was challenging, but not terrifically hard - I stick with the sprint distance, which is ~.5 mi swim, ~15 mi bike, ~5K run. I was afraid the race environment would be super crazy/competitive, but it was amazing and supportive, and there were so many people who were doing it just to prove to themselves that they could.

Well, I wasn't very productive with working out yesterday, as I'm still getting over a bad cold and have a cough, but I had a healthy dinner and am finishing a good breakfast now! Hoping to go to an aerobics class at the gym this afternoon if I can get out of work in time. Hope everyone else is having a healthy day so far.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Rod, sorry you couldn''t sleep. That is always so frustrating! Hope the gym was good. Have you noticed it any slower? Wondering if the resolution people are falling off the wagon.

marcy, yay that you have lost some of your weight. You make a good point about salt intake. So are you enjoying your cake classes? Have fun with the cupcakes! My mom is very happy. I think she surprised herself and feels really good. Funny how it all started by her buying a new dress for a wedding and thinking how much better it would look if she lost 10 lbs.

lliang, I think I like it b/c I am a naturally lazy person and have a hard time pushing myself on my own. In a class it is only natural to keep up. I am so bad (not a great dancer) and it is hard for me to get my feet to move as fast as some of the girls but it is a great workout. The hour usually goes fairly fast which is a bonus too (I get bored easily). I do want to try yoga though. I''ll have to see when the classes are. Having my mom here was great but we ate out almost every meal. Kinda back tracked. Haha.

Lor, glad your knee feels better!

Zoe, I hate it when that happens. Have a great time in Key West. I love it there! I know I indulge too much as well. If I could be stricter with my diet I would have lost my weight by now.

steph, hope you make it to your class. I just started the class thing but am enjoying it.

Not much new with me. I feel like my stomach might be a TAD flatter. Could be wishful thinking. I am planning on going to class tonight but like I said it all depends on the monster...errr...I mean daughter. Haha. I am trying to change her nap times but it''s tough. Of course MOST babies are fussy around 5-7 anyways and wouldn''t you know it that is when all the classes are.
I figure worst thing that would happen is they would pull me out of class. Even 20 mins would be better than nothing right?


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Tac!

You know it is truly amazing how this thread inspires. It is really comforting to know we are all working away at the same thing, and when the going gets tough I can always say to myself ' Tac feels the same and sticks with it, Dee, Rod etc etc" and it really helps. This thread is about real people doing the best they can to get fit and healthy while living busy lives and I think thats the reason it is so helpful!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lor, you are so sweet (and wise). You are right. MOST people do not enjoy exercise and diet and it is a struggle. Mutual support is critical. But I do believe it is better to make *lifestyle* changes rather than fad diets or drastic things that will be impossible to keep up.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/17/2009 9:05:10 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Lor, you are so sweet (and wise). You are right. MOST people do not enjoy exercise and diet and it is a struggle. Mutual support is critical. But I do believe it is better to make *lifestyle* changes rather than fad diets or drastic things that will be impossible to keep up.

You are too kind, right back at you!!

I absolutely agree! For so many years I even wondered what was WRONG with me as I couldn't stick to these strict diets. Back in the eighties when I was a teenager trying to lose weight I must have tried every diet plan going, and woe betide you if you went a few calories over, it was if you were a failure. So I tried to be more and more strict, sometimes I would be able to stick to a regimented 1000 cals a day and others I couldn't, then the yo yo dieting started.

One of the worst was one of the first meal replacements called UniVite if I remember rightly. It was a complete meal replacement, you had no food at all. Each sachet had about 110 calories in it and apparently all the nutrients you needed to be healthy.....The plan was you had 3 sachets a day of this powder mixed with water for breakfast, lunch and dinner ( usual flavours chocolate, vanilla or strawberry) and lots of drinking water to total 330 cals a day. The idea was that you would get rapid weight loss and after a few days adjustment you would not want food. If I remember correctly you stayed on this plan for 3 weeks then had a week with low calorie food then alternated 3 weeks Univite, one week food until you reached your goal weight.

I tried this diet along with others, it was also very expensive. However I did not have much weight to lose at this time and I felt extremely weak on this diet ( no wonder). It was a popular diet in the mid eighties and lots of people seemed to be doing it until if I remember rightly a few people got ill and word spread that it was a very unhealthy way to lose weight.

That was only one of the unusual diets I tried!

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