
Now I really did it :((


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, no recs on pillowcases but a silk one sounds divine! I'll have to look into that.

LLJsmom, I missed a post…yes, that setting is gorgeous, I really love it :love: An AVR would be perfect for it, and I agree with missy, a G/H would look fabulous!

Jimmianne, I am so excited about your bracelet! I can't wait to see it! :dance: Yes, this increase in bling activity is fun! I was soooo close to buying a pre-loved ring, was going to talk to dh about it, possible Christmas gift (Yes, I realize it's only August! :lol: ) but it sold. I have a hankering for an eternity ring, there have been several posted lately on SMBT and they look so darn elegant and ever so slightly decadent.

Marcy, I actually am pretty excited about the dining room set! We ordered the chairs and table from different places, and the chairs are ready to be delivered but I don't think the table will be in until end of Sept. We ordered a rug too, so looking forward to seeing it all put together.

Ugh, sorry about the bad first impression of your potential new employee - I'm hoping she won't be as bad as she came across to you :pray:

Ovi, so great to hear from you! :dance: Welcome back from your vacation, I'm so glad you had a great time and came back relaxed, refreshed, and restored! So wonderful to hear you are feeling well and in good spirits. Very happy to hear you've met someone, LDR can be tough but can certainly be successful too! Yay for bling projects, they definitely add some joy and excitement to life.

And I wouldn't worry too much about catching up, I have been "keeping up" and still manage to miss things all the time! Just jump back in, this thread moves fast and you'll be back in the swing of things in no time.

Happy Friday everyone - wow, the time does go quickly, seems like yesterday that I was talking about the Sunday blahs lol


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I can't believe they left the boat for so long and were so flipping inconsiderate when they finally contacted you. I hope Greg reminded them that their boat is their responsibility and that they are responsible if the boat has caused damage to your bulkhead. I would also tell them that they will need to pay you for the costs to fix it immediately if there is damage. Seriously, what the heck is wrong with people. Just typing the has proven to me that I really am getting old. I now have zero patience for people who act like your neighbors. I missed you shopping yesterday. I bought another pair of inappropriate shoes and a dress. I have no idea what heck has gotten into me with these shoes!

LLJsmom, Plant that seed about your 25 wedding anniversary ring now and remind him often. At least he won't feel like he wasn't warned that this Is what you are expecting. My husband gave me my 25 anniversary ring present before our 22nd anniversary. Now I keep hoping I can talk him into another 25 anniversary president. Something tells that is not going to be easy. Men don't usually forget spending large amounts of money. I love your bracelet and agree that the smaller diamond bracelet is also beautiful. Your posts never fail to amuse me. I love you LLJsmom!

Jimmianne, I can't wait to see your new bracelet. I love the size your picked out. It's will go with absolutely everything. Congrats on speaking in your French class.

Marcy and Jimmianne, My husband was in Houston last week. Maybe I need to ask him to stop by WF during his next trip!

Marcy, Oh no regarding the new employee. Can you get someone else instead. The last thing you need is to deal with another jerk of an employee . I know it was huge relief to get rid of your problem child. The last you need is to replace him with another one.

Kristie, I hope all is well with you today and things are relatively calm for the next few days!

OV, What the heck have you been up to??? Where have you been?


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Callie :wavey: :love: I wrote to you all offline too.

Marcy sorry about the employee problems.

Talking about fall girls, I wish you had not mentioned that, I landed in the storm and the weather was awful here for a few days. I really am NOT looking forward to fall. Can I have your weather Kristie?

Also, I gained back two kilos, so upset. I was so happy to lose weight finally almost a year ago. Now of course that I was relaxed I gained most back. Ok I know round is a shape. :bigsmile: but my mom greeted me with very rude comments about my weight. Guess she is definitely jealous. She has been her usual kind self ROFL.


Jul 1, 2014
Sunny, I'm going to point out that ROUND is the most popular cut/shape for diamonds!!!


Feb 5, 2014
:bigsmile: Kristie you just made my day!!! :appl: :D I will make sure to point this out to some people, what sense of humor, I am not disappointed in you!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls!

Welcome back sweet Sunstorm. :wavey:
4 kilos is nothing please don't worry. LOL I gain 2 kilos just like that. Seriously. Life is good again and I am so happy for you! :appl:

Jimmianne , I LOVE that bracelet and I am excited for you to receive it!

LLJsmom, WOW those bracelets look amazing on you. :love:
I will keep you posted re the silk pillowcase. I have been procrastinating about that LOL but we bought 2 new pillows today. At Costco! They had people there selling it as it is one of their new products and we shall see what I think. If I don't like it (I am like the princess and the pea) Greg will like it as he's easy that way. It will take a day to fluff up before we can use it.

Marcy, oy I hope that new employee isn't as much of a pain as you think she will be. But it reminds me of the saying the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. Anyway YAY for Marty's return home! Tell him the NIRDIs all say hi and welcome back and I hope you both had a restful day and good nap!

Callie, I know I know and believe me I feel the same way. Not sure it is because we are getting old because even when I was younger this would have pissed me off I think.

Hope the dentist appointment went smoothly and I am glad you bought some fun purchases. Haha inappropriate shoes love it. Wish I was right there with you buying my sensible boring as all heck shoes. LOL.

Junie, I buy presents way in advance too sometimes. If we find something we love it doesn't matter what time of year as there is always a future occasion right? Hehe works for me. :naughty: I think an eternity ring is lovely. Are you looking for one with old cut diamonds? One with gorgeous large OECs perhaps? On that topic I would love an old cut diamond Riviera necklace. I can dream can't I? :Up_to_something:

I cannot wait till your new dining room chairs and table are delivered. I love furniture purchases and especially in a new house.

See how fast the days are going? Your dh will be home before you know it! Do you have any weekend plans?

Hey Kristie! Any weekend plans? I am keeping fingers and toes crossed things go smoothly from here on out and always sending you lots of good thoughts and big hugs.

(((Hugs))) to all you girls. Have a good night and sweet dreams. :snore:


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, you can’t make up stories like topless ladies inspiring the naked cowboy to wear a bra. Does the NYT have pictures posted? I am so excited you ordered your bracelet. I can’t wait to see it. You probably exchanged an email or two with Vera. She is awesome. I deal with Brittany there on purchases. I am such a small town girl I’d freak out trying to get around a big city by myself. I will go a few places in Denver but I have to know where I am going. Marty has been painting and drawing a little bit but spends most of his spare time playing golf.

LLJsmom, good idea to buy supplies online. Kings Soopers here offers in home grocery delivery for a $10 fee. I am seriously considering that. I HATE to go grocer shopping anymore. Marty and I are certainly being mundane tonight; he is sprawled out on the couch and we ordered pizza for supper. I read the book about Everest too. I will definitely try to catch that movie. My brain is right there with yours; it is just flat worn out. Good thing we have bling and cookies to help us through the day. I just ate 2 death cookies.

Ovi, its great to hear from you. I am delighted to hear your vacation was a fantastic time. If I miss this thread for a few days I am completely lost.

Junebug, eternity bands are gorgeous. I think that would be a great Christmas present for you. I’d like one with EC diamonds. First I have to win the lottery though. I get very excited about new furniture and decorations for the house; it is almost as fun as jewelry. Post a picture of all of it when you get it put together (of course only if you want to post one).

Callie, I am right there with you on being tired of the way some people act. I am still driving through construction to get to work and there is always a long line where you are down to one lane. I swear 25% of the people going that way race down the left lane and want you to let them in line. I absolutely refuse and think to myself this proves 25% of these people are jerks. I think you should ask your DH to visit WF for us. Marty was there for work once right in Sugarland; I keep hoping they’ll send him back there. Yay for shopping for shoes. I think I honestly need to do that myself.

Missy, I have a satin pillowcase my mom made for me. I need to get that out. Are you and Greg going to the beach house this weekend? I sure hope that boat didn’t do any damage to your bulkhead.

Kristie, you can always make me laugh. Round is a shape and very popular and it’s easy to maintain too. LOL.

Marty’s redeye was delayed over an hour. He landed in Denver about 12:30 am and got home about 2 ish. His boss (he’s in the UK) called him about 2:30 so he didn’t get to bed until after 3. I was sound asleep for about 2 hours then started watching the clock thinking he’d be here any time now. I finally used my stalking app to see he was about an hour away. Then I could sleep. After he got home I got up and talked to him a few minutes and honestly didn’t fall asleep again until after 4. Ugh. It was a LONG day.

Marty slept in until about 10.

I was very busy at work. I am working on our departmental booklet incase I do get a new employee. I think the lady I talked to would be extra work but I don’t see her being a negative, grumpy person. Another manager said once you get past 3 employees you are always going to have problems. I agree.

I talked to that lady’s supervisor today and my perceptions of her were right. She and I both think that lady will turn down the request to transfer jobs; in fact she went in to talk to her boss today and then he had my employee come and talk to him. I wasn’t informed of anything. My direct boss was out of the office today so he is the one who keeps me informed.

I didn’t hear from WF again today. Rats.

The smoke is really bad here today. There are so many fires going on right now; it is absolutely awful. How tragic those lost some firemen this week too.

Take care. Have a great weekend.


Dec 9, 2013
It feels good to have Orsi back on board : )

I am up at 4:30...taking DD to the airport at 6. Then back here to wake up my chickens & Then have signed up for some crazy lunch-time painting class with wine & pizza at the local Italian restaurant with a friend who's a terrific painter. Can you tell that my plan de distraction has started? Last night I washed my SUV inside & out and put air in the tires. Trying to set a good example for DD and be safe too. The SUV has 22k on it and the tires look a little worn. Good thing I got my bling before checking them out closely!

Marcy, Marty's schedule sounds totally exhausting - for both of you. Please tell him that the world is waiting for his next masterpiece. No wonder he paints killer rabbits ~ those work hours!
I spoke with Becca at WF, then Sheerah contacted me. Everyone there is so lovely and they really get PSers. Mere mortal jewelers may find us a bit challenging! I hope they get back to you soon! If I recall correctly they are not there on weekends, which I always found frustrating.

Yes, those fires are awful and tragic. I wish we could figure out a way to douse them safely without involving humans on the ground.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Saturday!

Jimmianne, safe trip wishes to your DD! This is an adventure of a lifetime.

Marcy,, the fires are so tragic and it is unbearable thinking of the brave young firemen that are rising their lives fighting them. I am with Jimmianne in that I wish there was a 100% safe and efficient way to fight them off the ground where nobody else could get hurt.

I am glad that your potential new employee is not grumpy or a downer like your previous employee. That is a plus at least though now it seems she might not take the transfer. I agree the more employees one has the more trouble one has lol.

Sorry WF hasn't gotten back to you yet. Hoping for a Monday call for you.

The reason I sleep on satin (and am now looking for silk) is because it is supposed to not tangle your hair and help keep it healthier i.e. not cause split ends like regular cotton pillowcases can especially if one (me) has curly frizzy hair. It is also supposed to be good for your skin. Is this true? IDK.

Hope you and Marty enjoy a good weekend. He must be so happy to be back and glad he caught up on some sleep!

I forgot to reply to you girls Junie and Callie about my commute and using the subway. It is pretty easy so don't worry about me but in the heat of the summer it gets to be over 100 degrees waiting in the station and the trains are almost always delayed these days. And there is no air circulation so yes sometimes I get a bit dizzy and have trouble breathing if I have to wait too long. So I go up the stairs and try to get some air and when I hear a train coming I have to quickly go down the stairs to catch it.

Once the train comes it is usually air conditioned and cool though quite crowded due to all the delays. But it is still the most efficient way to get around NYC in general and we are fortunate to have an extensive subway system. Wish it was air-conditioned while waiting at the stations though like the DC metro. That would be heaven.

The tracks are falling apart (and lots of trash on them cause track fires which cause delays and are dangerous too) and the condition of the tracks and the trains are not as good as when we had Rudy Giuliani cracking down on quality of life issues. I know a lot of people did not care for him but you have to give him the fact that he kept the city cleaner and the subways running more smoothly with less menacing people approaching and asking for handouts etc. He cracked down on those issues and it really made day to day life better and since he left and the new powers that be are here quality of life issues like this have gone down dramatically (yes that's you Bill de Blasio) but I digress. 8)

We came to the beach house yesterday and the bulkhead is fine so yay. And the boat was anchored near us yesterday when we went to bed and when we woke up this AM (before sunrise) it was gone. So not sure if they removed it because the winds were picking up last night and the water is pretty rough right now. I have a feeling it will be back LOL. Anyway all is well and it looks like a lovely lovely morning and I cannot wait for us to get on the bike today.

Enjoy your Saturday and hope to check in with you girls later. :wavey:


Oct 24, 2012
Jimmianne, you are cracking me up girl!! At least you are super productive while trying to distract yourself. Good job and cleaning. You know, I have those same feelings too. When I discover something that will require some repair and replacement right after having made a bling purchase, I am super glad I bought my bling first. You would think its the opposite right? That you would regret having spent the money cause you need it for more practical things? But not me!! Lol! Bad girl! :tongue:

Missy, I think it is so cool to live in a city where the subway takes you EVERYWHERE. London and Paris were like that. NYC falls into that category. Hong Kong too. Do you have the whole system totally mastered? I remember when I was back there (HK), my family knew every little aspect about public transportation. Like they knew that some buses were faster and came frequently at certain places so it was better to use above ground vehicles. They knew the cheaper routes by combining minivans, trains and subways. Now that I think about it, HK PROBABLY has the most complex system of public transport. They have these minivans that hold about 20 people that go into the far reaches of certain neighborhoods that run very frequently. It's cheaper for the city to run those than big buses. Anyway, I digress. I hope that you are surviving the heat. The Paris trains have no air con. :(

I ran today, 12 miles with little to no pain. I am so happy!! Have a great day girls!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Missy, Your subway commute sounds awful. Thank you for sharing. I will no longer complain about being stuck in traffic in my nice comfy air cinditioned car listening to my IPod. I don't think I would like being stuck in a hot smelly underground subway station. I also feel really bad when I see people begging. We have been running around this morning and are now trying to decide what we are going to do this afternoon and for dinner. One of my shie ourchases arrived today. I order the same pair of shoes in three different sizes becuase I have no idea what size will fit. That is the only thing I hate about ordering on line. The guy at Nordstrom told me to order them all as they will sell out quickly and can easily be returned. My husband is going to give me lots of grief when the credit card bill arrives this month. My only defense is at least the shoes are not expensive ones.

Marcy, I feel bad for poor Marty. My husband just informed me that he will need to spend some time in Houston and wants me to go with him for part of the trip. I may be going to WF after all. I hope things start to improve for you at work. Having direct reports is the worst. I was lucky I only had two employees but one was truly a pain. I often felt many of her excuses were made up they were so hard to believe. Once she started reporting to someone else he was often at my desk asking me if I thought her excuses were far fetched. I had documented everything in case the new manager wanted to fire her. I handed him my file and told him to make a decision now because it never seems to get better.

Jimmianne, Hiw long will yiur dear daughter be gone? It seems like you have a lot to keep yourself occupied with. Are you worried about the her safety in this trip?

Junebug, It sounds like you have begun decorating the new beach house. Getting new furniture is always fun.

Kristie, I forgot to tell you yesterday that I hate my nieces new apartment. Now I will worry about her and the baby being safe. She didn't seem concerned at all with safety. They already signed the years lease so it's too late to do anything about it. I keep telling myself she needs to figure this out on her own but I have to admit it is killing me. It's probably a good thing I never had children.

LlJsmom your story of Paris reminded me of a friend of mine that lived in Paris. When she found her apartment there she sent a email about how charming the cobblestone streets in front of the apartment were along with how pretty the stairs leading up to the apartment on the hill were. She was looking forward to not being stuck in traffic and taking the transportation in Paris. After a month in Paris I received a call with her saying she was exhausted after walking up the damn stairs everyday and how the cobblestones were wrecking the heels of her designer shoes. She then went on to complain how no one used deodorant and how awful it was sitting in the hot public transportation that had no air condition with a bunch of people who smelled like they had not bathed in a week. Reality was completely different then what she was imagining. I also could not believe that no one had clothes dryers. She missed soft fluffy towels so much.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Just a quick fly by posting as we got a late start this AM.

Callie, I am sorry your niece is not in the best part of town and I am sure she will be smart and stay safe. Don't worry about my commute please as I forgot to mention once I am on the train it is only a 5-7 minute ride for me to work and back LOL. So not bad at all as I am very close to work!
I sure hope you get to visit WF. How exciting that would be.

LLJsmom, I do have the (subway) system pretty much mastered. It is pretty easy actually and I never take buses unless the subway is not running for some reason. This winter (LOL within the first few weeks I returned to work after my accident if you can believe it and I almost felt it was a sign from the universe) there was a track fire on my track so I had to take the bus for the first time in IDK when and it was a bit hairy as I wasn't sure which bus to get on etc but it worked out.

When you wrote about HK's minibus system I thought of our "suicide" vans here in NYC. They are called dollar vans but cost $2 now and you take your life in your hands when taking one but yes I have done so on an occasion or 2. When nothing else is running it is the only game in town.

And no thank you to Paris's no A/C trains. I remember that and well I don't like that very much at all.

Woohoo on running 12 miles!!!! You are awesome!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I leave you girls with some morning pics of Princess Francesca and Prince Tommy. LOL she is on top of the new pillow I have yet to use. Leave it to her to find anything new hahaha.

Have a great day all!





Dec 9, 2013
Gorgeous Kitties, Missy. I see Sir Thomas is guarding The Best Pillow from his humans [well, servants, that is.]

I envy you that ride today - the weather is gorgeous here and I'll bet it's like that up your way too. A little cooler.
Now now, don't say things about Paris! I had forgotten the uncomfortable heat on public transport & was so in denial.

The wine tasting and painting party was a blast! About 15 women painting while drinking wine and eating pizza. OMG. I started out OK and resisted the wine but ended up eating THREE slices of pizza with 1/3 glass of wine [about 100 times what it takes for "lift-off" for me]. So it was a big gluten & alcohol fest. Many of the women had 2 or 3 glasses of wine and it was a merry time, to say the least.
We just did what the instructor said...and voila! there was a painting! They all looked the same, but with each person's individual brush stroke style.





Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I love the pictures of Francesca and Tommy. Didn't Bobby want his picture taken this morning? I'm glad your commute is so short and you don't have to be in the heat for very long. I wonder why Europe is opposed to air conditioning. With so many people traveling to the U.S. I would have thought they too would love air conditioning. I remember when I was working and so many people came to work at our office from France and Germany, they all raved about air conditioning. My niece lives in one of the well known nicer Chicago Suburbs. I just hate the apartment complex. My husband told me that he doubts anything bad happens there regardless of what it looks like. I just struggle with the fact that she has no desire to make a nicer life for her and her daughter. Logically I know it's her life and none of my business so I DO keep my mouth shut to her. It just hurts my heart to know this is how her life will more than likely always be.

Jimmianne, What a fun afternoon you had yesterday! A little pizza, wine and great girlfriends are always good for the soul!


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, yeah, I will angle for bling any way I can lol! Although in the past dh has said I would have to actually wait until Christmas to wear whatever I get, he is so mean! :D As much as I adore old cuts, I also love MRB's and I think for an eternity I would like to go that route. There's just something about that white, bright string of diamonds circling the finger. :love: My problem is I love everything ;(

And I won't get on my soapbox but I'm with you about the current conditions in NYC, it is SO upsetting to me to witness how things are deteriorating - my mother lives in the NY area and gets the NY news and it really bothers me to see quality of life going downhill. There are often reports about train break-downs, delays, and problems and I just feel so badly for people who have to deal with it. And the increase in pan-handlers…I had originally typed more but decided I was starting to ramble. Suffice it to say I did not have a good feeling when DeBlasio was elected. I just have an affinity for NYC and am distressed to see what's going on. And oh, something needs to be done about the costumes and topless women in Times Square! Ok, I'm done :cheeky: !

So happy to hear no damage from the phantom boat! Hopefully it's gone for good but who knows…sounds like an Agatha Christie book, the Mystery of the Disappearing Boat ha.

Not too much going on for this weekend, my daughter and son are around tonight so maybe we'll go out for something to eat.

Love the kitty pics, soooo sweet! :love:

Marcy, glad to hear Marty is home and I hope he has been able to catch up on some sleep by now! Sounds like things are still up in the air about a new employee for you, I hope things are settled soon. And yes, I will post a pic of the dining room set once everything is in!

Jimmianne, your crazy lunch/painting class sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to do something like that. I'm impressed with your awesome distraction capabilities lol. It really is kind of torturous (but also a little pleasurable :D ) to wait for a bling purchase to arrive. You mentioned the excitement of that package arriving in another post and you are so right! Keeping your dd in my thoughts and hoping she has a wonderful time on her trip.

Calliecake, I'm so sorry to hear how worried you are about your niece, I get it, I worry about my daughter too but have realized I have to try to control it or I'll end up with an ulcer lol…try your best not to worry too much, I'm sure she'll be very careful and will be ok. (((hugs)))

LLJsmom, 12 miles, that is really impressive! I'm so glad you're back to running with no pain, I know how much you love it. Good for you for having the patience to let yourself heal, I know it's not easy.

Kristie and Ovi, hope you ladies are having a good weekend! And Ovi, don't fret over a couple of kilos, that's not much at all!

ETA - Jimmianne, turns out the class WAS a lot of fun! Your pics are inspiring me, I've been thinking of doing a sunflower painting and I'm going to give it a shot today!


Jun 7, 2014
Junebug, Missy and Jimmianne, Are there really topless women walking around time square? I thought JImmianne was joking about that in her pervious post. All I can say is WOW!

Junebug, Thank you for your kind words about my niece. This is one of those times I am kind of glad I don't have children. I have no idea why I think that because I am really close to my nieces and nephews and doubt it would hurt much more if I were their parent. This particular niece was raised much different than I was. I just can't come to grips will the fact a life of poverty would be acceptable to her. I viewed things completely different when I was her age. I am just thankful I have been able to keep my mouth shut. Kristie gave me some wonderful advice a few months ago about her having to figure this out for herself and if I continue trying to fix things for her it was not going to do her any good.


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake, just saw your most recent post, again, I'm really sorry that you're so concerned and worried, that's not a good feeling. Keep in mind she's in a good neighborhood though, and that counts for a lot. I don't know, maybe this apartment is the most affordable one she can swing right now? I really think she's going to be ok, and maybe after a year she will decide to move to a different building. I know it's hard, I've talked in other posts about how hard it is figure out when to say something and when not to. As you said, the lease has been signed so it's a done deal for now so try not to stress too much about it. Maybe when the lease is up, you could gently mention your concerns. I don't know, I don't think it will be inappropriate at that point to say something if you have a genuine concern for her safety. Hugs to you my friend, I know this is not easy and I hope you're feeling a little more at peace with the situation soon!


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake|1440350661|3918045 said:
Junebug, Missy and Jimmianne, Are there really topless women walking around time square? I thought JImmianne was joking about that in her pervious post. All I can say is WOW!

No joke! Apparently they wear body paint to "cover" their breasts :roll eyes: and they wear thongs and charge people for pics with them. And there are people roaming around in costumes, such as Elmo and Hello Kitty and they aggressively pester people to take pics with them for money. It is turning into a carnival-like, and IMO, a seedy atmosphere.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Junebug, We were posting comments at the same. I left you another message above that you probably didn't see but I really want to thank you for your kind words.

That is unbelievable about Times Square. I have always expected to see some crazy things in California but not New York City!


Jul 1, 2014
Love the pics of the Feline Royalty, Missy :cheeky: Is that a silk pillowcase HRH Francesca reclines upon?

Tommy is looking at you as if you are paparazzi, heehee, in the second pic!!!!

Jimmianne, I'm going to look for drunken pizza painting parties in Phoenix (ha, that's a mouthful!). My kinda partay!!!

I hope everyone has a great week. We are hunkered down, waiting for the estate mess to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee already.


Dec 9, 2013
AZ, funny. I hope you do find The Party! I think you would really get a kick out of going to one of these things.
I hear you about hunkering down ...& it will soon be a tiny hazy picture in your rear-view mirror.


Dec 9, 2013
Here is a photo to go with my "perverous post".I thought his idea was clever.

Missy, when we come to NY can we look for the Naked Cowboy? Wouldn't that make a nice group photo?

AZ I think you have named my painting for me - I'm going to call it "Drunken Daisies". You sound like so much fun. Cute firemen and drunk-art [hey! you invented a new genre!]. Az are you a party girl??? I can't wait to meet you - [and everyone!] in person.

My DD is in Montreal and I haven't heard a peep in 2 days - that means she is having a good time. My bracelet is going to take forever to arrive - I'd forgotten how frustrating the wait is : )
Tomorrow I'm going on a trip to the Raleigh Art Museum to meet friends for lunch. I want to see the Impressionists now that I've seen a bit of the countryside where they painted.

Did the lost rings here ever get found? Last week I lost two of my favorites and they are just NOWHERE. I have a bad habit of taking them off in the car when I'm driving [stick shift] or just taking them off at home and stashing them in a tea cup or up on a shelf. No one has to give condolences, I just wanted to tell. I'm OK with whatever happens but it would be nice if they turned up someday and hoping the other lost rings here have been found.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Wow more and more cool bling ideas. I love eternities Junie, eternities and tennis bracelets, worn together too and add some extra bling like Joy or something unusual to be the star. This makes me want to stack my tennis bangle with my Art Deco watch. I would love to own an eternity but I am not married, I would use it as a wedding ring as I have to admit I cannot stand plain wedding rings, I imagine wedding rings to be all diamonds too. I am making one now for my best friend, I mean making an eternity for her, it is so her and will go great with her ring, I think some of you girls may still remember Liberty my heart diamond ring which is her engagement ring now.

Well, hahaha I read 4 kilos no I gained 2 kilos but yeah like 4 pounds but I have since dropped 1 kilo I think. Dieting is hard, I get grumpy. I have also been bad not on here a lot but now I have had a dental emergency which I am trying to handle, I think I needed one more disaster, not?

Now I may need antibiotics until we can figure out who will fix the problem and how and what can be done, it may end up costing a fortune because my implant with two crowns fell out leaving a huge hole in my gum and a badly filed down tooth naked, nice, not? If it has be to entirely remade then I will be out of a couple of bucks for sure unless we can figure out a solution. Also the dentist is very far but it is better to go to him as he my father´s friend and also gave up really good prices. Chances are it is not his fault at all but implants can actually be expelled for any reason as we know and most likely it got infected. Well, it was already moving in Israel it felt so off until the whole thing remained in my hands last night when I was out at the lake with a girlfriend having wine and a salad, I bit down and that was it.- It was pretty funny but it is not, it really hurts too.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and talk to you soon. :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake|1440351512|3918052 said:
Hi Junebug, We were posting comments at the same. I left you another message above that you probably didn't see but I really want to thank you for your kind words.

That is unbelievable about Times Square. I have always expected to see some crazy things in California but not New York City!

Calliecake, I just saw a post that I previously missed and I do agree that sometimes people just have to figure out things on their own - it is hard because we love and care about the person so much but at the same time everyone is entitled to live their own life and make their own choices. Your niece is very, very lucky to have such a caring and loving aunt in her life, and I promise I am not just saying that, I truly mean it.


Jun 17, 2009
Ovi, ugh, sorry to hear about the dental issues, they are awful to have. And if it's any comfort I've put on a few pounds recently and am trying to more careful with what I eat. Misery loves company, right? :D

Jimmianne, I'd be up for a pic with the naked Cowboy! At least he has a top on haha!

I hope your rings resurface soon - I do the same thing, I take off bands and leave them in various spots around the house. :wall:


Oct 24, 2012

Missy, I was going to write as soon as I saw that picture of Francesca. Seriously, of course a cat would find a new pillow and use it before you. That is so typical of a cat. Why do cats always find the newest and most soft item, and immediately, completely unapologetically, use it before you can? She is just hilarious!

Callie, I'm sorry you are so stressed about your niece. I have to say about my aunts. They are the type of people who would not hold back their opinions, and when they do share it, it is extremely straightforward, no BS, and they don't worry about your feelings either. For that reason, I have been extremely reticent about sharing information with them now that I am older. It's kinda sad, but I am fine doing what is best for me, and limiting/cutting out unhealthy relationships. Just be there for her, so that she can come to you if and when she needs you. If it is too hard for you to be in that position, maybe you can give yourself a break too. Btw, your friend's experieince in Paris sounds exactly like mine, except that I don't wear heels that are ruined by the cobblestone streets. All of it is spot on.

Junebug, how is the house? How is your mom doing?

Jimmianne, I can't wait for your bracelet too. I can already imagine the fire shots while on your wrist. It will be so stunning. And I seriously am putting that on my list. I am still not wearing my bracelet now because I am worried it is too much bling with my LOVE. If I had a 2 ctw, I would wear it on my left arm. I do miss the bling on the wrist. I feel the difference.

Sunstorm, I hope you are doing better. I'll email you separately.

Kristie, You are hilarious! Some of these other threads in Hangout are crazy. I love your responses,

Ok, passing out. gotta go. Hugs!!


Dec 9, 2013
Did anyone see Greg's post in the hangout this morning? A wonderful article his husband wrote about Greg and their two daughters. Quite moving.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I just read it and replied. So moving. It brought tears to my eyes. And Mark is so right. The world would be a much better place if everyone could just share that kind of love and support.

Have you touched base with your DD yet? How is she doing? How are you doing? I love that you are enjoying your french class and your art class. You are too busy enjoying life to worry or miss her too much. All is good. :appl:

And yes we can definitely find the naked cowboy and take some NIRDI pics with him when you girls visit me. It will be quite the picture of that I am sure. :appl:

LLJsmom, yes Princess Francesca always finds the best spot in the house haha. Smart kitty. I ordered a new silk pillowcase yesterday and it is supposed to arrive tomorrow. If it's good I will order a few more. Here's what I ordered.

I went with the higher silk count at 25mm vs the standard 19mm. We'll see if that makes a significant difference. I'll keep you posted.

Sunstorm, I hope your dental issues all get worked out painlessly and easily. It seems these days it's always something for many of us so take heart and hang in there. All is good and these are mere blips along the way. At least that is what I keep telling myself lol.

Junie, we are on the same page about the quality of life going down in NYC and really we have the politicos in power to thank. Another annoying frustrating and stupid view from de Blasio this AM commenting about what Giuliani had to say about what is going on re quality of life here. I swear when I was talking about them the other day here I didn't even realize this was a topic of convo b/w them. Great (or not so great depending on the politician :rolleyes: )minds think alike I guess. Francesca has the best reply of all to them. Harummph!

Have fun with your Sunflower painting today! I cannot wait to hear how it went. I love painting and drawing but I have no talent so I live vicariously through others. Enjoy!

Kristie, I am dying of suspense here. Did you or didn't you make that purchase last night or planning to this morning perhaps? I love that ring and think it is beautiful and special but no pressure here haha. Seriously either way it's a win win because if you don't get it more money for Miami but if you do get it you will replenish your funds and have a lovely new band to boot. You cannot lose either way and it is just bling (blasphemy :o ) anyway.

Sir Thomas (love that heehee thank you for that Jimmianne) says good morning to you and sends lots of purrs and kisses to you and Finnie boy and Miss Maggie. Callie don't worry. Our Bobby is not camera shy at all. We get plenty of pics of him too. No one is safe (if you're a kitty that is) in our household from the impromptu photograph LOL. Lucky we don't have human babies or they might be plastered all over PS haha.

Callie, I am waiting to see what happens before I make an appointment. I just don't want to rush into anything. How was the rest of your day yesterday? Do you have any special plans today or the rest of the week? I think you guys are having lovely weather by you right now. Not sure what our week holds weather wise but I know you get the weather ahead of us usually so I am waiting to hear how it is doing by you.

Please don't worry about your darling niece. Everything will be OK and everyone here is right. You can only do so much and at some point you have to trust they will make the best decisions for them. (((Hugs))).

Hi Marcy! How are you? I hope work is going well and that Marty is at home and well rested and recovered from his latest trip. Miss you!

Have a great day girls and I will check back later if anyone is around. (((Hugs))). Leaving you with an oldie but a goodie. Francesca is harumphing those aggravating politicians in all their non wisdom. Harumph!



Jun 8, 2008


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I hope you are feeling well today and your toe is feeling better. I love, love your pictures of Francesca! She definately needs a little crown that is all her own. She looks like royalty in all her pictures.

Jimmianne, The picture of the cowboy is too funny! I'm so happy you are more comfortable about your daughter being on this trip. I'm sure is having a wonderful time. I can't wait to see your new bracelet!

LLJsmom, Thank you so much for sharing your story about your aunts. After she asked how I felt, I told her what my concerns were and just left it at that. Something I said must have had an affect. She was planning on taking a vacation in a couple weeks. She called to let me know that after thinking about everything decided it probably wasn't a great idea and has decided to put it off until she gets paid vacation time off next year. I was very surprised she changed her mind. They have decided to go to a football game a couple hours away with her parents and keep saving money. After we talked as a surprise I arranged hotel rooms for them and her parents the night before so they feel like they are getting away. I don't know who was happier, my brother or my niece. It's a win win. I get to watch her baby while they are away. My SIL called last night to thank me for the hotel room and thanked me for talking to my niece. It is just so damn hard to know when I can say something and when to keep my mouth shut. I have learned not to give advice until she asks my opinion. I've also learned to ask her if she really wants to hear it if we don't agree on something. The last thing I would ever want is for her to feel like she can't talk to me. Your comments always help me so much.

Junebug, I'm work really hard at keeping my mouth shut especially if no good will come from my thoughts. She has no idea I wasn't thrilled with her apartment. She has to live there, not me and I don't think she is in a dangerous area so the less said on my part the better. I agree with you that a lot of things young adults go thru they just have to figure out on their own. I don't know how mom's do it sometimes. It's hard enough just being an aunt.

Kristie, Did you buy a new piece of jewelry?

Marcy, I hope things are going well at work. Have things improved with your employee issues?
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