
Experience with Sleeping Pills?


Oct 2, 2014
Hi, in the last month I've had three bugs one after the other, the first two stomach upsets due to bad meat and fish, and the last a really horrendous cold. With the cold, the sore throat and cough was intense, and I was up in the night a lot icing my throat, coughing, etc. In addition, I spent eight days in bed during these three bugs.

Now, for the last two weeks, I am almost completely unable to sleep at the right time. I lie awake most of the night - perhaps I doze - but I don't really drop off until anywhere between 4.30 and 7, and then I sleep till 11 or 12 and wake up feeling crap. This lack of sleep is really affecting me and nothing works - nothing - not melatonin or another over-the-counter sleep aid that I tried. I guess my body clock is all messed up.

Because I can't sleep, my sore throat won't entirely go away - I have a sore patch on the right.

So, I have an appointment with my PCP this afternoon to ask her about sleeping pills. However, I've never taken them and am very worried about side effects and dependency.

Has anyone here ever taken them? Could you please let me know what your experience was and if they helped?



Jul 7, 2004
My neurologist just put me on Ambien to try to offset the insomnia I get from Topamax (it fails as the dumb supermodel drug for me.) I am FREAKED by this drug, obviously all the reports of craziness happening made me feel like it would be addictive or do crazy stuff. I have taken 1/4 of each pill-the lowest dose pill they offer-a couple nights a week. I took half a pill on a weekend once and was like ZONK. But it does wear off pretty quickly. Like I wake up on time. I just feel a bit groggy for a little longer than normal, say 30 min vs 15.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Jambalaya, sorry you are dealing with this. I used to take Ambien and hated it as it left a grogginess that was with me all day and also never truly gave me a restful night's sleep. It allowed me to fall asleep but it was a fitful sleep. However YMMV as with any med.

My good friend Kristie (Azstonie) who is very knowledgeable about many topics recommended Atarax to me (old school antihistamine) and it is helpful though I do have some left over grogginess it is much less an effect than a sleeping pill or Benadryl.

However for days where I need just a little help I take the tried and true (for me) Chlor Trimeton. Another old school antihistamine and I take just 4 mg and it helps. Most days I try taking nothing but when I need some help I take this or if I need a bit more help the Atarax.

Good luck and I hope you have a peaceful and restful slumber very soon!


Oct 2, 2014
Thanks for the responses, ame and missy!

Ame - it's good to know they actually work. I'm a bit worried that they won't work for me and I'm doomed to stay awake forever!

Missy - I don't know what I'm doing with antihistamines, I've never taken them and don't even really know what they are. I clicked the link and it seems wrong to take something for allergies when I don't suffer from allergies. I have taken melatonin and also something like Nytol, but I don't really know what I'm doing and don't want to injure myself. I'm glad I have an appt with my doc - but as you say, I have also heard about sleeping pills not producing a very restful sleep. However, at this point I'm a bit desperate - I'd kill for one good night's sleep. I cannot fall asleep before 4.30am earliest no matter what I do, which means that lunchtime is breakfast time, etc. I'm hoping that sleeping pills, just for a few nights, will give me a break and allow me to get back to normal. But I am scared of them, too. Oh well, I guess I'll see what the doc says.


Apr 2, 2006
Have you tried Simply Sleep? I used to use Tylenol PM when I was desperate for sleep and all else failed - it was a trick passed on to me by a frequent traveller (he used it for long plane trips). I guess the Tylenol folks caught on to the fact that people were taking their pain killer just to sleep, and came out with SImply Sleep. It's like Tylenol PM but without the Tylenol. :bigsmile:

The other thing that helps when I have sleepless periods is to get some exercise, even just a brisk walk, two or more hours before bedtime.


Oct 2, 2014
Hi VR, thanks for the reply. I haven't tried Simply Sleep but will ask the doc if that's an option instead of a prescription pill. But I've already tried two sleep aids and don't want to keep putting stuff into my body with no real idea what I'm doing. Exercise is good but I'm too tired to do it right now, very run down from the three bugs and also still got a sore patch on my throat. The insomnia is acute right now after the illness messing up my sleep pattern, and I'm really thinking I'm going to need prescription pills to get a break. It's crap though. It will be interesting to see if the doc suggests something else apart from pills.


Feb 16, 2009
I use Xanax. You do need to be careful with it, as it can easily be habit forming, but it acts quickly, I sleep very well, and don't wake up groggy. It also leaves your body quickly. I only take it once, sometimes twice a week.

baby monster

Jul 2, 2007
I've taken ambien a few times over the past 3 years. I also had some difficult patches in life and just couldn't sleep at all. It helped me get back into the routine. It doesn't give me a hangover next morning like the antihistamines. I've never taken it more than couple days in a row in the space of few months so no issues with addiction.


Sep 1, 2009
DH had a serious injury and they had him take ambien. He never got a good sleep. Was always a sort of half awake sort of thing. Lots of grogginess. He also suffered serious hallucinations and other such issues.

I know what you mean about being unable to sleep due to illness and then the body being all messed up. I'm still getting over a nasty cold myself (almost 2 weeks now).
I find that keeping a cup of hot tea (cold by morning) next to the bed helps as I can sip and clear my throat a bit without having to get up.
I'm also taking Chestal frequently to clear out residual gunk from my throat.

One thing I have been driven to in past a few times works pretty well. I quit trying to sleep for a whole day and night. Just stayed up. Didn't let myself drift off in the early morning with just a couple of hours until morning. Made for a really long tired day, but by the time I went to bed at the regular time my body was ready to sleep. Still took a few days to get back to feeling normal sleeping at the usual time but it worked.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I hate Ambien. It only lasts 4 hours and is habit forming.

I don't care for any benzo for sleep either (valium, xanax, klonopin, etc) because they are habit forming as well.

Notice a trend?

What is your routine before bed? If you don't have one and have time, try to get things going about an hour to an hour and half before bed. Nice shower or bath helps because it brings up your temperature and then as your body cools off, it mimics your body cooling off in the evening. Turn off all screens, tv, phone, computers, the blue light they emit is like the sun. If you like to read this might be the time to do it, as long as the book isn't too stimulating. Some people like calming teas. There are a few with valerian, but that might be too sedating or not sedating enough. You might want to check with your doctor about valerian. Chamomile is always good.

Whatever works for you, but if you put yourself on a routine, your body will begin to know that the routine means bedtime and sooner or later, it may fall in line.

Have you tried any homeopathics ? I see you tried melatonin and OTC.

This one I have seen at World Market
This one I have seen an many grocery stores

I would probably ask the doctor about combining these teas with meds if you go that route.


Mar 3, 2013
I don't have much a advice, but just wanted to say that I'm sorry that you have been dealing with this, Jambalaya. I have heard some interesting horror stories from people on Ambien, so I'd be careful and do your research first. I was given half a xanax once by a family member (I had severe food poisoning from shellfish) and within 1/2 hour, I could barely keep my eyes open I was so tired.


Mar 25, 2014
I don't use sleeping pills, but I have found this tea helpful: Bedtime Tea by Yogi.

I have tried other teas that promote sleep, but this has been the most helpful. There is another tea that I also found beneficial but I can't recall the name. I will list it if I think of it.

Hopefully you will get some restful sleep soon!


Oct 5, 2010
Benadryl. Safe, non habit forming, over the counter. It does leave you groggy, but you only need a night or two to reset your clock.

Ask your doc about it; my PCP recommended it when I wasn't sleeping well and said I could take it as long as I needed it. Safe for me to take right now when pregnant, too.


Jul 1, 2014
You're in a bad spot because you've inadvertantly reset your circadian rhythm for sleep/wake cycle.

You would use the following for 2-4 weeks to get it back on track:
Atarax or other antihistamines
Ativan (better than Xanax for sleep maintenance, it lasts about 6-7 hours)
Xanax (good for worriers or for people with sleep onset difficulities, lasts 4-6 hours)

Ambien is trouble; the above are much less addictive and problematic (Patrick Kennedy, etc etc) than Ambien.

Regarding you not having allergies, many many medications are used in different ways/for different issues than first named in their application to the FDA for approval, including most cancer drugs. No, you don't have allergies but why eliminate an antihistamine like Atarax which would carry very few side effects for a sleep medication like Ambien which is highly addictive, contraindicated in certain age groups, and might have you driving on the wrong side of the road in the middle of the night OR eating the contents of your fridge at 2 AM?

The logical process would be to start with the least complicated med, and if that doesn't work try the next med, etc. Save Ambien or benzos if the other options fail you.

Regarding addiction, if you are an alcoholic you cannot/should not take benzos. If you aren't an alcoholic, there is nothing addictive in doing a 2 to 4-week burst/taper of a benzo to get your circadian rhythm restored. If you have sleep issues like sleep walking/talking Ambien is contraindicated for you as well.


Mar 3, 2013
aviastar|1430248303|3869135 said:
Benadryl. Safe, non habit forming, over the counter. It does leave you groggy, but you only need a night or two to reset your clock.

Ask your doc about it; my PCP recommended it when I wasn't sleeping well and said I could take it as long as I needed it. Safe for me to take right now when pregnant, too.

Along the lines of Benadryl, I know that NyQuil always make me really tired too. I realize, though, that your situation may require more serious medications, but I just thought I'd throw that out there:)


Feb 5, 2014
I do not take sleeping pills period.

The girls that know me here know that I have been through some pretty awful trauma. That said sleeping pills, even the mildest ones only last four hours, make you feel out of it the next day and the worst part is that sometimes they do not work, you stay awake but you can act weird like you are walking in your sleep, it has happened to me once but several times to patients that have taken them regularly.

Magnesium, a good bran is highly recommended, it may work by itself or in combo with antihistamins, any antiallergens will really work as they make you groggy.

For me it is not enough and I do take Xanax. I have to say a word of precaution here, Xanax is highly addictive and one must be very careful as it is not easy to wean oneself off of it or just to take is occasionally is fine but not every night as then addiction may form.

Also, very importantly, only take Xanax SR, which is the extended release formula, much less habit forming and also it lasts much longer with more spread out effects. Problem with the regular Xanax is that yes it lasts only 4 hours on average and once it wears off you may have horrible withdrawal effects which may also wake you up with terrible anxiety swimming in sweat. I never take the regular formula since I have tried the time release and with the SR it is possible to take it occasionally and not getting used to it. It works great.

I have also tried many other homeopathic and natural remedies, none of which worked for me sadly.

It is awful when you have this, because I have had PTSD I could not sleep which made me sick with a terrible stomach virus so I was also completely knocked out by the end. For your immune system you can try echinacea it works awesome for me and also probiotics are a must for any type of infection.

Best of luck to you getting better!


Mar 5, 2013
I have pretty severe sleep issues and I've tried a lot of prescription and OTC meds for it. After a ton of experimenting (with the help of my dr), I realized that ambien works best for me - by far better than anything else. I'm only mentioning it bc I see so many negative comments about it - I just wanted to point out that it works very well for some people :). For me, it is really a lifesaver. I've used it off and (mostly) on for years now.

I personally HATE Benadryl for sleep purposes. It makes me feel really awful. My dr has told me that she thinks it's a bad drug for sleep bc the half life of the drug is so long - it really causes that hangover feeling.

One drug that doesn't cause dependence and is not a benzo or hypnotic is trazadone. It's been around for years and can be used off label for sleep. It technically works for me, but makes me dizzy and nauseous, so I can't use it.

Other than that I think everyone else has pretty much covered everything. Benzos are helpful but habit forming; antihistamines work fine for some but others hate them; it's kind of one of those things that you just have to experiment with to see what works best for YOU. Good luck, I totally sympathize and hope you find relief soon.


Nov 16, 2008
I also take Ambien (well, the generic version, Zolpidem) and have for about a year now. Previously I had been on Benadryl, Melatonin and Hydroxyzine at one point or another, but Zolpidem works best for me. I take 10mg a night and it knocks me out pretty quickly. I do notice that I wake up after about 5 hours, but I'm able to quickly fall back asleep again, so it's not a big deal. I asked my doc about the controlled release version to help get a full 8 hours, and he wrote me a Rx for it, but it's about $60 more than the regular kind so I never filled it. I don't feel any sort of "hangover" the next day from it either.

I know it's not for everyone, but it's really the only thing that works for me. My brain never shuts off and I'd be a walking talking zombie without it. LOL


Oct 2, 2014
Thank you so much everyone for the replies!

I had quite a discussion with my doc and I have Ambien, only a few pills. She said to start with half a pill. I love and trust my doc, and I am really desperate for a night's sleep, so I'm pretty excited about this. Perhaps my sore throat will finally go away once I sleep!

So apparently Ambien has a bad rep and can make you do things in your sleep. Well, if you get up in the morning and I've written a bunch of crazy stuff on here, or broken into my local jeweler where I was found covered head to toe in jewels, erm, don't blame me!

Thanks so much for all the advice! :wavey:

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Wishing you many ZZZZZZZ's!!


Aug 8, 2005
Yes. Lots of experience. All bad. Seriously.

Ambien caused me to get into a car accident because the side effects are: daytime drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, feeling "drugged" or light-headed; tired feeling, loss of coordination. Caused my mom and husband to have waking dreams where they did dangerous stuff they did not recall while fully awake. Seriously. My mom tore out her own IV's in the hospital while on Ambien. One time, husband randomly decided to take a shower at 2am and decided for some reason to bleach HIMSELF while he was in the shower. He did other stuff too, because we didn't know it was the ambien until a few 'episodes.'

Lunesta had caused hallucinations in my husband. That was fun.

My best luck has been with a trazadone (prescription) and melatonin combo. Trazadone is actually an antidepressant but it makes you really drowsy. I take 50mg at bedtime with 9mg (over the counter from Costco) of melatonin.

I have problems both falling asleep AND staying asleep, so I need both. If your problem is falling asleep just increasing the melatonin to 9-10mg may be enough for you. If you have no problem falling asleep but find you wake up frequently then trazadone my be a good solution.

Both these have WAY less side effects than sleeping pills do.

Whatever you take make sure you start it on a Friday night, and see how it affects you all day Saturday and Sunday before taking it and going to work or driving in the morning.


Aug 8, 2005
Ativan for sleep, short term, IF the reason you aren't sleeping is anxiety is good too. but that stuff is addictive as all get out, so you have to be SUPER careful about it.

The important things are: WHY aren't you sleeping? Anxiety, or some other reason? Is it FALLING asleep you are having problems with? Or STAYING asleep? Or both?

I know you said you trust your doctor but watch out with Ambien. That waking dream stuff is seriously dangerous. My husband once left the house on it too. I didn't know until later on about that. He apparently checked the mail at 3am. But what if he had wanted a donut??? He might have driven like that and killed someone or himself.


Mar 5, 2013
Jambalaya - make sure that you are in bed within minutes of taking the ambien. You probably want to get in bed before you take it. That way you aren't wandering around when it kicks in.


Feb 2, 2011
Yup. I have trouble falling and staying asleep too.

Melatonin, valerian didn't work. The doctor gave me a prescription for Zopiclone/zoplicone (forgot which it is). Wouldn't recommend it. Leaves me groggy and changed my behavior during the day - like public crying. CANNOT have that, especially with my job.

My sympathies to you all. Been there - again in about 4 hours actually.


Feb 18, 2010
Before turning to prescriptions you should exhaust your natural remedies. Try melatonin; you can get it a trader joe's.

Ambien did nothing for me, I could have slept after taking the whole jar and washed it down with a fifth of jack.
xanax and klonopin are benzos and very habit forming, and quickly one builds tolerance. Best only to use as last resort and never frequently.
trazodone is heavier than the benzos, but even that only puts me down for a few hours. I invariably find myself bolt awake from 3 am - 7am. Then I get one more miserable hour of sleep and get up.

With all these pills, nothing helps me sleep better than a day of hard labor.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lil Misfit|1430263850|3869295 said:
I also take Ambien (well, the generic version, Zolpidem) and have for about a year now. Previously I had been on Benadryl, Melatonin and Hydroxyzine at one point or another, but Zolpidem works best for me. I take 10mg a night and it knocks me out pretty quickly. I do notice that I wake up after about 5 hours, but I'm able to quickly fall back asleep again, so it's not a big deal. I asked my doc about the controlled release version to help get a full 8 hours, and he wrote me a Rx for it, but it's about $60 more than the regular kind so I never filled it. I don't feel any sort of "hangover" the next day from it either.

I know it's not for everyone, but it's really the only thing that works for me. My brain never shuts off and I'd be a walking talking zombie without it. LOL

I have a similar brain! I can never turn it off. I struggled with sleep issues for years. I finally brought it up to my PCP and she said any side effects from the meds were better than the side effects of no sleep. I am also on Zolpidem. I take 5 mg on work nights and 2.5 mg (which is an insanely low dose) on weekends. I am actually an addictions therapist so really hesitated before starting a sleep aide. I, personally, do not have addiction issues but didn't like the idea of needing a crutch. Lack of sleep won out and I don't regret starting Zolpidem at all. No "hang-overs." No middle of the night eating/driving. No side effects. I take it when my head hits the pillow. Weigh the pros and cons. Only you know what is right for you. Best of luck. Sleep issues are so frustrating!


Aug 8, 2005
Vapid, 50mg of trazadone is less "heavy" according to my doctor than ativan (lorazepam) or xanax. And not habit forming for most, including me. I've been taking it for years on and off and can easily go without. It is actually what my (new) doctor perscribed after my old (terrible) doctor had me of lorazepam for a year. It took me three months to "step down" to eliminate lorazepam. My husband has trouble sleeping due to anxiety and my doctor doesn't believe in prescribing it for longer than 4 weeks, every six months. If you need it for more than 4 weeks, he comes up with another solution. He's seen a lot of people hooked on that stuff and hooked bad.

I can go without my trazadone at any time even after several years of use. I actually only use it about 3 times a month right now (less than once a week). And I can go up to 150 for a really bad night. Or none at all without any dependence.

The melatonin is actually more habit forming for me. I can't go a night without it and fall asleep.


Oct 5, 2006
Another one with insomnia here, due to my Hashimoto's. I will be watching this thread very closely.

I've tried Ambien before, on and off. I don't really find it addictive, habit-forming in that I'd be dependent on it and couldn't sleep without it. I find that you can come off Ambien (just go cold turkey). BUT, because of my Hashimoto's, I tend to not be able to fall asleep easily. So, these days, I tend to get myself really really tired (from exercising etc) and/ or I take a melatonin 3mg (which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) or an antihistamines (XYZal or Zyrtec, which tends not to make me too groggy the next day, and which I only take a half or a 1/4 of). Or if I don't have anything planned the next day, I just opt to not take anything and make do with a few hours of sleep.

Back to Ambien, that stuff is DANGEROUS!! I used to be able to take half of a 6mg tablet (again, from time to time, not all the time) without any serious side effects, none whatsoever, or so it seemed!! :rolleyes: Then, one day, I'd taken it, woke up to find a ton of hair (like dozens of strands) in my sink and I had/ still have absolutely no idea how it got there!!!! :o :o

So, I reckon I must have been sleep-walking and tore my hair out in the sink somehow. Luckily, DH was away on business, so I only did this stuff to myself!!



Mar 2, 2005
Tacori E-ring|1430278507|3869456 said:
Lil Misfit|1430263850|3869295 said:
I also take Ambien (well, the generic version, Zolpidem) and have for about a year now. Previously I had been on Benadryl, Melatonin and Hydroxyzine at one point or another, but Zolpidem works best for me. I take 10mg a night and it knocks me out pretty quickly. I do notice that I wake up after about 5 hours, but I'm able to quickly fall back asleep again, so it's not a big deal. I asked my doc about the controlled release version to help get a full 8 hours, and he wrote me a Rx for it, but it's about $60 more than the regular kind so I never filled it. I don't feel any sort of "hangover" the next day from it either.

I know it's not for everyone, but it's really the only thing that works for me. My brain never shuts off and I'd be a walking talking zombie without it. LOL

I have a similar brain! I can never turn it off. I struggled with sleep issues for years. I finally brought it up to my PCP and she said any side effects from the meds were better than the side effects of no sleep. I am also on Zolpidem. I take 5 mg on work nights and 2.5 mg (which is an insanely low dose) on weekends. I am actually an addictions therapist so really hesitated before starting a sleep aide. I, personally, do not have addiction issues but didn't like the idea of needing a crutch. Lack of sleep won out and I don't regret starting Zolpidem at all. No "hang-overs." No middle of the night eating/driving. No side effects. I take it when my head hits the pillow. Weigh the pros and cons. Only you know what is right for you. Best of luck. Sleep issues are so frustrating!

My brain is also the same. My consciousness refuses to turn off. Ambien has been a miracle for me. I've been on it for years - 10 mg. I'm sure I have tolerance but it still works great for me. No crazy side effects either. If you try it, take it while lying in bed and you will be asleep within 10 minutes.


Oct 2, 2014
Thanks again, everyone! So, after my bout of illness, I find that nothing works. No sleep before 4.30am for me, and usually after 6.30. So I sleep from morning till lunch, feel crap, have my morning shower and cereal at lunchtime, etc. Being so run-down from three bugs and still having a sore throat, I was reluctant to do the stay-up-all-night-and-all-day thing. Anyway, living so upside down is very depressing and driving me nuts, and I couldn't get anything done or really live my life properly.

I have taken melatonin a lot in the past two weeks with no result. One evening I took four pills totaling 20 mg. No result. For me, once my body is in a pattern, I find it very hard to break it.

Last night at 10pm I started with half an Ambien as instructed, and waited an hour and a half. Nothing. I could have taught a math class.

So then I took the other half and that did work, but by that time it was almost midnight. It's worked in that I have been able to get up at 6.45 and sit in the morning sun, which I'm hoping will also help re-set me. The doc said to take the Ambien and get up early.

Tonight I'm going to take a full one just before ten, and not bother doing the half first, in order to get to sleep earlier.

If a few of these pills enable me to re-set myself to a proper time then they will have been a miracle-worker for me. Although I didn't get to sleep as early as I needed to, already I am up early without feeling so tired that I feel nauseated and headachey, which I would be feeling like otherwise.

I think I need Ambien to break the back of this stubborn pattern. No side-effects this morning. I think I'll be able to better tell tomorrow after getting an early night.

I'm grateful for all the advice here.
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